Post-Christmas Detox Pancakes

Good morning loves and happy Pancake Sunday!

Since I started my “detoxing” after the holidays, I found myself in a bit of a pickle…ugh, that does NOT even sound good right now! Umm, errr…I had a bit of a DILEMMA this week.

And that dilemma (not to be confused with a pickle) was that I had absolutely…


I know, I know…a foodie who doesn’t want food…sad day!

All week long, I’ve basically been forcing myself to drink protein shakes and steering clear of any and ALL sugary sweets so when it came time to think up a new recipe for this week’s Pancake Sunday, I was at a complete and stomach turning loss.

Maple syrup…eww!

Chocolate…double eww!

Honesty, all I wanted was a green smoothie.

And then it hit me…

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Green smoothie PANCAKES!

Now you can have your cake smoothie and eat it too! 😉

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And what would a smoothie be without a bunch of fun, colorful, and accidentally festive toppings?

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Hey, peppermint pudding isn’t the only #strangebutgood thing around here! 😀

Post-Christmas Detox Pancakes

By: Heather @ Kiss My Broccoli

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 10-12 minutes

Keywords: blender fry breakfast high fiber high protein no sugar added oats egg whites spinach bananas Pancake Sunday Christmas

Ingredients (Serves 1)

  • 1/3 cup rolled oats
  • 2 tablespoons ground flax
  • 1/2 teaspoon sodium-free baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 2 cups, packed raw spinach
  • 3 large egg whites
  • 1/2 medium ripe banana
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract


1. Heat a non-stick skillet or griddle over medium heat and coat with cooking spray.
2. In a small blender or food processor, blend oats into flour.
3. Empty oat flour into a medium-sized bowl, add other dry ingredients and stir to mix.
4. Combine spinach, egg whites, banana, and vanilla in the blender or food processor and blend until smooth.
5. Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients and stir until flour is incorporated.
6. Spoon batter into skillet forming 4 medium pancakes.
7. Cook 4-6 minutes per side or until the edges start to brown (batter will not bubble).
8. Transfer to a plate and top with yogurt, fresh fruit, and/or nuts.

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Nutrition facts for pancakes only:

Post-Christmas Detox Pancakes

Good fats, healthy sugars, and an all-natural punch of protein!

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And I promise you can’t taste the spinach…as long as you add the banana!

If the color skeeves you out a bit OR if you’re trying to pull one over on someone (not that we would EVER do such things around here), just add a tablespoon or two of cocoa and no one will ever know! 😉

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And of course don’t forget the toppings!

I chose Greek yogurt that I thinned with a little water, fresh red currants (new find at the grocery store this week), chopped pistachios, and a few bee pollen granules.

I couldn’t believe how perfectly sweet and almost buttery tasting these turned out and the warm cakes paired with the cool yogurt and the fresh “pop” of tart berries?

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Seriously hit the spot!*

*the spot I didn’t even know I had after not having an appetite all week that is!

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Just trust me…your body needs DESERVES these pancakes! 😀

What do ya say? Are you convinced?

Have you ever had red currants?
This was my first time trying them…tart kind of like cranberries and SO juicy!
Love ’em!

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41 Responses to Post-Christmas Detox Pancakes

  1. Girl, you come up with these amazing pancake recipes I can’t even… Where do I start?!

    Hahaha! And I’ve never seen red currants before – they look like cranberries!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Aww, thank you Shreya! This was actually my first time trying red currants and they actually taste a lot like cranberries…only juicier!

  2. A foodie who doesn’t want food.. hate when that happens to me!!! It’s very, very rare though. I’d take these green pancakes any day ;D

  3. Haha! I am SO glad you did this. I want to make this and top them with my green slime. Green on green!

  4. Lucie says:

    I totally love the name of those : post christmas detox pancakes. How couldn’t it feel good to eat them? Soooo good, I need to try them. Especially since I definitely have to make some detox happening here…I am drinking on as if there was christmas every day, whooops!! 🙂

  5. They look amazing and so healthy. What a great idea. You’re so creative, Heather.

  6. Kendra Lee says:

    WOW, that is complete and total genius! I read quite a few foodie blogs and have never seen anything like it. I’m going to make this tomorrow morning and see if the taste matches the ingenuity. Seriously fabulous idea, mad props!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Aww, thank you so much Kendra! I thought they turned out REALLY well…I actually made them THREE times last week! What did you think of them? I’d love to hear your opinion! 🙂

      • Kendra Lee says:

        They were really excellent! I loved it paired with greek yogurt that I added a little honey to. I will definitely be making them again, thanks so much 🙂

        • kissmybroccoli says:

          Aww, yay! I’m SO glad to hear that! And a little honey sounds perfect! I’ll have to try that next time I make them. 🙂

  7. My brother-in-law grows currants in his yard, and he brought me some the last time he was in town. They are good and absolutely reminiscent of cranberries.
    I’m also with you on the no appetite thing, and I don’t really want to cook either. It’s a bad place for a food blogger to be. Eek.

  8. Kendra says:

    Those pancakes look amazing!! I will have to try them for breakfast sometime soon…I love that they have spinach in them, that they are gluten-free, AND that they can be made vegan:) I have never tasted red currents before, but they sound delicious!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Oh my gosh, the currants are SO good! Like tiny little cranberries filled with juice! I hope you try the pancakes soon, they’re definitely a new favorite of mine! 🙂

  9. Those look AMAZING. You’re the queen of pancakes!

  10. My boyfriend would totally be skeeved out by these but I am intrigued! So creative! Definitely making this weekend…and throwing some cocoa powder in his 🙂 Thanks!

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  13. I don’t think I’ve ever had a fresh currant! I do love dried ones…but I wonder if they are made from red currants. Probably not, since they are purply black like raisins…but then again, raisins are made from red grapes…so…maybe?

    But I digress.

    I HATE not having an appetite. Seriously. Of course, this happens more than I like to admit because of a little weakness I have for open peanut butter jars and nut butter overdoses…

  14. Chobani says:

    These look INCREDIBLE, Heather! The colors just pop, and they sound like they’d totally hit the spot for breakfast. Can’t wait to try these. 🙂


    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Thank you so much Amy! I have to say the flavor of these was fantastic…and SO good-for-you! Hope you enjoy them just as much as I did! 😀

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  19. Errrrmyygerrrrdd I need these in my life STAT. One time I tried to make green smoothie pancakes and they were way too smoothie-ish and not pancakey-ish. Next time I’ll just go with these bad boys 🙂

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  23. Mary Beth says:

    Pancakes sound awesome I can’t wait to try them!!

  24. organic box says:

    MMMMMM! Oats in pancakes sounds amazing! Love that they are organic!

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