What’s Up {Peanut} Butter Cup?

Hello my loves!

So, remember that drool-tastic foodporn shot I teased you with the other day?

Oh, well, in case you’ve forgotten…

Peanut Butter Cup TeaseJust TRY to tell me you don’t want to dive headfirst fork-first …no, I had it right the first time…HEADFIRST into that!

Now just keep that in mind while I explain the details…because ya know, it’s Friday, and around here, Fridays tend to get a little straaaaaaaaaaaaaange!

Strange But Good S2TT

But ALWAYS in a GOOD way…you just gotta trust us! Hmm, that’s funny, I just got an image of the snake from the Jungle Book in my head! 😉

♫ Trust in meeeeeee! ♫

So…any guesses as to what’s in the #strangebutgood dish that I concocted this week? Here, allow me to introduce you to the players:

Peanut flour (or butter)
Greek yogurt

But I promise you’d never even GUESS that last one’s in there!

Peanut Butter Cup Omelette  - 6

Because I swear to you this OMELETTE tastes just like CAKE!

Now I know there are plenty of you out there who just can’t seem to wrap your heads around the concept of sweet eggs, but you really just have to

♫ Trust in meeeeeee! ♫

Peanut Butter Cup Omelette  - 1

Don’t think of it as an omelette…

Peanut Butter Cup Omelette  - 5

But more as a really…thick…chocolate-y cake CREPE!

Peanut Butter Cup Omelette  - 4

OOZING with peanut buttery goodness!

Peanut Butter Cup Omelette

by Heather @ Kiss My Broccoli

Prep Time: 3 minutes

Cook Time: 5-6 minutes

Keywords: fry breakfast high protein eggs peanut flour peanut butter cocoa powder

Ingredients (Serves 1)

  • 1 large egg OR 2 large egg whites
  • 1 cup packed, fresh spinach (optional)
  • 2 Tbsp unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder (I like Hershey’s Special Dark)
  • 10 drops vanilla stevia
  • 1/3 cup fat-free vanilla Greek yogurt (I like Chobani)
  • 2 Tbsp peanut flour OR 1 Tbsp creamy peanut butter
  • banana, creamy peanut butter, and cacao nibs for topping


1. Heat a non-stick skillet over medium-high heat and coat liberally with cooking spray.
2. In a small blender or food processor, combine egg, spinach, milk, cocoa, and sweetener and blend until smooth.
3. Pour mixture into skillet and roll pan around so that the mixture climbs about 1 inch up the sides of the pan.
4. Reduce temperature to medium, cover and, cook until set (5-6 minutes).
5. Meanwhile, whisk together yogurt and peanut flour (or peanut butter) in a small bowl.
6. Remove from heat, transfer to a plate, spread with peanut butter yogurt and fold over.
7. Top with sliced banana, a drizzle of creamy peanut butter and cacao nibs.

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Nutrition facts using one WHOLE egg and peanut flour:

Screen shot 2013-01-29 at 2.47.52 AM

Hmm, dessert for breakfast with over TWENTY grams of protein? I’ll take it!

Now if I’ve managed to tempt your curiosity slash made you drool enough so that you’ll actually try this, but you’re like, “Whoa Heather! Really? Spinach?”…just

♫ Trust in meeeeeee! ♫

Because once I lifted the lid to that skillet, the sweet Pavlovian smell of freshly baked chocolate cake had me even forgetting it was in there in the first place!

Peanut Butter Cup Omelette  - 3

I mean seriously, I was drooling all over myself as I (painstakingly) assembled and took 3985 pictures of this thing!

And just when I knew I had the perfect shots I couldn’t take it anymore, the camera disappeared, the fork appeared, annnnnnnnd?

Peanut Butter Cup Omelette  - 7

Well, um, yeah…ya know 😉

Peanut Butter Cup Omelette - TITLE

PUH-LEEEEEEEASE tell me you’ll make this!

Have you ever tried sweet eggs/omelettes before? If not, are you convinced now?

And since I seriously CANNOT get that song out of my head, what’s your favorite Disney movie?
Beauty and the Beast will always be my favorite since I grew up a total bookworm!

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51 Responses to What’s Up {Peanut} Butter Cup?

  1. Ruta says:

    Oh my god, I NEED. I just purchased some peanut flour and now I think I know just how to use it. With nutrition stats like that, how can I say no?

  2. This looks amazing! It reminds me a bit of a sweet egg crepe I made the other day; apart from it was vanilla, stuffed with almond butter mixed with greek yoghurt + shredded coconut and then drizzled with chocolate sauce.
    Sweet eggs are definitely good! Can’t wait to try your recipe :D.
    I love Snow White – Hi Hooooooo!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Oh wow, that sounds great! Now you’ve got me wanting to make a coconut stuffed one…mmm, a MOUNDS OMELETTE! 😀

  3. Oh my Gosh. I have a similar chocolate-scramble on my blog, so I am totall in for sweet eggs! And spinach?? Added veggies are always a winner!! This will be my Sunday breakfast, ha. And later in the day on Sunday you will present my last meal, right??? 🙂
    I love Kaa. She is hilarious (or is it a he)? Lion King is my fave. I saw it about 3985 times.

  4. Sounds really weird. I like it. You’re welcome to make it all pretty and give me a sample–I don’t cook as pretty as you do. But I’d be delighted to taste sweet cocoa eggs with spinach. Even sounds so weird . . .

    Thanks, Heather!

  5. oh my god. it just keeps getting BETTER!!

  6. I’ve tried sweet omelettes a handful of times, but I always go back to savoury.
    I NEVER would have guessed that that was an omelette…or that it had spinach in it. Definitely sneaky!

  7. Eric says:


  8. Sami says:

    i don’t think you’ve posted a recipe that i haven’t pinned <3

    speaking of beauty and the beast, my husband got us tix to the baltimore show in maryland this weekend for christmas this year! i am beyond excited!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Aww! Well that just made my day! Thank you, Sami!

      And that is AWESOME about the show…though it would KILL me to know that far in advance! The wait must be torture! Haha!

  9. so i aim for my snacks to be about 200 calories and packed with protein and i ALWAYS want sweet stuff. this is perfect for a saturday/sunday treat!

  10. OMG OMG!!! I love sweet omelettes!! Apple pie is my favourite, but now I have to try this one!!

  11. It was nice to meet you last night! When you mentioned eggs with chocolate and spinach I was so confused, but this looks incredible. You must be on to something!

  12. Shut the front door! My mouth is watering now! And look at those nutrition stats!

    I’m all for hiding veggies in your food. Throwing spinach into something doesn’t seem all that strange anymore in the blog world, although I only finally got on the spinach smoothie train recently.

    So does this have the same texture as like a regular egg omelet? It looks like a cake. I’m thinking maybe I would add some oat flour to make it a little more carb-y. 😉

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      The texture was a bit fluffier than a regular omelette, but I’m thinking it’s really more from blending the eggs rather than the addition of the spinach (air bubbles)…definitely cake-like! And if you were to add flour to it, I’m sure it would be even fluffier AND cakey-er?! 😉

      Welcome to the wonderful world of green monsters! I remember how nervous I was the first time I added spinach to a smoothie…now I rarely have one without it! Lol

  13. Calee says:

    I knew it was a matter of time before somebody did this. I couldn’t decide if it was going to be you or Laura. 🙂

  14. I heart sweet egg whites.. So this looks heavenly! I am in need of some Greek yogurt, but once I get it.. It’s on! 🙂

  15. Wow that is interesting. I have never had sweet eggs and I’m not sure how I would like it but your photos are making me really curious to try. Gorgeous photography, my love!

  16. Holy mother of sweet baby Jesus. I’ve almost added cocoa powder to my PB & Jeggs so many times, but I got skerred. Now I will bodly make this strange but good deliciousness. Bam. Winner.

  17. Lisa says:

    Oh my. Drooling over here, these look fantastic! But make me sad that I have an egg allergy. Darn, how come eggs go into the tastiest looking things;)

  18. Whoa. That looks and Sounds delicious. Eyes are wide and dreaming of making it now. will do. oh yes. yes i will.

  19. I also love the iron percentage!! I truly need that.

  20. wow that sounds absolutely delicious!!!!! Ahhh, I love sneaking veggies in places 🙂

  21. making this, STAT. What do you use for image of nutrition stats?

  22. I love sweet eggs! I think it’s because, well, I love sweet anything. But I love the idea of sneaking some spinach in there. It’s kind of like the green monster idea revisited in an omelette. Yum.

  23. HOLY CRAZY!!!! You & Laura!! 😉 Amazing what you all come up with! 🙂

  24. yuli says:

    mouth dropper!!! need to try this asap!!

  25. I’m speechless. This was not what I thought it would be. Not even close. I’ve never had sweet eggs and the thought scares the bejesus out of me. Although if anybody could sell it, it would be you. Hands down. I hope Laura gives out awards because you win. I don’t even need to see the other entries. You are on fire!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Haha! I love that I can still surprise you! And I’ve already talked to Laura about my winning and how there BETTER be BBQ and peanut butter involved! 😉

  26. Pingback: Marvelous in my Monday!! « Fit Swiss Chick

  27. Carrie says:

    Sweet eggs sound strange until you remember that that’s exactly what custards and flans are, and they’re the best! I’d be curious to try this. I’ve also heard of people making “two-ingredient pancakes” with only banana and egg, which is basically a sweet omelet. I imagine a vanilla-flavoured omelet stuffed with fresh strawberries would be great, especially if you added the strawberries early enough to let them cook a bit and get all soft and juicy.

    How did the pureed spinach affect the flavour and texture of the eggs? I know you can’t taste spinach when it’s raw in smoothies, but I imagine that changes a bit with cooking.

    The spinach-pureed-into-eggs idea has me thinking about making spinach-egg drop soup or something. Hmmm…so many interesting things going on in this post!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      EXACTLY! I always try to get people to just stop and think about how eggs are used in other dishes before they completely write off the idea of sweet eggs! I’ve made the “two-ingredient pancakes” before…they were good but REALLY sweet (if you think about it, you’re really just caramelizing the bananas with the eggs)…definitely something better suited for a yogurt topping verses maple syrup in my opinion.

      I swear, you cannot taste the spinach in this AT ALL! And since it was well blended, I didn’t really notice a change in the texture either…all I could think as I was eating it was CHOCOLATE CAKE! 😀

  28. Caileigh says:

    This looks veryyyy interesting and yummy! Do you think (since I can not absolutely stand the taste, smell, texture, etc. of peanuts. Yes, I despise them.) that this would work with WW flour? Hoping to try this soon! 🙂

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Actually, I only used the peanut flour with the Greek yogurt for the INSIDE of the omelette. The omelette itself is only made with egg, spinach, and cocoa powder…no flour so you would be good to go! As far as “stuffing” you could use pumpkin puree (with a little sweetener) or your favorite berries instead OR if you want to keep the protein content up, try mixing a little protein powder in with the yogurt instead!

  29. Oh man…oh man….I want! I want!

    If only I ate eggs.

    [And yes, I realize that it sounded a bit like I was having a REALLY good time in bed just then. But you know, these are the things that food porn does to me.]

  30. Dear Lord this sounds so insanely crazy yet so, so, so, so, so weirdly good. I’m sitting here as I type this wondering if I have all of the ingredients I need to make it!

  31. I’ve tried sweet eggs before and was a fan and love PB and chocolate cake, separate or together, so I don’t need much convincing 😀 Major yum!

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  33. Pingback: Strange but Good | My Healthful Pursuits

  34. Pingback: Strange But Good: Pinterest Edition | Sprint 2 the Table

  35. Sarah Pie says:

    Somehow I found this link through pinterest… at first I thought it had to be some kind of sick joke but now I’m actually starting to think you may be a genius… and I kind of want to make this for brinner tonight.

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