Hello hello and Happy Monday!
I had so much fun reading over all the comments from yesterday! You guys have some incredibly tasty ideas for brownie sundaes!
The brownie love continued into this morning with my lovely bowl of KERF inspired oats! Wanna see? Sure you do!
KERF Oats ala Coconut Brownie:
- 1/4 cup oats
- 1/4 cup oatbran
- 1/2 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
- 1/2 cup water
- 1 tablespoon chia seeds
- 1/4 teaspoon vanilla
- 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
- 2 tablespoons dried cranberries
- 1/4 cup cottage cheese (stirred in at the end)
Bottomed and topped (you liked that didn’t you?) with one tofu brownie and a sprinkle of unsweetened shredded coconut!
I didn’t have to DRAG myself into work today like I normally do on Mondays. I had a great lower body workout first thing in the morning that energized me all day long! I don’t usually care for early morning workouts since I feel like I’m still asleep halfway through, but for the first time in a long time I got a really good night’s sleep and had no trouble getting up when the alarm went off at 5:30! Plus, I knew that a brownie oatmeal bowl was in my near future! 😉
Even after trying to think of what to make for dinner practically all day long, when I got home from work, I still didn’t know what I wanted to fix. I opened up the fridge and noticed I had a can of white beans left over from making Erika’s White Chicken Chili (I’m a dork and opened two cans when I only needed one for the half recipe I was making! Oops!). Then, I had an old pal told me exactly what to eat for dinner. You may know him…goes my the name of Google! That’s it…no last name…kinda like Madonna! He’s cool like that!
Well, obviously Google knows me a bit more than I thought (stalker-ish maybe?) and directed me to one of my favorite blogs for delicious and easy recipes, 101 Cookbooks! After oogling at the food porn for a couple of minutes and realizing that I was MUCH too hungry to wait a half an hour for dinner, I came up with a little sumthin’ sumthin’ on my own!
Smoky Chipotle Beans & Rice: (serves 2)
Inspired by Heidi’s Giant Chipotle White Beans Recipe
- 1/2 tablespoon olive oil
- 1 clove garlic, minced
- 1/4 cup diced onion
- 1 cup cooked white beans (I used canned)
- 1/2 cup diced tomatoes (I used canned)
- 1 teaspoon adobo sauce from a can of chipotle peppers
- 1/2 cup Mama Pea’s Smoky Chipotle Zucchini Hummus (Hey, why not, the stuff is awesome!)
- 1/4 teaspoon Italian seasoning
- 1/4 teaspoon smoked paprika
- 1 cup cooked rice (I used TJ’s Fully Cooked Brown Rice)
- Sautéed greens with a dash of red pepper flakes (I’m out so I winged it and threw some bok choy in there!)
1. Sautee garlic and onion in oil over medium-high heat until browned.
2. Add beans, tomatoes, adobo, hummus, and spices. Turn heat down to a simmer and allow to flavors to meld (about 4-5 minutes).
Heidi’s Cilantro Pesto:
- 1 medium clove of garlic
- 1/3 cup fresh cilantro
- 1/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil
- pinch of salt
Please insert Tim Allen’s man grunt here!
Since it’s officially the end of the first month of the year, I thought I’d share with you guys how I’ve been doing on my New Year’s Intentions.
1. Drink at least 64 ounces of water every day
I’m doing really well with this one, especially since my love for hot teas has developed into a near obsession! There has only been a couple of days where I’ve slacked on the “waterfront”.
2. Eat at least one serving of fish high in omega 3’s once a week
I’ve done this one EVERY week, and 2 servings in a week the last two weeks!
3. Get 7-8 hours of sleep each night
Um, yeah…I’m working on it. Most nights it’s still around 6 1/2 🙁
4. Try out one recipe a month that challenges my knowledge in the kitchen
Bread, Bread, BREAD! Though it wasn’t really as “challenging” as I thought, but I did get over my fear of yeast!
5. Read one book a month
Well, I STARTED one, but then I got bored with it. Looking for a new one!
6. Do 30-60 minutes of physical activity every day
In the last four weeks, I’ve maybe had 2 days of inactivity and I feel great! Thank you Team HEAB! I honestly could not have kept up the motivation had it not been for the accountability aspect of being a part of a team!
7. And last but definitely not least, reconnect with family and friends, more phone calls and more visits this year!
Definitely making progress with this one. I am proud to say that a whole week has not gone by without me talking to my mama! Hi mom! Love you!
For those of you that have New Year’s Resolutions/Goals/Intentions…how have you been doing?

Great goals!!! I love them!! I am going to work on reading more books. I haven’t finished one for a while, but I’m going to soon! 🙂
I am doing really well on my intentions for the year too, particularly as they pertain to more fish, more yoga, and less dairy! 🙂
Alright! Good for you! I really want to try more yoga!
Wow! Your doing fabulous!
I CAN’T believe you only get 6.5 hours of sleep each night! Thats terrible!
You can pretty much call that an all-nighter for me! 😉
Haha. But I have been getting that as well lately, I am in highschool. They pile too too much on us for sleep! Lol
Carlee!! How have you been doing with school? Are you finding a good balance? I’ve missed “seeing” you around!
I’ve been doing okay with mine i think, mine was mostly to get out and be my spontaneous, fun-loving self more (I fell into a lot of depression and apathy last quarter). It’s still a struggle some days,b ut I do feel liek I’m making an effort to smile at people and that always makes me happy 🙂
I am once again coveting your food… mmmm…
Good! I’ve been through a lot of emotional stuff in the last year or so and am just now finding balance and learning how to be happy. You know what they say…it takes more muscles to frown than to smile! 😉
youre doing awesome! Love the Tim allen grunt too!
Haha! There just wasn’t any words to describe the awesomeness!
I wanted to work on reading more too. I got some good ones from the library but haven’t worked my through one yet. It’s good, American Wife, but work keeps me so busy!
I hear ya! Most days when I get home from work, all I want to do is veg!
you did so well!! i love your bean and rice dish.. it is exactly what im craving!!
Go Heather! Keep rocking those goals! =) + The beans and rice look sooo good girl!
Coconut brownie – YUMmmmyyy 🙂
I love your blog – it is so cute! I can’t wait to keep reading… I just started blogging about 2 months ago – it is extremely addicting 🙂 Take a look at it if you get a chance: http://www.oatsandspice.wordpress.com
Okay, seriously… EVERYTHING you eat looks amazing! You should be a personal meal planner 🙂
Now THAT would be cool! And I could make my own schedule!
The brownie oats look so delicious! What recipe did you use for the tofu brownie?
I got it from Carrie’s blog and made a few changes. She got it from this link: http://www.bigoven.com/recipe/83694/Fast-Lane-Low-Fat-Tofu-Brownie
Hi Heather…love you too!
Wow those meals looks amazing! I could have a bowl of your oats for every meal. I actually made some brownie oats today too haha Great minds think alike 😉 Will post up pics later
I’ve got to amp up my oatmeal consumption!
Glad the goals are going well! Love your breakfast, never thought to add a brownie to porridge!
Oh yes, you must try it!!
i LOVE your placemate & oatmeal bowl! where are they from?
Thank you! I got them at a place called Essex. The best way to describe it is a cross between a Goodwill and a TJ Maxx/Marshall’s. You have to dig through some not so good/broken stuff, but the good items are super cheap! I got the bowl for $1 and the place mat was 50 cents!
My goal was to do more yoga, which I have been doing.
What book did you give up on?
The Five People You Meet In Heaven. I’ve heard it’s a really good book, but it was just moving too slow for me. I couldn’t really get into it. 🙁
Well, that’s easy enough. Now, if I just had some white beans and Mama Pea’s hummus, I’d be man grunting all over the place. 😉
Thanks for the recipe Heather. Pinning it right now.
Your welcome! Ohhhh, I’m a pin! Yay! 😉