Hey there my favorite whippersnappers! Guess what! It’s finally Fridaaaaaaay!!
Am I the only one that feels like this week has drug on forever? Or maybe just last night when it took me FIVE hours to figure out how to upload a video that only a few of you could even see! Ugh, sorry guys! Good news is, I think I fixed the embed code and it should play properly now! So go check out my accent vlog if you haven’t already! I can’t believe the extent of my technology handicap…it’s almost like I was born in another generation…a MUCH older one!
I could plead a strong case for an early membership to the AARP. I think I’m going to start a petition with the following as my proof:
- I can never sleep past 7:30am
- I rarely go anywhere without packing a sweater (even in the summer)
- I think kids are too loud
- I get extremely irritated when the neighborhood kids use my backyard as a pass-thru
- My motto with computers is: “Click every button until something works!”
- And hey, I already have a cat!
So now I’ll I have to do is dye my hair silver, sign up for my first bingo tourney, and learn how to finish a crossword puzzle and then BAM…it’s time for discounts at Kroger and Cracker Barrel! 😉
Young and hip or old and senile, breakfast is a must for all! This morning’s bowl was inspired by Liz over at I <3 Vegetables. When I saw her tweet (hey, that makes me hip, right?) yesterday about a quinoa with walnuts and cranberries, it got my wheels turning. I cooked up some quinoa last night before going to bed and then this morning morphed it into a hot breakfast cereal!
Nantucket Breakfast Quinoa:
- 1/2 cup cooked quinoa
- 1/2 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- 1/2 tsp vanilla
- sweetener to taste (I drizzled a bit of agave in mine)
Combine all ingredients and cook on the stove top over medium heat until quinoa gets more of a creamy soft texture. Top with your favorite granola or trail mix. Lately, I’ve been a bit obsessed with this one:
I love the clean taste of this blend and can I get a “heck yeah” for a trail mix with shelled ‘stachios?
Today was a typical Friday at the good ol’ hospi! Run, run, run and run some more! After minimal sleep last night, I was ready to pass out when I left at 3pm. When I got home, I did something I never do (which I guess catapults me into senior citizen status even more)…I took a nap…and it was glorious!
I have never been much of a nap-taker. I always seem to feel worse after I wake up and would prefer to just go to bed earlier instead, but today I knew I wouldn’t make it without a little shut eye. I was OUT for 2 straight hours and when I woke up my first thought was, “Yay, I don’t feel like doo-doo anymore!” followed by, “Man, I’m starvin’!”
Not quite sure how I can instantly go from thinking poo one minute and food the next, but that’s besides the point!
Now, I could’ve just had taco salad leftovers from Wednesday, but for some reason I had a massive craving for chili (might’ve had something to do with the fact that it was raining Persians and Poodles outside earlier). So, my taco salad bowl pulled a little Clark Kent in a telephone booth move and I had one of the most amazing bowls of chili I’ve ever made…and it only took 15 minutes!
Spicy Chipotle Chili: (serves 3-4)
- Leftover Tempeh Taco Salad “meat” (1/2 recipe)
- 1 15oz. can of beans (I used a tri-bean blend)
- 1 8oz. can of tomato sauce, no salt added
- 1 chipotle pepper, chopped
- 1/2 teaspoon Adobo sauce from canned chipotle peppers
- 1 teaspoon cumin
- 1/2 teaspoon chili powder
- sprinkle of my favorite spice blend ever
Combine all ingredients on stove top and cook over medium heat until heated through. Garnish with desired toppings (I used Daiya cheddar, avocado, and cilantro).
Mmm soooooo good…and I didn’t even have to take my teeth out! 😉
How about you? Do you act your age or would you like to borrow a pen to sign my petition?

I totally made a breakfast like that yesterday! 🙂
I am totally an elderly lady too. I fit all your specifications except owning a cat- and I would like to add that I consider 10pm a late night 🙂
You mean normal people our age don’t? I consider staying up until midnight a small feat in and of itself!
“I didn’t even have to take my teeth out!” cracking me UP!
I love Bingo, so I’ll join your old ladies club anyday!
Omg that chili looks incredible! I think I have my days where sometimes I’ll act really young and wanna be in bed by 11 and other days I’ll be like a 10 year old complaining haha 😀
Yeah for naps!!!! I actually stopped taking naps when I was 2 years old, but recently, naps are SO nice! Especially if I’ve had a long day. 🙂
At times I think I’m still about 22 and other times I think I’m 60. Some of my actions and thought processes can be really immature, but then other times I think I’m acting too responsibly. Does that make any sense?
I need some breakfast quinoa…yours looks great. Pistachios = gold in our house.
Makes total sense! I can have moments where I wanna be spontaneous and young and free and then I have night’s where all I want to do is curl up on the couch in my sweats with a cup of tea and watch Jeopardy!
boo. its midnight and now I want food. hardcore.
don’t break your hip grandma! kidding! I think we’re the same age =) you’re too funny! <3
It’s funny, with as accident prone as I am, I jokingly say that I will be the first one out of my group of friends to get a prosthetic hip! Haha!
Haha I wrote once about how my maturity ranges from 4 to 90 depending…
I love disney movies, but I like to go to sleep early and bake cookies so I’m kind of 90 years old at the same time. and some days i’m a normal 20 year old… but… that’s rather infrequent 😉
I love Disney movies…and coloring! So I guess I’m 4 too!
haha, I love it! I am the same way!! I am up without an alarm to day at 5:30am. How crazy is that?! And now I will go check out your VLOG!
Wow, 5:30 and no alarm? If I’m retirement age, then you’re like 80! 😉 Lol
THAT CHILI LOOKS SO GOOD. and i still cnt get over quinoa for breakki! go you! AHH i can finally see your accent vlog and it is SO SO SOUTHERN I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!! i NEVER hear southern accents over here!! its so so cute!!
I NEED to sign your petition ahah!
I go to bed by 10 every night. Does that qualify me for AARP?
Yes! Here’s a pen! 😉
In the classroom,I’m forever about 8 or 9. I feel that I do act older than a lot of my friends. Some have regressed back to our college years, and I’m so over that stage of my life!
Your chili looks/sounds great. I love spicy chili!
I have a lot of friends like that too. I don’t know what the fascination is with drinking and partying all the time though…especially when so many of them have children!
Thank you! It was perfectly spi-say with the addition of the chipotle peppers!
Haha. That cartoon was hilarious! I consider myself pretty technically inclined, but everyonce in a while, I just get frustrated and click every buttom imaginable and get thisclose to throwing my laptop out the window. 😉
Have a great weekend!
Oh yeah, many a time have I pictured my Mac flying across the room!
I like your soup bowl. Nothing wrong with acting like an old lady. I think I probably act my age for the most part except that I do like to eat dinner at like 5:30. I hate it when my friends want to go out to eat at 8. 8 is late!
Thanks, I found it at the Dollar store of all places! That is pretty early…do you usually have a snack before bed? I would be starving if I ate that early.
I’ve been meaning to try breakfast quinoa for ages! I love it savoury style, so i’m sure i’ll love it sweet (of course I will, I love anything sweet)! I love veggie chilli too, my mum makes the BEST with aduki beans, kidney beans etc. yummm!
I actually almost used a can of Aduki beans that I just picked up at Whole Foods the other day, but I’ve never tried them before and didn’t want the chili to mask the taste the first time I try them.
I really liked the way this sweet version of the quinoa came out, but I think next time I may add a little cream or coconut milk to get it even creamier!
haaaa… hilarious list! I HAVE to bring a sweater everywhere I go too… I get cold easily! I love kids, I really do… but yep. have to agree with you on that one too…
oh, and I’ve already been to play bingo. last time I won $100. 😉
What?! You can win money there? I just figured they gave you coupons for denture cleaner! 😉 Haha!
I am 19 going on 65 without a doubt! Good idea for leftovers and really cute bowl!
Thank you Caitlin!
Well I still haven’t even worked out how to get the accent vlog I recorded anywhere off my desktop!
And as for the other entries on your list, I haven’t got a cat – but I’m there on all the others… so I’ll see you in the coupon queue 🙂
Oh no! Hope you get it figured out soon! I’d love to see it!
Bhahaha! I love that you are so old before your time. That’s hilarious! Sadly I’m similar to many of your reasons for calling yourself “old” so I guess I’m in the same boat. 😉
Also, I love your soup bowl! So cute!