Woo Hoo and welcome to the weekend! Hope everyone is making the most of these days off and if you are working this weekend, I’m sorry! If it makes you feel any better, I’m on call at the hospital until 7am Monday morning!
I was so so so excited for my breakfast this morning! The last time I went to Kroger, they were having a sale on Chobani yogurt, so I picked up a few new-to me flavors and I was really anxious to try the peach flavor I purchased. And what better way to try out a new flavor than to whip up a bowl of overnight oats (not longer just for busy workday mornings)?
So last night I stirred up one container of peach flavored Chobani, 1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk, 1/2 cup of rolled oats, and 1 tablespoon of chia seeds (my favorite overnight oats add-in) and let it set in the fridge overnight. When I woke up this morning I set to work on completing my bowl with some help from the following ingredients:
Peaches ‘n Cream Overnight Oats with Gingersnap Cookie Crumble: (serves 1)
- 1 container peach flavored Chobani yogurt
- 1/2 cup rolled oats
- 1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
- 1 tablespoon chia seeds
- 1/8 cup water (or more as needed to thin)
- 1/2 cup frozen peaches, thawed and chopped
- 1/4 teaspoon almond extract
- 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
- 3-4 crushed gingersnap cookies
- 1 tablespoon Justin’s Maple Almond Butter
1. Combine first four ingredients and place in the fridge, covered, overnight.
2. In the morning, take your bowl out of the fridge and add 1/8 cup of water to the mix if needed to thin out.
3. Stir in peaches, almond extract, and cinnamon.
4. Topped with crushed cookies and a drizzle of your favorite almond butter.
5. Prepare to die and go to gingersnap cookie Heaven!
This was by far the BEST bowl of overnight oats I’ve ever created! The bite from the gingersnap cookies paired so perfectly with the creamy peach flavored oats and added just the right amount of crunch!
By the way, if you’ve never tried Justin’s Maple Almond Butter, you are ra-heely missing out my friend! It is my favorite almond butter flavor!
The funny thing was that I mixed up this bowl with everything but the topping first thing this morning but then realized that after drinking my cup of coffee, I wasn’t even hungry! So I ended up having this bowl for “brunch” about 3 hours later!
The majority of my day was spent cleaning up the house, getting in a workout, and catching up on my blog reading but the highlight of my day was a little visit from my sister and her boyfriend! They’ve been dating for several months now and this was the first time I got to meet him face to face. Don’t they make such a sweet couple?
We hung out and chatted a bit before they headed off to see a movie. After they left, I realized it had been 5 hours since break…um, brunch and I was just starting to get hungry. One of the many reasons I love my dear Greek yogurt!
For linner (lunch+dinner), I threw together a salad with a bit of inspiration from Julie. She recently posted a recipe for Raspberry Glazed Salmon that I’ve been wanting to try, but sadly my salmon was taking a vacation in the Alps (still in the freezer). Luckily he left his cousin Can O. Salmon behind…you know, to look after the alevins. 😉
I love these jams that they sell at TJ Maxx…they come in a variety of flavors and when you finish the jam, you have a beautiful new juice glass!
1/2 cup of canned salmon mixed with 1 tablespoon of the raspberry pomegranate preserves and 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar to make a sweet salmon salad and served on a bed of spinach along with roasted kabocha squash and crumbled goat cheese.
I love love love topping my salads with warm roasted veggies! The combination of the warm soft kabocha with the cool salmon salad and goat cheese made for a fine linner! Oh, and I totally went back for more kabocha! Half a squash is 1 serving right? Right!
Even on the weekends, it is rare for me to eat “off schedule.” I am normally a 3 meal + 2 snacks kind of person, so today was a bit different for me. I do have to say though that these two meals have kept me plenty satisfied. Hmm, looks like I’m learning a few things about intuitive eating!
Do you tend to eat on a schedule or do you “wing it”?
With my job, I have to eat at a set time or I may not get to eat at all. I guess that schedule just tends to carry itself into the weekend as well.

They are SO cute! 🙂
Do you think I could make my own Maple Almond Butter? 🙂
I usually eat every 3-4 hours: or whenever I’m hungry. 🙂
I’ve actually been thinking about that myself since Justin’s can be a bit pricey. It may not be as creamy (since I think they add liquid crack to this stuff and I happen to be fresh out), but I think it would still be pretty tasty! Let me know if you try it before I do!
Half a squash is NOT a serving.
It’s only half a serving. 😉 heehee.
um i need to make those oats or somethign like them with my newly acquired chia seeds and massive amounts of greek yogurt. it’s going to happen. ps your sister and her boyf are adooorable! how old are they?
I eat semi on schedule. aka every 3-4 hours. but that’s usually because I get hungry every 2-3 hours, as I am a ridiculous person… I probably eat too much but…
also i am jealous of your maple almond butter!
Right, 1/2 a serving! Lol!
My sister is 18 and her bf is 17.
I’ve had chia seeds for a while now, but just started using them a lot with my new found love for overnight oats! They are the perfect addition to make it thick and pudding-like! I usually eat every 3-4 hours too and believe me, sometimes I can barely wait that long!
PS i love tj maxx for random foodie things for cheap! except i often find a different thing each time so i try not to get too attached to anything :/ I did find gnu bars a few times which was awesome 🙂
Oh I know, right? I don’t know how many times I’ve fallen in love with something and then never seen it again!
I am really enjoying inuitive eating. its a lot harder than it looks though! I’m allowing myself to eat lunch at 10:30am, which is awesome!
Your sister is gorgeous like you!
Thank you Lindsay! Your so sweet! And yes, it is harder than it looks and sometimes I have a hard time deciphering if I’m really hungry or just mindlessly craving something!
i love your gingersnap oatmeal!! so clever!! i ALWAYs eat on schedule.. but to be honest my body is pretty consistent when it comes to hunger so im always hungry when i normally eat!
I LOVE Justin’s Maple Almond Butter. Best AB ever!
You are my new best friend! I swear I could bathe in that stuff!
I usually eat on a certain schedule. If I don’t, I find myself grazing allllll day.
Those overnight oats look amazing!! I made some today (well last night) and I had a great breakfast 😀 I usually eat at a set time since my body has already been adapted to eat so I naturally get hungry at the same time lol
Your sis and her boy are the cutest! I absolutely love that fancy juice glass jam jar!! 🙂
I totally wing it =) I love Linners and brinners and everything that is unusual about eating times and patterns. hehe!
LOVE warm roasted beets on a cold spinach salad with feta and almond slivers and crasins.. omg I want it NOW! <3
your sister and her BF are ADORABLE!
That DOES sound good! Now stop making me hungry, I’m about to go workout!
Girl, half a squash is half a serving- everyone knows you’re supposed to eat the whole thing 🙂 Or maybe that’s just me? Goat cheese and kabocha- a match made in heaven!
Definitely…to both!
I like eating on a schedule…..don’t like winging it….makesme cranky :/
I have to schedule time to eat like you, or it doesn’t happen! So naturally, since I’ve been eating lunch every day at 12:30, I naturally get hungry then!
guilty as charged- I’m a scheduled eater to a T
Our fans would go wild for this recipe! Care to share it so we can add it to our Blogger Creations Gallery? YUM! http://facebook.com/chobani
Oh course, it was so delicious, how could I not share!
your sister and her bf make such a cute pair. I am definitely a scheduled eater, more so because my body naturally craves for food at the specified times.
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