Hey y’all! So, wow! There are some fans of freaky PB&J concoctions among us! Not a single negative comment out of you guys yesterday! Well, aren’t we just a big bunch of open-minded hippies?! 😉
I was gonna skip posting tonight, but I just had to share with you guys some snippets of my Saturday! I’m on call this weekend AND it’s been raining Poodles and Persians all day so there were no exciting trips to faraway lands (Nashville)…although I’m seriously going through some Trader Joe’s withdrawals right now…next weekend perhaps? Nevertheless, my day was sprinkled with little bits of goodness all day…or maybe I’m just that easily amused!
Eh, humor me!
After giving Vickie a good interior cleaning (mother nature took care of the exterior) and giving her the newest in the line of Hot Car Colognes (new car scent is so sultry), I went out to run a few errands.
Anyone noticed that my last WIAW posts haven’t included these guys?
I’ve been out for two weeks! Luckily, I stumbled upon this big mamba jamba at Sam’s!
What? I couldn’t pass up a sale at a BUCK a piece!
Then I found out that my local herbs and vitamin store carries GT’s!
So, I haven’t decided if that is a GOOD or a BAD thing! :-/
Obviously I’m working on a shrine to J. Dub!
I want her abs!
And now I’m watching 1 of the 2 movies I borrowed from a co-worker!
I had to pick The King’s Speech first…I’ve heard so many great things about it!
Am I the last person on Earth to see it?
And dinner was flippin awesome!
Spinach, BBQ roasted sweet potatoes, grilled pineapple, cottage cheese
with some baked tortilla chips lurking in the background
I think this might be my new crack! Sorry Mrs. Dash!
Oh and I’ll leave you with a little something I found last night! If you’ve ever wondered where I get my sense of humor from, look no further…
I’ll have to tell you guys the story behind this one day!
Hope you are all having a great weekend!

your dad is too cute! 🙂 looks like a good day! that dinner looks SOOO good.
and i still haven’t seen the king’s speech either so no, you’re not the last one on earth 😉
Haha, your dad is so sassy! I’m surprised my dad hasn’t left me comments about all the little car accidents I’ve been in… or the time I melted a cutting board in the oven… 🙂
My sister and I are totally addicted to gummy calcium chews thanks to you, and she was just asking me if gummy multi-vitamins exist. I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing- I’m so tempted to eat a lot of them!!
I’ve heard you say something before about the whole cutting board incident…what in the world?!
Oh yes…they DO exist…and I have to be careful too! I want to eat a handful of those puppies every morning!
Yes, I definitely see where you get your sense of humor and sass from! Your Dad is too funny!!
I love those Tar’jay finds! Cute color shorts, they even match Jackies DVD! I have that DVD but have yet to try it (guess I’m skeered!)
McCormicks may have discontinued it (but I have still found it some places) but if you want a REALLY good and addictive spice – find their Grill Mates Salmon seasoning – it is SO good. I even like it on popcorn! It’s good on everything. I don’t know why they would stop making it – I guess maybe it was too addictive ;)!!
I have not seen the Kings Speech so you aren’t the last one. And I want to see that Chronicles of Narnia one! I LOVED The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. It looked almost exactly how I had envisioned it in my mind when I read it. Usually I hate movies from books because it destroys “my” take on it. But this one was just about perfect!
Have a great rest of the weekend too and maybe you won’t get called back any 😉
The DVD’s not bad actually. I still like the Timesaver Training best, but I was in the mood for a little something different. I hate it that I can practically quote her during the entire DVD now! I did the upper and lower body workouts back to back…got a little sweaty, but definitely nowhere near as much as when I do the Timesaver Training!
Salmon seasoning…hmm, I’ll have to check the stores. If it’s as good as you say then it’s definitely worth a try!
I thought the same thing about the Narnia movies….anything but disappointing!
If you can’t find the Salmon seasoning, DM me on Twitter (missle) and send me your address – I will mail you one of the ones I have squirreled away!
Awesome! Thank you so much girlie!
Totally cracking at the thought of a pile of them stashed away in your cabinets like a squirrel with a bunch of nuts! Haha!
That sweet potato and pineapple combination looks amazing. So does the bbq seasoning! Love the shorts – any recommendations on running shorts? All of mine ride up while running.. But summer is coming in, and I can’t keep running in my warm pants.
I’m still experimenting with brands myself! I’m hoping that these will be good since they are so lightweight. I’ll let you know!
Your dad! hehe. so silly!
OMGracious! I could really shove that salad in my mouth right now! I’m starving and really craving a bucket of fresh spinach with cottage cheese and other stuff on it! I’m definitly having that for lunch tommorow!
I haven’t seen the King’s Speech either! I really need to see it!
When is the farmers market?
Next Saturday! Hopefully it doesn’t rain!
I still haven’t seen the King’s Speech yet either! Oops…
HAHA your dad is awesome!! I love it! That salad looks amazing… cottage cheese and pineapple were made for each other. I need to get some of that seasoning! Right now I’m loving TJ’s 21 Seasoning Salute 🙂
Oh yeah, I just got my hands on some 21 SS and I swear it goes on ANYTHING!
I LOVE NARNIA!!!! I know you will enjoy the Voyage of the Dawn Treader!!! 🙂
YUM!!! You hit the jackpot with those Lara and Luna Bars!! 🙂
true that to everything you said Kat!
GT’s is ALWAYS a good thing 😉
I still haven’t seen the King’s Speech either. It’s number one on my Netflix queue – I just have to watch what I have at home and return it.
How far do you live from Atlanta? We have lots of Trader Joe’s here. Just sayin…
Haha! I got lost going to Nashville and ended up in Atlanta…what tha? 😉
i haven’t seen the kings speech either! Tell me how it is. K?
I can already tell you I love your dad! That was so funny! Love that tank from Target! I need to go check that out. I hope you have a great Sunday and hopefully the rain is gone!
Haha, love the note from your father:D And your dinner- looks really goood!
hahaha your dad is too hilarious!! no wonder 😉 aww that’s so cute.
LOL! Your dad is a RIOT!!!! What an awesome comment!! 😀
Ahhh, your dad seems like a sweetheart (is that weird to say about a male, by the way?) 🙂
Bahahaha, McCormick being the new crack. Now that just makes me laugh!
1. I found a local GT source too. bad thing. and good thing. mostly financially BAD!
2. you WOULD make a flower out of your bars.
3. Your outfit matches your workout dvd! hehe! love it =)
Would you believe me if I told you that I dropped all the bars on the floor and that’s the way they landed? 😉
I found my favorite Luna’s at Whole Foods on sale and stocked up too! I love their coconut chocolate bar, blueberry bliss, and smore yum! I’m not as big of a fan of Larabars…although I love do love their banana bread bar! 🙂
I need to clean my car’s, Lucy, insides in the worst way.
I’ve been wanting to try the coconut chocolate! I was a bit bummed that they didn’t have it! 🙁
Lucy…I like it!
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So…I was just, you know, reading my blogs and clicked on your link from Healthy Exposures’ post…..and I see an APSU campus police car and go “ADUTCYRTXCYVYBHDW!!!!!!!!!!!! Another person on campus photographs their food and knows what Greek yogurt is?!!!!!”
I’m still excited.
Soooo, you’re a fellow Clarksvillian, eh? I actually graduated *gasp* 4 years ago, but when I went with my sis to freshman orientation, I spotted the dork-mobiles and just had to take a pic! Haha!
Why is it so rare to find someone around here who knows what Greek yogurt is? C’mon people…they sell it at Walmart for Pete’s sake!!
If that is your crack, look for it’s brother, “Garlic and Garden Herb.” Wow.
Good to know! I’m always nervous trying new ones because of their original flavor…blech! Almost ruined me!
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