And now I have that Katy Perry song stuck in my head!
Well kiddos, you know what time it is don’tcha! It’s time for another Kiss My Broccoli edition of What I Ate Wednesday!
I just want to say a big THANK YOU to Jenn of Peas & Crayons for all her hard work in getting this link party together each week! It really is something fun to look forward to in the middle of the work week!
So let’s get this party started, shall we?
A hot mug of 1/2 caff with cinnamon (8:00am)
My morning candy is BACK!
Breakfast (8:30am)
Triple Coconut Tropical Oats
Triple Coconut Tropical Oats: (serves 1)ย
- 1/2 cup rolled oats
- 1 cup unsweetened almond milk
- 1 cup water
- 1/2 banana, sliced thin
- 1/2 teaspoon coconut extract
- 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
- 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
- 1 tablespoon coconut flour
I was seriously craving a big smoothie bowl this morning, but with the freakishly weird Tennessee weather we’ve been having, I wasn’t ready to commit to eating a cold breakfast when it was only 55 degrees outside! Luckily this hot bowl of oats did not disappoint! And boy was it filling…hello fiber!
Lunch (12:15pm)
My latest sandwich obsession: bread ‘n butter pickles, hummus, and spinach
on whole wheat bread
with a side of carrot sticks
It’s still no PB&J with BBQ tofu, but it’s been rocking my world the past few days! ๐
And a dark chocolate Adora Disk for dessert!
Snack (4:00pm)
1/2 cup 2% cottage cheese + 1 cup cantaloupe
The weather didn’t warm up much throughout the day, but when it came time for dinner, I still could NOT get the thought of a smoothie out of my head…
Dinner (8:00pm)
HUGE smoothie bowl topped with some generic Cheerios
And to balance out the cold: A hot mug of ginger tea
I totally slacked on my cold water consumption for the day
But I guess, one liter is better than no liters! ๐
What is one of your favorite sandwich combos?
Do you ever get food cravings that are out of season temperature-wise?
I swear I crave ice cream/fro-yo more during the winter!ย

i literally look forward to Wednesdays primarily for your WIAW posts. They make me day!! ๐
p.s. for your oats — did you mean coconut butter or you actually added coconut flour to the oats? that would probably be great!
You are so sweet Jenny! Nope, I added coconut flour! It helped to thicken up the oats a bit AND punched up the coconut flavor too! Win win! ๐
My favorite sandwich will probably always be the good old PB&J with banana & raisins .. although I’m more of an almond butter fan these days, so I guess it would be be an AB&J. And my weird food craving lately has been pumpkin. I rarely craved in the fall, which is when it would be expected, but now I can’t get enough!
Ugh, send some my way! I haven’t been able to find pumpkin ANYWHERE around here and it’s driving me crazy! I have seriously been craving some pumpkin oats lately!
Have you ever tried PB&Co’s Cinnamon Raisin Swirl peanut butter? It’s delicious!
Hahaha I eat gummy vitamins too!!! I have gummy multivitamins, calcium, AND omega 3s. hahaha I get to eat so much candy!
I miss cottage cheese with cantaloup! I used to love that. I can’t wait for cantaloup season…just around the corner. I can and will eat a whole one in one sitting…don’t judge. I do crave things out of season, but mostly its things like soup in the summer time. Favorite sandwich…a huge fresh summer tomato with lettuce and garlicky hummus! Hello summer time!
This was actually the first time I’ve tried cantaloup with cottage cheese. I usually only have it with pineapple, but this cantaloup was one of the best I’ve had in years and it was just begging for some cottage cheese action!
Mmm, I LOVE fresh tomato sandwiches in the summertime!
Wow those coconut oats look fantastic! My favorite sandwich combo involves turkey, cranberry sauce, tomato, lettuce and avocado–delicious!
Wow…I must try that sandwich. I’m sort of a freak when it comes to food combinations, so that sounds like it’s right up my alley. Perhaps I will use the jar of sweet pickle relish instead?
mmmm that smoothie dinner looks so good! I’m on a bit of a green smoothie kick lately.
I often crave hot soups during the summer–which is weird in a way, but it works for me because I like lighter meals and soup is sometimes the perfect meal!
Yumm those oats look delicious. I’ve never seen coconut extract before, I gotta get on that asap! And I’m boring when it comes to sammie combos. Regular turkey and cheese for me lol ๐
Hummus and pickles?? I think you’re a genius, I have GOT to eat that now. My all-time favorite sandwich will remain a PB, banana and honey sandwich, but I suppose I can’t eat that one ALL the time. Mmm, ginger tea!
Heather, your WIAW posts are always my favorit! You eat such good foods all the time ๐
And your breakfast this week.. oh yummiii!
Yep – I could have hot chili year-round. Love me sum chili! My fav sandwich combo is probably a meatball sub, but since that’s not healthy or convenient, I’m going to go with a good ole’ fashion pb&jelly!
All your food looks so good! Hmm, there’s a lot of good sandwich combos. When I was little, I LOVED peanut butter and pickles. Recently I’ve found that apples, goat cheese and basil makes for a super yummy sandwich. Hummus and pickles is sounding like an awesome combo too. I’m going to have to try that soon ๐
Peanut butter and pickles? Hmm, that’s one I don’t think I would’ve come up with! Sweet or dill?
I’m doing my first WIAW post today! So pumped!
I know! I saw it last night and was like, “Yay, Chels is in on the fun now!!”
Fun hot and colds! All of your meals look delish. Especially the oats. I’m really wanting the PB & Tofu… sounds so weird but great.
I always add coconut flour to my quinoa and other grains to give a coconuty flavor! It’s like instant coconut milk. Why are we *always* on the same page about whats good? Startin’ to scare me here! ๐
I think my GENERAL cravings line up with the seasons but I definitely crave berries in teh winter sometimes and love pumpkin yearround ๐ oh and I also eat oatmeal allll year. and froyo all year. But like, in the winter I crave cinnamony sweet goodness almost all the time and in the summer I get a little more fruity ๐
Everything looks delish as usual! ๐
Such a beautiful WIAW post! I love that you put the times too! Although I must say, I am impressed that you can wait 4 hours between meals. After two and a half I’m always like hmmm what’s in the fridge? =P
If I’m at home during the day, I tend to get more snacky. Work keeps me pretty busy and I don’t really have time to think about food, but I always carry bars and little things of almonds just incase a snack attack occurs! Usually 4 hours is my magic number between meals though.
Love your smoothie for dinner – i just had breakfast for dinner, lol!
I always crave Oatmeal and Frozen Yoghurt year round!!!!
Have you tried the raw tempeh/swiss cheese/jam sandwich combo? its amazing!
I have not….interesting! Why do odd food combos intrigue me so much?? What flavor jam do you use?
OMG PICKLE SANDWICH?!!??! I WANT! now! thats my fav thing you ate — and it alllll looks goooood! <3
So yum!! I love the look of your oats! You’re lucky I’m listening to other music or I’d have Katy Perry in my head too ๐ I did both smoothies and oats today too. Couldn’t decide which was better considering we had rain all day.
also, I totally still eat gummy vitamins. Why wouldn’t you??
well, you just got me singing left and right. first “your hot then you’re cold…” to “lets get this party staaarteddd!”
hah…favorite sandwich. do you need to ask? actually – fair question, because lately my eggplant bacon, arugula, tomato and hummus sandwiches are right up there with BBQ Tofu PB & J, which I just picked up more tofu for ๐
aaaand, if you don’t mind, i’ll just dive into those oats now…
I just picked up some more tofu too…you have seriously created a monster! I’m almost out of bread and I’m started to feel a little anxious! Haha!
Now I’m singing that song! “Let’s get this party started…uh huh!”
All your meals look just perfect, how is THAT possible?! :)) Well, whenever the summer season hits, I am craving watermelons like they are coming out of fashion, I just need to have one a day:)
Oh my gosh, watermelon doesn’t stand a chance around me…as long as it’s seedless…because I’m lazy! ๐
I’ve been eating a similar sandwich! I make a pita wrap with hummus, roasted red pepper, raisins (there’s the sweet like your pickles), onion, shredded carrot, and lots o spinach with a drizzle of balsamic vinegar (the sour!). I’m a hummus fiend.
Hmm, that sounds interesting! I may have to try that!
cinnamon coffee sounds good
those tropical oats are exactly what I need to get me out of my post vacation slump yummm! I’m drinking yogi tea right now <3 the little quotes haha!
I love your pretty mug! ๐ I do get cravings for things that are out of season. I drink smoothies in winter and eat pumpkin in the spring and summer.
I’m impressed with 1 liter of water! I really should drink more, haha!
Just tried that PB, J and tofu sandwich yesterday. My life was incomplete until then and I didn’t even know it! I love love love pickles so that sandwich is right up my alley. Way to go with your cravings ๐
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