Hey guys and gals! The other day, I was nominated by my bloggy bestie, Jenn of Peas & Crayons to participate in one of the newest blog trend waves, The 7 Link Challenge!
To unite bloggers (from all sectors) in a joint endeavor to share lessons learned and create a bank of long but not forgotten blog posts that deserve to see the light of day again.
1) Blogger is nominated to take part
2) Blogger publishes his/her 7 links on his/her blog – 1 link for each category.
3) Blogger nominates up to 5 more bloggers to take part.
4) These bloggers publish their 7 links and nominate another 5 more bloggers
5) And so it goes on!
I actually had a lot of fun picking out my 7 links! It’s amazing to see how much I’ve changed since starting this blog nearly 8 months ago and to look back at my old posts…all while trying not to wince when seeing my early attempts at food photography! 😉
Heather’s 7 Links:
1. Your most beautiful post: New House Pics & A Saaaaweet Salad
I can still feel the excitement I had as I uploaded all the new pics of the house and you can’t deny the beauty of a spinach salad with strawberries, roasted chickpeas, pecans, and goat cheese!
2. Your most popular post: Sprinkle Me Happy
Honestly, this post was a bit of a surprise as well! Just goes to show that you should never underestimate the universal foodie obsession with all things sprinkles!
3. Your most controversial post: Strawberry Kisses & A Rant
As you guys know, I keep things pretty light-hearted on KMB. Although we all seemed to be in agreement on this post, I would say it is the only one that had the potential to be controversial.
4. Your most helpful post: Confessions of a Wanna-Be Coupon Queen
Who doesn’t love a post full of coupon resources and click-to-print links?!
5. A post who’s success surprised you: Vegan Broccoli Cheese Sauce
What seemed like such a natural idea once I tried cashew cheese for the first time turned out to be one of the most tried recipes on the blog!
6. A post you feel didn’t get the attention it deserved: Soup’s Up
Back in the day when I had 1.439 readers…neglected at such a young age! 😉
7. The post you are most proud of: Welcome to My Lab-Oooor-Atory
My FIRST baking recipe that took me a weekend to develop…I think I deserve every right to call this my proudest post!
And now, it’s your turn!
A few of my favorite bloggers that have the BEST recipes! Can’t wait to see their links!
Have fun ladies!
And for my non-blogger readers, tell me, what is your proudest accomplishment so far this year?
proudest accomplishment? probably starting this blog.
ahh the sprinkle post, such a good one. Well, all of them are!
I love “re-living” past posts! Especially because I missed the cheesy broccoli sauce the first time around. That looks yummeh.
Now I have to think up my links! This could take a while… 😛
Yeah, that oatmeal one was a good post! I remember when you posted it ; )
Big accomplishment- planning my wedding, and it was the best day ever! Lot of work,but it all paid off!
Happy Weeekend!
Hooray! I can’t wait to pick my links. [And I love yours.] 🙂
Happy Friday!!!!
Yay, I’m excited! Loving your links, especially the cookies. I would have never seen those otherwise! Now I have to figure out what to post for myself. Oh my goodness I think that will be hard, haha. Thanks for sharing with me!
Going to check out your soup’s up post! 🙂
I want the broccoli cheese sauce! That sounds and looks so good! Thank you for the nomination! I will get on that! I hope you’re having a good weekend. I’m hoping for a little sunshine tomorrow.
I feel extra special b/c i’ve read every single one of these posts already! yayy!!! <3 AND made the recipe of one of them! which I'm def needing another batch of super soon! hellooo soon-t0-be fall comfort food!
love you!!!
This comment made me giggle! I love you girl…like a fat kid loves cake…mmm, cake! 😉