Hey guys! Hope everyone had a wonderful Labor Day and didn’t labor too much! ๐ I had a REALLY lazy day yesterday so today, I got my butt in gear and was productive!
I cleaned the bathroom…
Vacuumed the floors AND the couch (cat hair is the bane of my existence)…
Swept the floors and dusted…
Did the laundry…
AND ohhh, ran five miles in 39 minutes! ๐
*happy dance*
So, since I was busy sparkling up mi casa and doing my best Flash interpretation at the gym, I thought I’d take it easy tonight and indulge in a little survey action! I originally saw this survey over on Matt’s blog like forever ago, but I saved it because…well, some people indulge in reality television…and I…I like answering stupid questions! ๐
[A] Apples or Oranges
Apples all the way! As sad as I am to see summer come to an end, there’s one thing that makes me excited about the month that reigns in the fall…
Honeycrisp Apple Season!
[B] Beans or lentils?
Definitely beans!ย Besides, I’d hate to think what this world would be like without…
[C] Cereal or Oatmeal?
Ugh, don’t make me chose! Howabout this?…oatmeal for breakfast…and cereal for second breakfastย snack! ๐
Or you could always go with both!
Peanut butter overnight oats topped with bananas, chocolate almond butter, and Grape Nuts cereal #ftw!
[D] Dates or raisins?
Not sure what my workouts would be like without Ol’ Faithful!
[E] Eggs or Milk?
With the sacrifices I’ve made for a plate of eggs, is there really any question?
[F] French toast or Waffles?
Only because I maybe have waffles like once a year, gonna have to go with French toast (aka, the lazy girl’s pancake) on this one!
[G] Garlic or Salt?
Gaaaaaaaaaaarlic….laaaaaaaaaaots of garlic! ๐
[H] Honey or Maple Syrup?
PURE Maple Syrup is not optional when it comes to the amount of pancakes I eat in a year!
[I] Ice Cream or Frozen Yogurt?
Allow me to introduce you to my new favorite frozen treat…fro-CHO!
Topped with fresh cherries, carob chips, and
crack peanut flour
(I’ve seriously been adding peanut flour to EVERYTHING lately)
[J] Jam or Toast?
Trust me, with jam THIS good, all you need is a spoon!
[K] Kale or Spinach?
Need I remind you just how much I love spinach?
[L] Lemon or Lime?
[M] Muffins or Cupcakes?
Not a big fan of icing…muffins are much more my thing!
[N] Nut Butter or Jelly?
By way of count…I currently have 6 jars of nut butter and 4 jars of jelly/jam/whatever you call it.
And yes, I’m still working on my JUMBO jar!
[O] Onions or Peppers?
Onions…you can never have too many onions! Wow, after the garlic question, you guys might not want to stand to close to me! ๐
[P] Peanuts or Almonds?
[Q] Quick Bread or Yeast Bread?
I may not be the most patient person, but yeast breads are definitely worth the wait!
Plus, me and yeast made friends back in the beginning of the year…I can’t turn by back on him now!
[R] Raspberry or Blackberry?
[S] Sweet or Savory?
I’d usually say savory, but my sweet tooth has been kicking lately! I blame the vacation food!
[T] Tea or Coffee?
Yeah, I really had to think about that one! ๐
[U] Udon or Spaghetti?
Well, since I didn’t even know what Udon was a few seconds ago (thank you Google)…
[V] Vanilla or Chocolate?
Sorry Katie, gonna have to go with vanilla on this one!
[W] Whole Wheat or White Bread?
Whole Wheat…but who am I kidding, I’m a carb fiend…
[X] Xanthan Gum or Guar Gum?
Both! They definitely take a smoothie to a whole new level!
[Y] Yogurt or Pudding?
Yogurt…especially when it looks like dessert!
[Z] Zucchini or Cucumber?
Love love LOVE zucchini! Actually, I’m thinking some Zucchini Bread Protein Oats are in order for breakfast tomorrow!
Your turn! Pick a letter…or two…or three!

Hi love!
LOVE fun surveys!
Nut Butter or Jelly – Nut butter FTW
Sweet or Savory – Hmmmm can I have both ; )
Happy Tuesday! xoxo <3
i had no idea how SPEEDY you were!
New development…on a treadmill…hooray for super flat “terrain”? ๐ Haha!
Love the survey answers, i agree with almost all of them and seriously – way to kick those 5 miles in the ass ๐
Apples all the way baby! Waffles are my thing way more than French toast…that reminds me, it’s been way too long since waffles were in my life. I need to change that ASAP. Oh and I’m so with you on the F.R.O.G jam…absolute perfection!
Yay for productivity! And surveys. I think I agreed with most if not all of those. Is it weird that peanut is my #1 butter, but I would prefer almonds over peanuts?
Well, if you’re weird, then I’m weird ’cause I’d have to say the same! Let’s be weird together! ๐
Apples for sure (but so far around here they are still expensive – they even went UP in price at Sam’s!)
Coffee over tea (hot tea)
I’m a vanilla girl and always have been
Onions over peppers
Lime edges out lemon by a hair
And sorry but I consider oatmeal to BE a cereal so I choose both ๐
Haha! Nice! Way to find the technicality m’dear! Love it!
Oh and apples have been outrageous here too! I just picked some up at the farmer’s market last weekend for a good price, but haven’t bought ANY in months because they’re so steep! Apple price gauging…who’d have thought?
kale or spinach???? what a horrible decision to have to make!!
ps get a waffle maker. stat.
what a fun survey, I have got to find peanut flour it looks/sounds so delish!
I’ve heard a LOT about this one and I plan on buying a crap ton as soon as my TJ’s stash dwindles! ๐
I’ll pick Z! and i totally agree with you zucchini all the way! except i like cucumber on bagels ๐
niceee run! i just stocked up on a lottt of peanut flour, the best price i’ve seen is on localharvest.org – 2 pound bag only $7.20 compared to amazons $12+. check it out!