Hey hey everybody!
Quick story before we get to start partying WIAW style.
An quirky little elderly lady came to our department to have a CT scan today. The particular scan she required only took about 4-5 minutes. This was the following exchange between her and I:
Me: Well, that’s it! We’re finished!
Her: What? That’s all?
Me: Yes ma’am.
Hahahaha! This seriously made my day!
Now, let’s paaaaarty!
What would we do without the lovely Jenn to put our favorite blogger link party together each week? Be sure to stop by Peas & Crayons and show a little comment love!
Because we don’t know you’re readin’ if your not commentin’! 😉
This morning started out with some 1/2 caff coffee in my KMB mug and some (unpictured) vitamins.
Good thing it was piping hot, because all I was craving when I woke up was a big, creamy smoothie….I know, it’s like 35 degrees outside…I never said I make any sense in the am!
And there she is! The biggest, best-est green smoothie I’ve ever made!
Lean Green Fill-ING Machine Smoothie: (serves 1 hungry person)
- 1 cup water
- 1 scoop vanilla protein powder
- 1/2 frozen bananan
- 1 teaspoon maple extract
- 1/2-1 teaspoon cinnamon
- 1/4 teaspoon xanthan gum
- 1/4 teaspoon guar gum
- 3 good handfuls spinach
- about 8 ice cubes
This super thick and super creamy smoothie was only made better by a drizzle of melted coconut peanut butter!
I love how it has that “magic shell” effect when it hits something cold!
By the way, have you entered my giveaway for a chance to win your own coconut peanut butter? If not, click here!!
For lunch, I had some leftover “Vegan Green Chili” that I made for a potluck at work last week.
The recipe needs a little tweaking before it’s blog ready, but trust me, this will be one to bookmark! 😉
Along with my bowl of soup, I had a bowl of citrus! 😉
Lime for the chili, orange for dessert, and lemon for…
I only actually ended up drinking the Stash green teas
(definitely my new favorite green tea)
My snack today may have missed Halloween, but it did not miss pleasing my taste buds!
Reminds me of the Little Debbie brownies I used to eat as a kid!
And finally, for dinner, I had a delicious salad full of…GREEN!
Romaine, zucchini, green apple, celery, chickpeas, and goat cheese drizzled in this dressing.
And I finished off the rest of the apple with a dash of cinnamon and some peanut butter!
Are you ready for this?
120 ounces!!
Yep, and I only peed like 396223 times!….Sorry, TMI? 😉
What is your favorite green food?
Or more importantly, would you eat this:
I printed off the recipe at work today for Avocado Pie and nobody said they would try it! Looks like I need to have a blogger party and invite all of you guys over!

That looks sick! I would probably try the pie, why the heck not? HAha ;D
The smoothie recipe looks delicious! I really need to eat more of them. The WIAW posts today seem to be trying to tell me something because they all have smoothies except mine… 🙁
I didn’t even realize, but yeah I do remember seeing quite a few! Everyone must be trying to get them in before it gets too cold out…of course, I’ll just throw on a scarf and mittens if I have to…this smoothie is TOO good to be a warm season breakfast! 🙂
I would SO eat that pie….looks yummy and such a gorgeous green color.
Your smoothie is so awesome looking…really just a masterpiece.
Thanks so much for sharing delicious food and making me jealous that I didn’t eat with you…MAN it all looks good.
Aww, thank you Rachel! You are too sweet!
that’s the cutest. Just like the old man next to me in world choir the other day, texting the entire time. They must be married.
if I wanted to try coconut butter before, I want to try it all the more after seeing all the tricks it can do!! Magic nut butter? I’ll take it.
a favourite tea that isn’t yogi? *shock* just kidding, I’m sure it is wonderous. I still love yogi tea, but that may be because of the inspirational messages on the tags? hey, I take my inspiration where I can get it.
You can have a blogger party and I’ll come, but I wouldn’t eat the pie- I can’t stand avocado!!
as for green foods, I love kale!!!! Have you tried kale dipped in nut butter yet, because you should if you haven’t. don’t knock it till you try it.
Kale in nut butter? Hmm, interesting! And you should know by now that I am the LAST person to knock something before trying it…c’mon BBQ PB&J? Haha!
I love the yogi tea “fortunes”! Such a highlight to the day!
Just tell people it’s key lime cheesecake.. 😉 I’ve made avocado chocolate truffles from ohsheglows.com, and didn’t tell people the secret ingredient until after they gushed about how tasty it was. 😉
I used the same trickery when I brought in banana avocado muffins once, but then a few people noticed the green flecks and started asking questions! Haha! Now I just throw a little cocoa powder in them and nobody is the wiser! Maybe I’ll try this with cocoa powder…mwahaha!
I would be all over that pie. I mean come on, it’s avocado for heaven’s sake. I don’t care that it’s a pie, anything avocado goes straight from plate to my tummy without giving a second thought. Plus, like you, I kind of have a love affair with all foods green. You may have beaten me on the amount of green consumed yesterday, though. From the monster, to the soup, to the salad, my goodness. You may wake up tomorrow morning being a Green Monster yourself. If that happens, please make sure to post pictures. Halloween doesn’t have to end just because it’s November now.
Have a happy Wednesday. Can’t wait to see if I win your coconut peanut butter giveaway!
Haha! Sadly, I woke up this morning the same pasty shade of white…but ask me later on in the week, since I made ANOTHER one of those smoothies for breakfast this morning! It’s SO good!
And I love your comment about the avocado! It’s funny…a little over a year ago, I would’ve taken one look at that pic and been like, “eww, gross!” Lol!
Your smoothie looks fab, I love the coconut “shell” 🙂
I would definitely give that avocado pie a go, although I have tried chocolatey avocado desserts before and not been too impressed – but that pie looks so pretty! 😀
1. Way to go with all the green, your iron levels are probably through the roof!
2. I would TOTALLY eat that pie.
3. When can I come over?
Haha! If you’d stuck me, I’m sure my blood would’ve run green for sure!
Tomorrow at noon good for you? 😉
Wowww that looks soo impressive, you are creative lady!
OMG, I would totally eat that pie – it looks amazing! And who doesn’t love avocados?! 🙂
I think it would be really fun to try avocado pie. I’ll bet it’s delicious.
This time of year, my favorite green food is probably a mix of garlicky greens and broccoli, maybe topped with some tahini and sliced avocado?
Mmmm, that sounds delicious, Jess!
Ohh I might have missed a post when you talked about this, but did you make a decision of gummy vs. regular vitamins? (Since your vitamins weren’t pictured, I Assume they weren’t the gummies! haha) Since I’m a gummy taker, I’m so curious!
Lovely eats, happy WIAW!
I haven’t posted about it, but I haven’t had the gummies in a while. I do kinda miss them, but I think the more “grown up” ones help a little bit more with my energy levels…or maybe it’s all in my head! Who knows! 😉
Gosh! Your smoothie looks so good! And I’d definitely try those avocado pie! Sound like it’s gonna be creamy!! 🙂
Haha, oh dear, when I saw that pie my mind instinctively started screaming ‘GUACAMOLE WITH GELATIN.’ I’ve never tried avocado as a sweet-goer, it looks … interesting? 😛 And secondly, how on earth do you drink so much water without having minute interval-pee breaks?! I’d have to plaster a sign to my head saying ‘Will probably run off every 2 minutes and 30 seconds to empty bladder. Excuse her.’ You’re eats look delicious, though =)
Haha! That’s the thing…I DID pee practically every 2 minutes/30 seconds! I’m surprised my coworkers didn’t say anything by about the 15th time I excused myself!
If you ever want to experiment with avocado in a sweet recipe, you should try Allie’s banana avocado bread (best muffins ever…super “m-word”) 😉 I baked them into muffins and even my coworkers liked them!
Here’s the link: http://www.livelaugheat.com/2010/03/28/avocado-banana-bread/
I think you ate more “green” yesterday than I ate in a week…I suck!!! Ooooo, I would totally go for that pie, YUM!!!
Avocado pie? I would totally try it! 🙂
I love the Kiss My Broccoli mug! That’s brilliant… and I love what the old lady said. I was talking to a 90-year-old WW2 veteran today for a feature for work and he was telling me about a time he was shot down. He said, perfectly straight-faced, “I did need some clean pants by the time we landed”, love it 🙂
Haha! That’s awesome! I love the patient care aspect of my job (well, most days anyway) because I get a chance to strike up conversations with my patients. You really never know what you can find out about a person over a tourniquet and some IV materials! 😉
super swirly smoothie! very very pretty… love the little old lady ‘sweeeet’ call, what a groover 🙂
i once helped out in the kitchen of a vegan cafe and made key lime pie. the main ingredient was avocado and it had a similar look to the one u posted! it is sooooo delicious though, you wouldnt believe it!
i love how you spiralled the peanut butter on top of the smoothie! i do the same thing because i am just crazy about the crunchy bits once it hardens up!
Oh wow, I’ll keep that in mind for kitchen experimentin’! 😉
Definitely love the crunchy fudge-like quality of cooled coconut butter! Mmmmm!
are you kidding me with that green monster??? what a spiral!?! love it.
trop traditions makes miracle nut butter eh?
Yummy eats! That smoothie looks so cool! 🙂
I love drinking tea! Especially during the cold seasons to help me stay warm.
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