Hey guys!
So it’s good toΒ know I’m not the only Twilight fan out there!
I hope you all had a great weekend! And I hope you’re all done with your Turkey Day shopping…all the grocery stores around here are caaaaa-razy! Hard to believe that Thanksgiving is only a few more days away?
What dish are you looking forward to most?
So today was a rainy, gloomy, couch-bumming kind of Sunday.
This was my view from the back patio:
It’s beginning to look a lot like
Christmas winter! :-/
Even if it wasn’t Pancake Sunday, it would definitely still be a lazy pancake eating sort of morning.
With absolutely no intention of changing out of my pj’s until having to go to work tonight, I decided to let Pinterest tell me what to make.
Ahh, the trusty pancake board! π
I had a mad craving for some fluffy coconut pancakes, so I was super excited about trying Gina’s Coconut Paleo Pancakes only a quick look through the fridge threw that idea right out the window…
I had one egg!
So I decided to whip up a batch of Adrianna’s Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Pancakes instead…only halfway through following the recipe to a tee, my coconut craving took over!
I added 1/4 cup coconut flour to the batter, omitted the chocolate chips, and added enough milk to thin the batter.
And you know what the best part is?
The recipe was HUGE and now I have LEFTOVERS!!
Woo hoo!
After breakfast, I spent the rest of the day making a good sized dent in my couch while giggling over You Tube videos, amping up my iTunes library (a small feat I may add since it’s been about 3 years since my last music download), and a little blog reading.
Then it came time for lunch!
As part of the Foodbuzz Tastemakers Program, I was sent a coupon for a free Sabra product of my choice so I took it as an opportunity to snatch up a flavor I’ve been eyeing for months.
I typically buy the GINORMOUS containers of Sabra from Sam’s Club, but unfortunately, they only have original, spinach & artichoke, and roasted red pepper.
It was time for a little switch up!
So what’s the verdict?
Break out the friggin’ fire extinguisher!
I would like to think that I have developed a good taste for spicy things over the last year or so, but holy hot peppers!
Delicious flavor, but I will definitely be mixing this with some more chickpeas to tone it down a bit! π
What is your favorite hummus flavor?
Are you a fan of spicy food?

I’m from the Caribbean so was grown up on spices and can tolerate them well, but sometimes if they’re too hot I find they mask the flavour of the food so then I avoid them – I don’t think I’d like lots of heat in my hummus because I love the flavour so much, so thanks for the warning! π
I agree…spice for flavor is one thing, but when it is so hot that you can’t even feel your tastebuds, it kind of ruins the whole point of having a flavorful meal. I seriously don’t see how some people enjoy torturing themselves with hot sauces and stuff!
Mmm! I’m a huge fan of coconut flour pancakes! I ate them for breakfast *every.single.morning* for five + months. I kid you not! The pumpkin definitely amps up the flavor and adds more volume. Love it.
Sabra is definitely my favorite hummus brand, and at the Foodbuzz Festival I sampled a bunch of their flavors! My favorite was actually the “holiday flavor,” which had a bunch of herbs and was sprinkled with cinnamon. Sounds SO strange, but I promise you it works. I haven’t seen it in the stores, but I’m not giving up yet. If all else fails, I try making my own version. π
That doesn’t sound strange at all…I am a HUGE fan of dessert hummus! I would love to try it! Let me know if you end up making a version of your own!
Wow, coconut pancakes everyday for 5 months?! Impressive! I get bored easily so I have to switch up my breakfasts every few days.
That flavor is supremely spicy (ha!). However, if you literally give it a good mix, it lessens the heat as it spreads all the stuff around. It’s not as pretty anymore, but it makes it a little easier to enjoy! That is my favorite flavor, however.
Also, what were some of your downloads!? I get a lot of my new music selections from awesome online bloggers.
Thanks for the tip…I stirred it up today and it did help, but still kicked me in the tonsils a bit! I’m such a weenie! Haha!
As for the music, I’ve been seriously spoiled by the XM radio in the rental car…I’ve become addicted to the Alt Nation station that plays alternative/rock and a lot of the songs I’ve been humming along to for the last few weeks landed in my library!
Here are some of the ones that I can’t quit hitting repeat on:
1. Trojans by Atlas Genius
2. Sweet and Low by Augustana
3. Hang Me Up To Dry by Cold War Kids
4. The Mess I Made by Parachute
5. Take Me Out by Franz Ferdinand
And an oldie but a goodie: Look What You’ve Done by Jet (heard it on Pandora the other day and I think I’ve played it about 20 times since I downloaded it!)
Good to know its spicy, I will not be buying that flavor! I can’t handle spice that well!
The pancakes look delicious, I never think of pinterest to find recipes, and need to!
Happy Monday love!
I can only handle a teeeeeeny bit of spice so it looks like I won’t be trying that hummus! My favourite kind is just plain hummus. Although I recently saw an avocado hummus at the store that I’m dying to try out. I love those two flavours together!
I am a classic hummus girl! I think the plain is the best one π Pinterest is amazing. I didn’t even know they had a whole pancake part!
Actually that’s just one of my boards…aka shrine to all things pancake! π
I’m obsessed with garlic hummus. Gingie does not support my obsession. (**stinky kisses!!**) Have you heard of Crazy Cammel dessert hummus? I’m dying to try it. I could probably make me own but, you know, that’s not my style π
Well just tell Gingie that he needs to indulge in the garlic love too and then he won’t know the difference! π
I hadn’t heard about CC hummus before, but I just Googled it and oh.my.gawd! Sounds DEEE-licious!!
I looooooooove spicy food. The spicier the better!!!!!! I totally want some of that hummus. It sounds fantastic!
I’m so not ready for it to look like winter π Most of the trees are still in the color phase right now so I don’t want the leaves to fall!
I’ve grown to love spicy foods more over the past few months, but still can only handle them in small quantities. I actually tried this hummus recently and wasn’t a fan at all. I prefer my hummus to be cool and refreshing, not hot and spicy!
And Pumpkin-Coconut pancakes are brilliant!
Yeah, I don’t think I’ll be getting this one again. I was a little disappointed though…I’ve tried Trader Joe’s jalapeno hummus before and I thought the spiciness was perfect, but this one overdid it for sure!
I really have the urge to eat pancakes now!
Pinterest = ultimate recipe inspiration! I’m a little obsessed as well.
I’ve never seen that flavor of Sabra hummus! But I love everything spicy, so I’ll have to keep my eye out for it. I like to buy/make plain hummus and mix in my own spices – my favorite is za’atar. It’s a meditereannean spice blend, so amazing.
You can put that spicy hummus right here please *opens mouth*… looooove spicy food!
I love Sabra but after reading this review, I think I’ll pass on the spicy hummus. That would be waaaaay too spicy for me! But I seriously could eat a tub of the other flavors in like 1 or 2 days max. Those pancakes sound good. They are calling my name at the end of the week since there are only 2 days of school this week. Woo!
The pancakes sound amazing! I’m a huge spice fan, but I like hot flavor, not just hot. I love all kinds of hummus flavors…depends on my mood.
I made twice baked sweet potatoes with chipotle peppers in adobe last week and my mouth was on fiiiire. I’m such a baby when it comes to spicy things!
Chipotle peppers will knock you on your a$$ for sure! I remember the first time I ever cooked with them…I figured they were on the mild side since you almost always see it paired with honey for sauces on chicken and stuff…I made a pot of chili for 6 that turned into a enough to feed a small army after I got done adding stuff to balance out the heat! And it was STILL hot!!
Mmmmm love pumpkin and coconut together, those pancakes look great! I LOVE spicy food (and that hummus)! We did a hot sauce tasting this past week in Key West and it was outta control. Pretty sure I have no taste buds considering I tried & liked the one that was 400,000 on the scoville scale (Frank’s is like 2,500 lol)… yuummmmmmm π Oh well!