Welcome to 2012 everyone!
So sorry about disappearing on you guys last year. To say that the last part of 2011 was a busy one is an understatement, but in a good way…I can’t wait to get a re-cap up on the blog…though it may take a couple of posts.
Yesterday was quite an eventful day for Broccoli Babe and I…we hosted a Christmas lunch at Casa de Broccoli with my mom’s side of the family, sold organs on the internet for hotel reservations*, and drove down to Nashville to bring in the new year in style.
*Please refer to the following facebook status updates:
Surprisingly, we were able to get hotel room after only making 236976 calls…and even more surprising…it was a REALLY nice hotel, read: duvet, feather pillows, and a huge bathroom AND only about 3 blocks from where all the action was happening.
After we secured our reservation and stitched ourselves up after the organ extractions, I got all gussied (yes, I said “gussied”) up!
New Year’s Eve ensemble brought to you by Body Central:
Black dress = $16.80
Silver belt = $9.90
Necklace = $3.90
Ring = $3.90
Black flats from last year’s NYE bash
And the leggings were from Rue 21 on clearance for $1.50!!
Please, would someone cue LMFAO…
I think I was most excited about getting to play with the fake eyelashes I had leftover from Halloween…even though I spent the entire night wanting to scratch my eyes! Lol
Once we got to Nashville, we got settled in our hotel and headed off to dinner…
Please excuse the quality of the following photos…dark lighting and a camera phone are not friends to nighttime dining…
We ended up sitting in the bar due to the 2 hour wait for a table, but we did end up scoring a nice little booth in the corner. We weren’t exactly famished due to all the holiday treats we enjoyed for lunch, but neither one of us had ever been to Morton’s Steakhouse and we were both pretty curious.
Being the seafood lovers that we are, we started off with an appetizer of oysters on the half shell…
Since it was my first time trying these, I let BB do all the prep work and he presented it to me on a silver platter saltine cracker.
I liked them!! Never in a million years did I think I would!
For our entree, we went with the Baked Seafood Platter for Two:
Clockwise from the top: broiled sea scallops wrapped in bacon, oysters Rockefeller, COLLASAL shrimp Alexander, and THE BEST crab cakes I’ve ever tasted!
Although they seem to think rather highly of their steak selection (um, 50 bucks?!), I was very impressed with the variety of tastes (and prices) in the menu at Morton’s…a little something for everyone.
With our bellies full, we were finally ready to party! We were in the mood for a little karaoke so we decided on Lonnie’s Western Room on Printer’s Alley.
And just our luck, right off the bat, we spotted Elvis!
See him singing his heart out in the background?
And then? We got there just in time for the free NYE loot!
Of course I made sure to equip BB with all the necessities…but at least he was a good sport about it!
And we proceeded to spend the rest of the night singing along to 80’s rock, classic country, and two or three plays of Summer Lovin’ (must be a fave) while taking all the classic NYE self portraits…
Party favors…
Funny faces…
And of course the midnight kiss! 😉
To balance out all of yesterday’s excitement, it’s been a pretty low-key day today. We made it back to Clarksville this afternoon and spent most of the day lounging around in comfy clothes, eating holiday leftovers, and laughing over one of our new favorite websites.
Whether you went out and partied like a rockstar or hung inside in your pj’s, I hope you all had a fantastic New Year’s Eve and a great start to 2012!
Did you go out for New Years?
What has been the best part of 2012 for you so far?

I love those ridiculously cheap leggings! (Colored leggings are so wonderfully kiddy but gorgeous) And I never noticed your nose piercing; I have one too! Would you/have you ever put a ring in it? Best part of 2012 has been the 42 degree (For you that 107) degree heat today. Not. Cue death.
Happy 2012!
Yeah, I got my piercing almost 2 years ago when I needed a one of those “I AM in control of my life and I’m going to *insert crazy activity that no one else would ever think you would do” moments. Never tried a ring, I just stick to the small studs…but I’m sure my dad would have a heart attack if I popped a ring in one day. When he first saw it, he rolled his eyes and said, “Well don’t go chaining your nose to your ears or anything like that!” LMAO
Hahahaha. No. Really. I can’t believe I never thought of that. It would be the ultimate social bonding method. I did the same; but I didn’t feel so in control once it got infected and became rather puffy and pink for a few days…reason 101 not to go out of the house.
You too?! I totally blame myself for taking out the stud too soon (but seriously, that thing was HUGE and I needed something more discreet…I kept having to cut a bandaid down into a tiny circle to cover it up when I was at work!), but mine got so infected! I swear my only saving grace was that I ended up getting a sinus infection too and had to take antibiotics…cleared it right up! So glad because I kept saying, “I’ll be damned if I’m gonna lose this thing already!” Lol
Happy 2012!!!!!
looovee your outfit!! Happy new year 😀
Awww, love seeing your happy face in all those pictures! We stayed in and hung out with friends this year and I was okay with that 🙂
You looked adorable, and so happy!!
I eat raw oysters once a year at the work christmas party… love them!
You look hot! Love it! Sounds like the perfect way to bring in the new year! We spent the night at a friends house playing dance party games on the xbox until 4am. My age is catching up to me because it is taking me far too long to get back to normal! Happy New Year Heather!
happy new year!!! looks like you guys had a great time!
brad and i just stayed in and kept things pretty low key this year… we watched a couple movies and drank plenty… it was wonderful!
The Elvis impersonator looks like Frankenstein.
Looks like a wicked fun night – happy 2012 to you both… it’s going to be a goodie!
Omg, he totally DOES!! I swear he was so weird…I thought for sure he was going to throw his back out while he was trying to throw out some signature moves! 😉
Cute outfit! Sounds like it was a super fun NYE. And I totally agree with the commenter above me about Elvis looking like Frankenstein haha!
I went to my friend’s party on NYE and somehow managed to stay awake until 2 am. I was a total zombie yesterday though – I didn’t even change out of my PJs. 😛
You’re so gorgeous! And you guys look great together, seems like a fantastic NYE 🙂
Looks like you had a great time! We stayed in on New Year’s Eve after a long day of shopping 2 hours away!! I made it to Whole Foods and got the Wheat Pastry Flour, lots of fruity sodas, and fresh oysters!! LOL. I have never had them on crackers before, though. My best friend and I take them straight!!
The best part of 2012 so far has been the great haircut and color I got today 🙂
Hottttttttttttttt, you are!!! Damn lady! 😉 Alex and I partied like 80 year olds on the couch with the pups in our PJs. Happy, happy new year, friend – 2012, the year that KMB and PBB join forces IN PERSON! 😀
Wooooooooooo Hoooooooooo! And it’s going to be flippin fantastic! Only 4 more months!! Happy New Year!
umm, honestly, I thought that “elvis” guy was a wax statue! 😀 that first photo looks unreal. I love that you karaoke’d for New Years… I was just thinking I need to get my sing song on.
you two look great, Happy New Year Heather!!
You and the broccoli babe look ADORABLE!!!! 🙂 What a fantastic New Years celebration! And those eyelashes look amazing!! haha Not just for halloween 😉
Fun night! I didn’t go out for New Year’s. My hubby and I stayed home, ate sushi and drank wine. It was a delight : )
Crazy! My friend has worked at that steakhouse for 9 years and her last night was NYE! Small world.
Oh wow, what a coincidence!
Wow you looked great 😛 It looks like you had a great time on NYE!
Love your NYE outfit! Supa sexaaay!
We gussied up and hit up my friend’s restaurant here in Victoria BC, then headed back to my place (via a 2 am pit stop to play in the playground for 45 minutes…ah drinking) and then continuing to party until 6 am (only because no one could get cabs home!! ahh!). And by party, I mean I totally went to bed at 5 am and listened from there while people tried to play jump rope with my string of Christmas lights in the living room.
Happy New Year!
Omg, I’m frickin dying over here! That sounds like one wild night! And yeah, I’d be lying if I said I’ve never in my adult life played in a playground like a little kid, only…I was completely sober! Haha!
That is a pretty damn scary looking Elvis.
But looks like an awesome good time! Happy New Year!
BTW, love the look you were sporting. Fashion at an awesome price!
SWEET thrifty NYE outfit! It looks great. Sounds like you two had a blast! (;
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hehehe…im sexy and i know it!
you guys are so CUTE!!!