Happy Monday peeps!
Did everyone have a good weekend?
When I last left you guys, BB and I were about to go dive head first into a big plate of my Granny’s Chicken Stuff at my parent’s. Dinner couldn’t have been better but it ended with me indulging in a bit too much apple pie and BB and I having to stay the night (whoops!)
FYI: Don’t drink and Instagram…
The following are uploads with captions over a 3 hour time period following dinner:
Homemade apple pie!
Cornbread Tetrus
Getting drunk with the parentals…so much fun!
Don’t ask me why my mom has a coffee filter on her head. 😉
Kissy Kissy
Yep, pretty sure I’m feel right now! Lol
And by “feel” I obviously meant “drunk”
Gotta love my dad!
Nice Appel dipper dined caged <3
Drunkeness and auto correct don’t mix but the pineapple upside down cake was pretty darn tasty!
After that, my phone was confiscated…
Which was probably a good thing!
This gem didn’t make Instagram but I just love my dad’s face and had to share
You know what’s funny about Instagram?
You can’t delete captions!
I swear I’m not a lush!
My weekend DID include sober other festivities…complete with a sushi dinner, trucker hats, fro-yo, and Trader Joe’s, but I’ll save that for tomorrow! 😉
What was the best part about your weekend?
Any delicious eats?

HAHA! This post cracks me up! Looks like you had a heck of a weekend 🙂
I actually didn’t know that you can’t delete Instagram captions—thanks for the info! Haha I’m nervous now…Going back to delete tipsy Facebook posts is embarrassing enough! This weekend I enjoyed an especially delicious bowl of steel-cut oats with pumpkin and apple—it helped counteract the effects of the previous evening’s scotch & club soda…
Haha! Nothing like a big bowl of hearty grains to soak up the residual booze! 😉
This is absolutely hilarious and brought a much-needed smile to my face… so thank you for that! <3
Hahaha even though I follow you on instagram I didn’t quite catch those so thanks for bringing your drunken antics to out attention. Hilarious!!
Hahaha you and your family are hilarious!
My weekend didn’t involve any shenanigans like like – just a low key dinner with a friend, some shopping, and a movie night. It was exactly what I needed though!
I think I’m actually overdue for a nice low key weekend! It’s fun to go out and do stuff, but sometimes you get back to the grind on Monday and feel like you never got a break!
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