Hey guys!
So, it’s good to know I’m not the only one around here who could use a little motivation in the food prepping department. Maybe all us procrastinators should start a support group. For each week we prep, we get a shiny new tupperware container…the really nice ones…like vintage mint!
I’m open to group name suggestions! 😉
But of course, as you all know, there are bound to be times of weakness…
Like when I woke up this morning and realized that unlike yesterday where half my meals were already prepped, I had no idea what to make for breakfast, what to pack for lunch, and oh yeah, I woke up 20 minutes late!
Buttttttt before I get into all of that, let’s pop up our little party banner and see how I ended up doing on this week’s What I Ate Wednesday veggie challenge!

Ok, now where was I?
Oh yeah, I suck, I suck, I suck…AND I’m in need of a QUICK breakfast!
Coffee [duh] x 2 and a bowl of microwaved egg white oats!
This was my first time making egg white oats in the microwave…remind me never to do that again. The consistency was somewhere between sponge and styrofoam, but alas there was no time for alternative meals so I threw in a tablespoon of coconut flour to thicken things up, topped it with strawberry jam and a dab of cocoa almond spread and called it a meal!
Then I turned to the fridge and started throwing things into my lunchbox:
Carrots with mustard/yogurt dip (1/4 cup plain Greek yogurt + 2 teaspoons of spicy mustard) made for a nice morning snack.
And then…then there was lunch:
This is what you get when you randomly start tossing leftovers into a bowl…that would be wild rice, roasted brussels and cauliflower, diced ham, pineapple, and avocado.
And it was incredible!
I swear I always stumble upon the best combos when I’m not even thinking…who would have thought brussel sprouts and pineapple would go together?
As I was on my way to the gym after work, I reached in my lunch bag and was grateful I’d thrown in an orange as an afterthought.
Recycled pic, yes…but you get the point!
After finishing a GREAT workout at the gym (LiveFit Phase 1 Day 9), I was in desperate need of refueling:
And would you just check out those gorgeous specks!
A little more than an hour later though and I was ready for some REAL food…but what to eat?
I decided to go easy on the leftovers so I have something for my lunches for the rest of the week, but to be honest with you, I was halfway through making this meal before I knew what I was doing.
A salmon fillet went into the grill pan…multiple vegetables were taken out of the fridge only to be put back in…what to eat, what to eat, what to eat?!
Luckily, in the end, it all came together:
And I must say, I even impressed MYSELF with the presentation! 🙂
I massaged fresh lemon juice into a couple of handfuls of kale, sprinkled on a little pepper, topped it with the grilled salmon filet and some dried cranberries and served it alongside a cold sweet potato with an avocado “fan” (I swear the avocado totally did that on it’s own)!
Oh, and that drizzle on the salmon?
This mustard was MEANT for salmon!
I have to say I did a pretty rocking job on the fruits AND veggies today…even through my crazy rush of a morning which will NOT happen again since I’ve already increased the volume on my alarm clock, prepped the coffee pot AND packed my lunch for tomorrow!
That’s right, just dust the dirt off and jump back on that wagon!
Tomorrow is another day…and that’s one day closer to my minted tupperware! 😉
What’s the best thing you ate today?
Random: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?

Oooo… an awesome TJ find?! gonna get me some. sounds perfect for the salmon. which looks delicious! nice job.
Hows LiveFit treating you?
Oh yes, such a good match with the salmon!
LiveFit is going pretty well! I started it back before I hurt my back and just barely made it to phase 2 before I had to quit and give myself time to heal. So after I got released from the doc, I figured phase 1 would be the perfect re-entry into fitness. Some of the exercises seem a little easy, but it’s actually forcing me to concentrate more on the muscles I’m using and in only 2 weeks time, I can already feel much of my strength coming back. I’m excited to see how the rest of the program goes. I saw your review/progress pics for the Body For Life challenge…looks like it treated you MORE than well! Congrats girl!
I know how you feel with the breakfasts when you wake up late and you’re just like crap, what to make? And what you do make is like… not exactly what you expected haha. Oh well.
I see egg white oats on other blogs all the time and the idea has always left me intrigued, but totally freaked out at the same time! I have never worked up the nerve to try it, because I don’t think they will work out!
I’ve tried it on the stovetop before and it totally works…I think the thing is to slow cook the eggs. They blend in so much better that way….can’t taste them at all and you can barely even see them. But the microwave? Please, just learn from my mistake! Haha!
I love egg white oats! Mine always turn out creamy.. hmm..
Your lunch salad looks amazing and so colorful! 🙂
Hmm is right! What is your method? I’ve made them on the stove before and they’ve turned out great, but this was an epic microwave fail for sure!
I am trying to find ways to bulk up my smoothies and morning porridges and egg whites often do the trick although I am not always into the taste! your luch and dinner looks fantastic! I am craving salmon right now. could eat it every day at the moment. maybe i am in need of some more fats! 🙂
The yogurt/mustard dip sound tasty and easy! My kind of recipe!
I swear pineapple goes AMAZING with veggies. I always throw it on a salad with chicken and black beans. Your lunch looks delicious though!
Confession, I’ve never massaged my kale before, but I so want to now!
The last thing I did last night was play words with friends. That game will be the death of me! So addictive!
Oh my goodness, you HAVE to try it! I picked up a bottle of Trader Joe’s orange champagne vinegar on one of my last trips and it is AMAZING on kale!
I seriously want all of the food in this post! Except for your breakfast hahaha. 😉 But seriously that lunch looks amazing – I love adding pineapple to savoury meals!
I need to make that mustard/yogurt dip. Sounds perfect! I’m a big fan of mustard (hello no calories :)..!) so that sounds delicious! Best thing I ate…?? Hmmm…probably my snack of Cuties lol. That’s sad, but I love those little things! The last thing I did before going to bed last night was having a glass of water lol.
oh dear. I tried microwave egg white oats once. Top 2 worst breakfasts for sure…the other being when I tried to make mocha flavored oats with ground coffee. Apparently coffee grounds aren’t the same thing as instant coffee. Who knew? Besides everyone.
I made that mistake once!! Coffee grounds in oats = not a crunch you want!!
(random side note, keurig hot chocolate cups DO work!!)
Was it not like eating a clumpy cloud?! So weird! And oh goodness, I can only imagine how those mocha oats tasted…so sad when something you think is going to taste SO good ends up being a disgusting disappointment! 🙁
You totally get an A for effort on that presentation! LOVE the avocado in the potato-super creative!
And yet another TJ’s product I need to get my hands on-that sauce looks fantastic!
Thank you Nicole! And yes, the mustard is a MUST! Haha, oh wow…that was pretty corny even for me! 😉
I definitely need to prep my meals because when I don’t I end up eating more than I’m hungry for and usually the first thing I found, which isn’t always a vegetable : )
Random Answer: The last thing I did before going to bed last night was read a few pages of a magazine and kiss my fiance goodnight! tmi?
TMI? Of course not! I’m actually sort of jealous…I only get to spend the nights with my boyfriend on the weekend because we live a good distance apart and have almost opposite work schedules!
And I know what you mean about that “I’m starving and going to eat everything in sight” scenario. It’s happened to me more times than I care to admit…bowl of cereal, cheese and crackers, and pickles straight out of the jar? Sure, why not? Lol
I must say I am jealous of your creativity on the fly. When that happens to me it’s pb&j for lunch and a very boring dinner. Ah I miss my creativity, but alas no time! Haha.
Not that I can complain about my pb&j’s though, I have some new amazing jellys thanks to an amazing someone!
Hey, pb&j is nothing to complain about anyway! Actually, had I had bread, I’m sure that could very well have been my dinner for the evening…but alas I was forced to think! That reminds me though that I totally need a pb&j in my life in the VERY near post-Lent future! 😉
I’m so glad you are liking the things I sent you and thank you SOOOOO much for your sweet sweet package! Love ya!
mmm that mustard sauce looks so delicious!!
beautiful dinner lady! and i recently added dijon mustard to my greek yogurt on a whim and found it a delicious combination! i dipped salmon and asparagus spears in mine…
Well well! Great minds think alike, huh? You really can’t go wrong with a good dijon mustard…I’m finding more and more things to pair with it…I’m afraid I’ve become a bit obsessed! Lol
start keeping track of what you crave at different times of the day. write it down somewhere (seriously) and then when youre grocery shopping/prepping for the week look at the list and make things that you were craving.
when i pack my food the night before it doesnt always sound good at the moment because i like salty things for dinner, so packing sweet oats is counter to my mood at the time. but i always want sweet in the AM, so im glad i packed what i knew id want later, not what i wanted then. does that make sense?
Oh my gosh, that makes total and COMPLETE sense! I’ve never thought of that, but sometimes it IS really hard to think of what to pack when you just finished eating dinner! Thanks for the tip girlie!
It seems like you did just fine to me! Minus cardboard oats, yuck :c
Where did you get the cocoa almond spread from? Beautiful lunch, btw!
Thank you! The cocoa almond spread was a Trader Joe’s buy…it’s their version of Nutella. Tastes pretty much the same only maybe a little less sweet.
The best thing eaten lately California Veggie Sandwiches. I could eat one every day. Before I went to bed I read. This week it’s Mockingjay!
I’m going to try your yogurt mustard dip. Thanks!
[Fitness, Health and Happiness]
I am totally obsessed with the mustard/yogurt combo, but I’ve been experimenting more in the last couple of days…another favorite is mixing Mrs. Dash seasoning + pepper (because you can never have enough pepper) into yogurt…I had that for a snack today and it was sooooo good!
I’m reading Mockingjay too…although I need to make more time to sit down with it…I’m only a couple of chapters in and I started it over the weekend!
The best thing I ate today was a smoothie I made up with strawberries, 3 blackberries, raw cacao powder and dates. And water.
Before I went to bed the first time (I had to get up with hubby to get some info for paperwork) was read. Second time I took my medication(Lipitor and Celexa) I forgot to take earlier lol.
The salmon dish looks beautiful 🙂
Thank you, Robyn! Tt smoothie combo sounds interesting. I always forget about adding dates!
I’m trying to read before bed these days…studies say it’s good for helping the brain to wind down just before bed unlike what I usually do and am doing RIGHT now…staying up on the computer! Ugh! And I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to get up after getting all cozy in bed so that I could take my meds…I actually take Celexa too…it helps keep me “normal” Lol!
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Best thing I ate today was my “pumpkin microwave muffin”. I’m addicted and planning on eating it for breakfast tomorrow as well. 🙂 I had salmon the other night as well. So good! 🙂
Everything you ate today I wish I ate!!! I need to buy that cocoa almond spread..I keep eyeing it at TJ’s and tell myself I’ll make my own to save some mulla but never do….and that salmon looks phenom! I’ll have to get my hands on some of that aioli too!
Have you ever tried Emerald’s cocoa roasted almonds? I’ve popped some of those in my food processor and made my own cocoa almond spread…you’ll save a TON in sugar and the only difference is that it ends up being a little thicker than the TJ’s kind! 🙂
Waking up late, no lunch packed? WoW you sound just like me. That is my normal Wednesday routine! Except for this Wednesday….maybe we cosmically traded mornings? Except somehow your thrown-together food is way more inpressive than mine.
Wow…somebody cue the Twilight Zone music! And thanks, Kat…I did my best with what I had! 😉
You’re welcome! It’s an inspiration to me 🙂