What’s a Girl Gotta Do To Get a Bubble Wrap Suit?!

Oops I did it again…

And I don’t mean any of Britney’s paparazzi-loving escapades.

Nope, I did this:

Question, class: Which knee looks abnormal?

Here, does this help?

The curved lines on the right (my left knee) represent the natural curve of your knee…well, just where the heck are they in my other leg?!

Wanna know what happened?

So do I!

All I know is that yesterday afternoon while I was at work, I squatted down to the floor to pick up a pen I had dropped and I felt a stabbing pain just to the medial side of my right knee….so bad it knocked me over! The same thing happened again at home last night, but as long as the knee was in a normal position, it didn’t bother me. Then this morning I did something to put all my weight on my right leg and it buckled!

I spent any free time I had at work today like this:

And although the swelling has gone down a bit, to be on the safe side, I’m now sporting one of these:

You know, I hear knee braces are on their way up in the fashion industry…yep, right up there with scrunchies and head gear!

On the bright side, it seems the stars were aligned ever so slightly or maybe the gods pitied my accident-prone existence because:

A.) We had a nice slower-paced day at work.
Good for rest….good for ice…and I actually got to leave a little early today so I ran by Sam’s Club on my way home (because that’s what foodies do when they need cheering up…they go grocery shopping) and restocked my supply of produce!

Woo hoo! Time for more brussel sprouts and pineapple bowls!

B.) I came home to a surprise in my mailbox.

Not only did my two favorite magazines show up on the SAME day, but I was actually excited for the first time to see the “junk mail” newspaper in my box.

Why, you ask?


I’ve been saying we needed a Panera Bread for years…at long last, I will finally have Focaccia Asiago bread and Chicken Tortilla Soup only a 15 minute drive away from my house.

And finally…C.) I found a surprise package waiting for me on my doorstep!

I came home to the sweetest package from one of my favorite bloggers:

I sent her a few things I knew she would love about a week ago, and she sent me the best “thank you gift”. Can I get a heck yeah for Peanut Honey Pretzel Luna Bars?! I’ve been looking EVERYWHERE for this flavor!

And seriously, how cute are these thank you cards?

Debbie, you’re the best! And you have to tell me where you got these!

Fresh produce and mail…what can I saw, I’m easy to please πŸ˜‰

So, I may be the world’s record holder for accidental self-inflicted injuries like
throwing out my backΒ while getting a book out of a bookcase and I messing up my knee by picking a pen up off the floor, but I have a plan…

If Jimmy Kimmel can do it, so can I!

And luckily, Debbie’s already got my collection started:

Ohh, don’t you just want to reach up to the screen and pop them?

Here, try this instead!

Now, who has a good relationship with their local UPS/FedEx delivery man?

Please tell me there are others out there as accident prone as me!

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13 Responses to What’s a Girl Gotta Do To Get a Bubble Wrap Suit?!

  1. Ouch, sorry to hear about your knee!! πŸ™ A package and awesome magazines sure would make me feel a little better though πŸ™‚

  2. Awww your poor knee!!!! πŸ™ That sucks! At least you have that fashionable brace πŸ˜‰

    And YAY for panera!

  3. Lizzi says:

    Ouuuch. Don’t worry.. I’m horrifically accident prone. Usually in the most embarrassing ways possible (I once hurt myself by FALLING OFF THE TOILET SEAT).

    Hope you’re feeling better soon!

    Also – that package of goodies looks awesome! Let me know if you’d ever like to do an international snack swap! I’ve done some awesome ones in the past and it’s always so so much fun πŸ™‚

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Omg! Were you drinking?! Haha!

      I’d DEFINITELY be up for an oversea’s swap! I’m always curious about snacks over there…and I know you want to get your hands on some Trader Joe’s loot! I’m a little low on funds right now, but as soon as I get my tax refund, I’ll hit you up!

      • Lizzi says:

        Lmao.. are you ready for the best/most embarrassing bit of the story?? I fell of the toilet because I had JUST MOISTURISED MY BUTT AND IT WAS SLIPPERY. Ohhh my. My boyfriend heard this enormous CRASH from the next room, and many annoying questions ensued: “why was your butt slippery?! WHY WERE YOU MOISTURISING YOUR BUTT??? WHY IS MY GIRLFRIEND SO WEIRD?!?!”

        And yesssss! I’m in the total same boat at the moment, but once I stop spending all my money on treats for MYSELF, we’ll totally do it πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ I’ve got a few things in the back of my mind that I think you’d like!

        • kissmybroccoli says:

          Oh stop…please! I can’t breathe!! Oh my gosh, I’m gonna be giggling about that ALL night! Lol!

          And yeah, definitely have to stop buying treats for myself…I thought about that as I did my Foodie Pen Pal shopping today and ending up spending $40 on myself! Haha!

  4. Sorry about your knee! I hope it isn’t anything serious!

    But other than that, it sounds like you had an awesome day! πŸ˜€ Getting mail is seriously the best. But the only mail I ever get is from my dad, who sends me newspaper articles written by Leslie Beck (an RD who I love) hahaha.

  5. I’m so glad you got the package! Let me know when you want more bars or anything else you can’t find!! Love ya girl!

    (hope your poor knee feels better!)

  6. Oh man, I hope your knee feels better and you figure out what’s wrong with it.
    & Awesome gifts from Debbie. I’ve never tried any of the Luna bars!

  7. Sign me up. I am just as accident prone as you are. My knees are totally scarred up from all the falls I’ve taken in the last few years β€”Β none of which happened during winter running, oddly enough.

  8. Rosalie says:

    :/ I’ve had the same thing happen–I was crouching down to get a can of something or other from the cupboard and that pop sound happened. I went to stand and just buckled. Fortunately, being in the kitchen, bags of frozen veggies weren’t far away πŸ˜‰ I’m now hyper-aware of ever letting my knee go over my toes when I squat/crouch down, meaning I do a whole lot of “the marriage proposal” posing haha
    Like you’re doing, I just rested, iced, and kept a sleeve on that knee–particularly when I was sleeping, I would wear the sleeve and make sure to try falling asleep with my leg extended.
    Best wishes for a speedy recovery πŸ™‚

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Ahhh! It is SO good to hear that this has happened to someone else! Love the “wedding proposal”…I also have what I call the “side kick” where I bend the good leg and the bad one stretches out to the side in a weird side lunge. Haha!

      I did exactly what you described last night too…wore the sleeve to bed and slept with two pillows under my leg. Although I woke up a couple of times and had to reposition (lifelong side sleeper right here!). It bothered me quite a bit today. Occasionally while I was walking, it would feel like it was about to hyperextend. Hopefully a few more nights of the pillow regime will get it back to normal.

      And seriously, Rosalie, thank you for commenting…I really thought I was a total weirdo! πŸ˜‰

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