Happy Monday dudes and dudettes!
It’s FINALLY time for this month’s Foodie Pen Pal Reveal…you seriously have no idea how excited I was to receive my package from Brooke a few weeks ago and I’ve been DYING to share the deets on all the goodies she sent me!
The day it came in the mail, I was really late getting in from work so I just sat the package on the kitchen table and figured I’d open it in the morning…
Such a great idea…because when I woke up to this, it felt like CHRISTMAS morning!
Um, can we say this girl knows how to do her homework?
To say I was a excited is a bit of an understatement.
Fresh out of the shower…before breakfast…before coffee…
There was…the okra appetizer!
Although I’ve been saying for MONTHS that I’m going to try Sarena’s baked okra, unfortunately none of these little green beauties made it ANYWHERE near a heat source.
I continued crunching on them through the week, until the unbelievable totally expected happened:
Three days later, the container was empty.
And then I had an okra meltdown…
Say it isn’t so!
Why God, why?!
After continuing on with the rest of the stages of the grieving process, I finally turned my attention to the other package inhabitants.
I missed my chance to put the chili seasoning and dried peppers to good use weekend before last when we were having our relapse into winter…but I was way too busy laying on the couch getting in touch with my inner extra terrestrial.
What is it about being cold that makes you not want to move…sorry Yogi, there will be NO dancing for this gal!
But I did crack open that fire roasted salsa!
It was a great addition to my bowl of savory oats with a sunny egg and avocado slices…
In fact, I vowed to make savory oats pop into my meal rotation more often after finishing that bowl!
That was until I discovered my newest obsession:
Who needs tortilla chips when you’ve got perfectly crunchy celery stalks?!
Other than a little taste straight from the bear’s head…
Am I the only one who gets a little weirded out by that?…it’s like it’s oozing sweet liquid brain matter all over your finger!…
I’ve yet to really enjoy the brain matter honey, but I’ve been cooking up some ideas on how to recreate a few of my favorite snack bars…don’t worry, you’ll be the first to know once I have a successful batch! 😉
As for the zucchini flowers…I couldn’t help but laugh out loud when I pulled them out of the box since I had JUST taken this quiz on Facebook…but I haven’t done anything with them yet. I tend to hoard things like this until I find just the right recipe, but I’m super excited to check another one off my list!
Check out the list for yourself…there’s some pretty interesting things on there!
As for MY pen pal for the month, I was paired up with Seema, a blog reader with a few wishes…
Anyone else out there coveting some xanthan gum??
While she wasn’t able to type up a post for me to share with you guys, I DID get her permission to share some of her excitement from the email I received after she opened her package:
Still can’t decide which I like better, the excitement I feel when I open my own package or the way it feels when I KNOW I’ve made someone’s day with with the goodies I’ve sent out!
If you haven’t hopped on board the Foodie Pen Pal train yet, I HEAVILY suggest you head on over to Lindsay’s blog over at The Lean Green Bean and get on board for May so YOU can know what it feel like to have a foodie Christmas six months early!
Here’s an explanation of the program:
- On the 5th of the month, you will receive your penpal pairing via email. It will be your responsibility to contact your penpal and get their mailing address and any other information you might need like allergies or dietary restrictions.
- You will have until the 15th of the month to put your box of goodies in the mail. On the last day of the month, you will post about the goodies you received from your penpal!
- The boxes are to be filled with fun foodie things, local food items or even homemade treats! The spending limit is $15. The box must also include something written. This can be anything from a note explaining what’s in the box, to a fun recipe…use your imagination!
- Foodie Penpals is open to blog readers as well as bloggers. If you’re a reader and you get paired with a blogger, you can choose to write a short guest post for your penpal to post on their blog about what you received. If two readers are paired together, neither needs to worry about writing a post for that month.
- Foodie Penpals is open to US, Canadian residents & UK residents.
How many of the 100 Foods to Eat Before You Die have you tried?
What is your favorite vegetable to eat RAW?

Looks like you got some awesome goodies! I agree, opening packages in the morning is like Christmas morning! 😀 Getting packages is just so fun and exciting!
My favorite veggie to eat raw are carrots. 🙂
Never tried okra… I did see it the other day though – what do you do with it? Eat it raw?
Actually, most (normal) people eat it cooked. It’s a STAPLE ingredient in gumbo and a lot of people eat it fried (that’s honestly one of my foodie weaknesses). I REALLY want to try the Pure 2 Raw twins’s okra fries (http://www.pure2raw.com/2011/07/healthy-baked-okra-fries/) They look amazing!
Great stuff! I love that roasted salsa – but I haven’t done the savory oats thing yet. It weirds me out but it was actually the last thing on my adventurous April list to do that I failed at. I hope to get the courage to try (along with savory pumpkin).
My fave veggie to eat raw? Hmm, probably a toss between red bell peppers, carrots and cucumbers (especially if it counts when they are pickles/wickles!!)
I’ll have to try the celery with the salsa – that looks good!
It most definitely counts when they are wickles! Mmm! Thank you so much for tipping me off to those!
You HAVE to try savory oats! Being a lover of the yolk, I just know you’ll love them! Just think of the oats like you would grits…or polenta! 🙂
Yum, gotta love Okra 🙂 We eat it almost every week and I prefer it stuffed (with chick pea flower and other goodies), then seared, and baked. My second favorite is bindi masala ( http://cooking4allseasons.blogspot.com/2011/07/bhindi-masala-recipe-how-to-make-bhindi.html ). Glad you’re enjoying all your wonderful foodie pen pal items!
Thank you once again for all the goodies you sent me!! I wish I could jump out of that e-mail and give you a big hug 😀
Hahaha omg you are too funny girlie. Love your expressions haha. I’ve never even SEEN okra before, it looks so weird – different than I thought it does! Nice package!
carrots carrots and more carrots. dipped in chobani = life.
Haha I had never HAD Okra until I moved to Virginia! It’s not very common in Ohio! I’m sorry you’re all out now 🙁
I need to get in on the foodie pen pals!