In the words of a true Blend:
“One thing that I’ve learned from being a member of the healthy living blogger’s community is that many of are pretty weird. More specifically, we eat some pretty weird stuff.”
If you’ve been reading my blog for ANY length of time, you’ve probably noticed I can get a little…um, creative with my food sometimes. So when Lauren contacted me last week asking if I’d like to share my favorite “weird food combo” in a post of hers, the only question I had was…
If you’ve been reading long, you know by now I am no stranger to the strange, but believe it or not, before I started blogging, I really didn’t have any odd combos that stood out…well, unless you count the obscene amount of ketchup that made it’s way onto my plate on a regular basis! 😉
It all started with my first Green Monster…
Circa 2010…only two months before I started the bloggy.
I’m pretty sure I see spinach in my teeth 😉
Next thing you know I’m whipping up bowls of savory oats…
Oats topped with green onions, feta cheese, and salt and pepper.
Throwing avocado in my baked goods…
Vegan Chocolate Avocado Cake with Avocado Buttercream Frosting
And adding nut butter to just about anything…
Sloppy Nutty Joes, HEAB-style
Now, two years later, no holds are barred…the weirder the combo, the more it appeals to me!
A few of my latest and greatest…
Fried Egg (and a crapTON of veggies) In A (sunbutter) Jar.
Popchips dipped in cashew butter.
Tuna, ricotta, and peanut butter…with roasted kabocha and falafel thins.
Chipotle-spiced chicken breast with almond butter.
Are we noticing a theme here with the nut butter?
#sorryimnotsorry 😉
But the one that takes home the Weird Food Award under the category of
“Use Up of All Leftovers in the Fridge”:
Sweet potato meets Tuna-LESS Melt topped with olive spread and balsamic vinegar.
A sweet and savory flavor EXPLOSION!
Think THAT sounds weird, head on over to Oatmeal After Spinning and check out a few of Lauren’s, Laura’s, Sarah’s and my favorites!
Wanna join our weird foodie club? 😉
What’s you FAVORITE weird food combo?

That last one takes the cake… and olive cake.
Thanks for the #weirdfoodie love! If we all got together in a kitchen one day… I’m pretty sure it would explode. 😉
that fried egg-veggie-sunbutter jar has me unnaturally excited for the end of my jar.
Love this!! Pretty sure I do some pretty weird combos too! I think it goes with the territory! However, your “weird foods” always look good!
Haha, I would love to join your “weird foodie” club:D Popchips dipped in cashew butter?? That sounds absolutely delicious! I have found that tortilla chips dipped in peanut butter is also a great combination. Some of my other favorite “weird” combinations include a carrot-ginger-cocoa powder smoothie, brown rice covered with lots of mustard, banana-avocado “ice cream,” pancakes made with chickpea flour, savory oats with nutritional yeast and salsa, and many others. My siblings give me strange looks sometimes when they see what I am eating, but my mantra is this: if it tastes good, who cares how “weird” it is??
The other day I just felt like eating a watermelon, feta cheese, and avocado salad topped with wheat germ. And it was freakin’ good! The saltiness of the feta perfectly balanced everything else. Or multigrain toast topped with apple butter and tomatos.
I’ve found that since I stopped eating meat I’ve become much more inventive with my meals.
OW!! Weirdo food sistas unite!!
You’ve officially crossed the weirdo threshhold now though… fried egg in a sunflower butter jar? COME ON.
No, really. I think you’re quite normal.
Thanks for the love, love! xoxo
I LOVE THIS BABY GIRL! I kind of want to make a list of my weird food combos now!!!!!!!! 😀 you’re so inspiring to embrace the weirdness!
Haha okkkayyyy egg in a nut butter? Interesting to say the least.. Can’t imagine how that would taste, I’ve never had my nut butter sweetened, always with veggies.
I am SO in the club! Yesterday I made a sandwich/quesadilla that was a brown rice tortilla with hummus, hot&sweet pepper jelly, and pickles. Not sure why I thought that would be a good idea but holy yum! Bring on the weird food combos 🙂
HAhaha love this!
The thing is, I don’t think my creations are that weird, while others I know think I’m a complete freak for combining certain foods. I don’t mind being a food freak at all.
yep, same here. Yes to all of them! right up my alley. Luckily, i married a foreigner who likes the same weird combos. We are that ODD couple. LOVE IT! and YOU!
Hahaha and I thought I ate some crazy stuff 😉 You really do have super creative meals though! My roommates have grown used to my green smoothies, my eating with baby spoons (they’re long enough to reach down in the blender, and since they’re rubber, it doesn’t scratch the blades!!) and my random assortment of dishes 😉
YES! So…I’m thinking about organizing a weird food club swap….
The first thing that comes to mind when you mention your weird food combos is that BBQ and PB sandwich combo (I think that was it) that you were eating last year. I thought it was the weirdest thing, but I’m not one to judge strange foodie combos because I have some preeeeeetty “interesting” ones… applesauce/bananas/jam with hummus come to mind 😯 Don’t knock it till you try it! But really, as long as it tastes good to you, then who cares what anyone else thinks. And savory oats aren’t weird in the slightest! 😉
Ok I’m starting to think my food combos aren’t weird enough! I need to branch out more and try more weird foods together! The weirdest thing I’ve tried lately was scrambled egg whites with banana… which isn’t actually so weird by blog standards haha.
Fried Egg and a Ton of crap in a Jar… nice. made me laugh. least its healthy.
Now that vegan chocolate avocado cake… yum! will you make me one? 😉
Popchips & cashew butter? Hmm.. that one is probably the strangest combo to me. I’ll have to try it though 🙂
You make weird look good and tasty!! Yummy 🙂
FEIAJ looks AMAZING. Holy cow. I want to shove fried eggs in all my jars now. And there’s a sentence I never expected to be typing…
And I’m a master of “Whatever’s in the fridge” meals, especially “whatever’s in the fridge with eggs” (that makes it breakfast), “Whatever’s in the fridge over greek yogurt” (that makes it lunch) and “Whatever’s in the fridge, stir-fried” (dinner, of course).
I would LOVE to be part of the “Weird Food” Club!!! I enjoy the most bizarre combinations!! I’ll put Eggs in mostly anything, and Winter squash for that matter. I LOVE Kabocha and salsa. :shaking head:: i know! odd! I must admit it wasn’t until I found your blog and Laura from @Sprint2theTable that I realized i wasn’t the only one out there that liked weird combos together! Thank you for letting me know i’m not too far out there alone in odd flavor combos!! 😛
Salsa and kabocha? Membership GRANTED! Now you’ve got me wishing I hadn’t eaten the last of my kabocha squash last night! Lol I love it with ketchup or a noochified peanut flour sauce…heck, it’s kabocha, I’ll eat it with ANYTHING! So darn delicious!
And I totally get what you mean, Laura makes me feel so…normal! Lol Glad to have you on the weird flavor train along with us! 😀
OMG!! Not too long ago I had fried egg and peanut butter on toast!! I thought you would approve lol Next time I am going to add jelly.
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