It’s no secret…
I can come up with some seriously questionable food combos.
But the other day, I decided to take a step aside…
And let the KING rule!
♫ My hands are shaky and my knees are weak ♫
♫ I can’t seem to stand on my own two feet ♫
♫ Who do you thank when you have such luck? ♫
♫ I’m in lovvvvvvvve ♫
♫ I’m all shook up! ♫
Mm-mm-mmmmm, ohhhh, yeah, yeah!
♫ I said, I’m in LOVVVVVVE… ♫
♫ And all milked up! ♫
The Elvis Burger
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Keywords: fry grill entrée sandwich bananas bacon peanut butter #strangebutgood
Ingredients (Serves 1)
- 3 ounces lean ground beef
- 1/8 cup raw, chopped onions*
- 1 strip fully cooked bacon cut in half (I used Trader Joe’s nitrate-free)
- 1/2 banana, sliced lengthwise
- 1 whole wheat hamburger bun
- 1/2-1 tablespoon honey sweetened chunky peanut butter (or regular pb + 1/2 tsp of honey)
* Or caramelize them for an even BETTER treat! 😀
1. Set two skillets over medium heat and allow to warm.
2. Combine beef and onions, form into a patty with your hands.
3. Place in one of the hot skillets and cook 4-5 minutes per side or to desired doneness.
4. To the other skillet, spray with non-stick spray, and add banana halves.
5. Cook 3-4 minutes per side.
6. Spread bottom half of hamburger bun with peanut butter.
7. Add burger patty and top with bacon, caramelized banana, and other half of bun.
Mm-mm-mmmmm, ohhhh, yeah, yeah!
And just in case you don’t think I’m strange for loving this, what if I told you I had it for BREAKFAST?…twice?! 😯
Be sure to head on over to Sprint 2 the Table and see how everyone else is stranging shaking things up this week! 🙂
Are you up for trying the peanut butter, banana, and bacon combo?
If so, how about mixing up your next breakfast with some pancakes or waffles! 😉
Have you ever eaten dinner for breakfast?

Now, I’m a fan of odd combinations – but this is way too extreme for me, hahaha.
I have eaten Brinner (breakfast for dinner) many a time – but never dinner for breakfast! I’m a sweet breakfast kinda girl and for some reason, eating something savoury for breakfast just doesn’t seem right in my head haha.
Haha! Aww, come on now…you’re halfway there with your banana peanut butter! Take a walk on the
wildweird side and throw in some bacon “sprinkles” (bacon with cinnamon sugar) for me…just once! 😉Hahaha, Jesse might think that was okay (seeing as I’ve convinced him my other weird combinations are normal!)
I’m actually one of those people who don’t like bacon. (I thought Jesse was going to call off our relationship when I first told him this hahaha)
Hahaha! Yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s an unwritten law that I guy has to turn in his “man card” if he doesn’t like bacon! Good thing that doesn’t apply to girls! 😉
I am so trying this!! Looks delicious..eheheh
Thanks for sharing! xx
ana_getsfit on IG
Woo hoo! You gotta let me know what you think! I love spreading the weird food love! 😀
If I liked bacon, I would try this! But somehow I missed developing a taste for it. However, my husband would be all over this combo!! I think I’ll be humming All Shook Up all morning now. 🙂 Happy Friday!
I think you should make this for him while doing the Elvis dance! Dinner AND a show! 😉
oh man i think that looks delicious, but for breakfast?!?! 😉
There is a burger restaurant in Canada called The Works that makes THE BEST burgers ever, and we go aalll the time. It has over 50 different burgers to choose from, but one of my all-time favourites is called “Hunka hunka Burnin’ Love”- which is pb and banana! It was SO DELICIOUS, I’m convinced that there is absolutely nothing that peanut butter doesn’t pair well with!
THAT is where the idea came from actually! I saw two of my blogger friends met up there a couple of weeks ago and they BOTH mentioned that burger…I just couldn’t get it out of my head after that! Lol
Oh my gosh I think you seriously are a genius. I can’t eat like half the stuff in this but I would if I could. I’d definitely be your number one taste tester 😉 Except I wouldn’t cook the banana…. I tried a grilled pb and banana sandwich a few years ago… Just no— the banana was way too mushy for me, but I don’t know. The bananas actually kind of look like pickles on the burger. Possibly. Lol.
Like pickles? haha! Have you ever tried peanut butter and pickles together? That’s my next weird food mission! 😀
haha you come up with the coolest combinations, heather!! I bet I could make this work with a boca burger! 😉
Or heck, I’d love just some plain old peanut butter and bananas on a bun, hehe
Definitely! Or I really like Light Life’s portobello burgers…they taste incredibe…you’d swear there’s was meat in it!
Haha a restaurant I went to a few weeks ago does this combo…I really want to try it! I love all of the elements separately, so why wouldn’t I love them squished together on a burger? Looks fabulous!
I just told Chelsea, it was you guy’s blog posts that totally got this idea in my head! After I saw both of you mention the Hunka Hunka Burnin’ Love burger, I just couldn’t shake it! And since I just HAPPENED to have some extra ground beef lying around after making Laura’s spaghetti squash pie, it only made sense! Just wish I had had some sweet potato fries to go along with it! 😀
too cute!!
that burger is calling our names!!! YUMMMM
I like using peanut butter in unique ways, Heather, but. Guess I could do it with a veggie burger and veggie bacon. What the heck, I’ll give it a try!
Heck yeah! Have you ever tried Light Life’s portobello burger? It’s unbelievably “meaty”! 😀
Haha nice—looks delicious : )
Oh girl, you ARE the weirdest. I would totally try this since I try everything. I am just not sure about the bacon since I don’t like bacon, but paired with the banana? Might do it!!
I am not sure if i did eat dinner for breakfast…. – is a frittata a dinner? Breakfast? Lunch? Anyway, frittatas or omelettes or scrambles i eat any time of the day. Happy Weekend Love!!
If you ask me, eggs are the universal meal…good at ANY time of day! Love love love! If you’re not a huge bacon fan, you could still get some sweet/salty action going on if you crushed up some pretzels and added it to it! 😀 And after seeing your tweet this morning, now I’m thinking peanut butter, banana, and bacon COOKIES!! Lol
Elvis knew where it was AT. PB, banana and bacon? Rock-a-billy on.
I loooove an Elvis burger. There’s a place here called The Vortex that does them. You should read their menu for fun one day. There’s also a place that does it but uses doughnuts instead of a bun. As of PB and bacon on a burger aren’t gluttonous enough. Hahaha!
Anyway, love the homemade version.. And with onion?! For breakfast??? And I thought eating Mexican spaghetti squash pie for breakfast was weird. You win. Again.
Haha! Omg, that reminds me of Paula Dean’s Burger! It’s a burger on a Krispy Kreme donut topped with a fried egg and bacon! As if there was ever any wonder how that woman got diagnosed with diabetes! 😉
I’d definitely be down for trying the [almond butter], banana, and bacon combo, but I don’t think I could hop on board with the idea of dinner for breakfast. I need my mornings to start out on a sweet note otherwise I get all sorts of cranky. The farthest I could go into the dark side is to do something that’s both savory and sweet, but I think that’s even pushing it!
Hmm, maybe you should start small and throw a few bacon “sprinkles” (bacon sprinkled with cinnamon sugar) in your next yogurt/cereal bowl…bet it would go great with that super creamy, out of my reach coconut yogurt! 😛
That reminds me…I need to make some hummus and jam oats!
Cute post! Heather I am scurred of this lol, but it does look good :))
I was a bit nervous too…not gonna lie on that one, but I’m SO glad I gave it a try! I think I start a new experiment in popular weirdo foods….next up, peanut butter and PICKLES!!! Duh, duh, duuuuuuuuuuuuh! 😉
YOUUUU amaze me. Every single post. haha.
Too cute! You know, half of the reason I’m going to try this is because I’m so darn curious. I’m all about strange combos!
Aww, thank you Sami!! 😀
And seriously, most of the reason I try ANYTHING odd is simply out of curiosity! I’m always wondering…mmmm, if I like this…and I like that…would it be even BETTER if they were together?! 😉
ERHMAGHERD! I want an Elvis burger! Now!
Haha! Bet you wish you had requested my Elvis pancakes when I came up to visit now, huh? 😉
This looks HEAVENLY! … a girl after my own heart. <3 Nice job, Heather.
Haha! I love that I can always count on you my weird food twin! xoxox
woah girl, you are pretty adventerous. It looks good but Im not sure if Im that bold yet 😛 it does looks delicious though
Oh believe me, I was a definitely a little nervous taking that first bite! But…you never know until you try, right? 😉
I love burgers and I love peanut butter but I just don’t think I could do it. But I love you for your unconventional eating 🙂
P.S. Just wanted to say that I tore my meniscus in high school and had to have surgery. I refused to use the crutches and have a serious phobia involving elevators so I refused that too. It was a fun couple of weeks wearing sweatpants (jeans wouldn’t fit over my swollen knee!) and swinging my leg up and down stairs, not to mention the part where I had to sit out almost the entire season on my dance team (which at the time felt like the end of the world) but I haven’t had a single problem with that knee since. Happy recovery to you!
Awww, thank you so much Lauren! That definitely helps me feel a bit better…to think that after all this, I could possibly be right back where I started at some point is absolutely gut wrenching. I swear I thought I would have been back on my feet a lot quicker than this, but thanks to some poor information (or better yet, lack thereof) from the doctor, I didn’t really have any direction for my recovery/therapy until I saw a physical therapist almost a week and a half after the surgery! Did they repair your meniscus or remove it?
You, my friend, are a genius!! Love the peanut butter/banana/bacon combo, and I LOVE the idea of enjoying it in burger form! And pan-cooked caramelized bananas are the jam!
I’m not sure I’ve mustered up the courage to try a hunk of meat for breakfast, but I’m a big fan of savory scrambles, smoked salmon, and a few strips of bacon. Baby steps, baby steps. 😉
Happy Friday!!
Haha, I kinda surprised myself with that one too…I think it was just the thought of sweet caramelized bananas and peanut butter that did it for me! And of course, my “mornings” (even with being out of work right now) are usually around 11 or 12 so I still get confused sometimes as to whether I should be fixing breakfast or lunch! Lol
Lol you are too funny! Don’t know that I’m ready to try this combo but I like the way you think. Weird combos can sometimes work out to be the best.
“Weird combos can sometimes work out to be the best.” <-So true! You never know, until you try! There have been so many things I've combined in the last year or so (and fell in LOVE with) that I never would have THOUGHT to put together before!
My kids love PB&Bacon toast for breakfast, but the addition of a burger–I think I need to thaw and bake the last pound of bacon I’ve been hiding out from. This burger looks awesome.
And here my burger had mystery squash in it . . .
Thank you Kirsten! And like I mentioned on your blog last night, if ever you feel the need for one more child…you just let me know and I’ll be on your doorstep with adoption papers and a pen faster than you can say hunka hunka burnin’ love! 😉
You come up with the strangest, most delicious combinations! I need to try this sometime!!
Haha! Ummm, thank you? This is definitely one of those odd combos that everyone should try at least once…just to say you did! 😉
YUM!! I used to LOVE peanut butter, bacon, and maple syrup on my pancakes as a kid! This brings back yummy memories!
Ohhhhhh, I’ve got to try it with maple syrup! Or, oh man, I bet it would be great with Peanut Butter & Company’s Mighty Maple peanut butter! That stuff is already insanely delicious on its own! 🙂
Oh my. Oh my. Oh my. You just made me want a burger. Hard.
Haha! You could tooooooooootally do this with a veggie burger…you know, throw in a little liquid smoke action for that “bacon-y” flavah…just sayin’ 😉
This sounds amazing! I had peanut butter, asian slaw, onion and ginger sauce on a burger in Indiana and it was amazing! They had a PB and banana burger on their menu too. Anything is better with peanut butter!
“Anything is better with peanut butter!” <- AMEN, sistah! That burger you tried sounds amazing! I once made a teriyaki chicken sandwich with peanut butter and and orange/gingery was to die for!
Dang, I’m a 2-year vegetarian and that looks mighty tasty! I have a feeling I’ll be stocking up on Boca burgers REEEEAAAL soon…
Oh yeah! Or, have you ever tried the Light Life portobello burgers? It’s unbelievable how “meaty” tasting they are!
They have this topping combo at a local burger place that I went to recently! Actually I’m going there again tonight… I should bring my own soy nut butter and ask them to make it for me haha! Bacon, banana and soy nut butter are all amazing on their own, so logically they must be amazing together. 😀
Actually…you and Sam got the idea in my head when I saw your blog posts about it…The Works, right? I was totally drooling over myself at the description of the burgers you guys ordered, but you BOTH mentioned the Hunka Hunka Burnin’ Love…and well, I just HAPPENED to have some leftover ground beef from making Laura’s spaghetti squash pie sooooo… 😀
It really is an amazing combo! You should TOTALLY get them to make one for you…allergy-free style of course! I want you to revel in it’s deliciousness, but I’d also like you to live to tell the tale! 😉
Oh yeah!!! I would definitely try that! LOOKS YUMMY! Peanut Butter and Banana anytime! 🙂 And you can never go wrong with bacon! 🙂
“And you can never go wrong with bacon!” <- Most definitely NOT! 😉
I reallllly want to try the pb, banana, bacon combo!! I love PB&B, so bacon flavour would just take it to another level. Elvis may not have been in the best of health, but he sure had good taste (sometimes).
Oh girl, if you love sweet and salty combos, it’s the BEST! So is peanut butter, banana, and pretzels! Mmmm, pretzels…. 😉
Peanut butter on a burger – wouldn’t have thought of that one! I love unusual food combinations so keep up the creativity!
Haha, thank you Lisa! Well, I can’t say that I NEVER would have thought of it…since lately I’ve been putting peanut butter with everything (salsa?) but I have to say I was honestly a little surprised that I liked it…it just seemed so “weird” <- even for ME! Lol
I LOVE it. It almost makes me want to eat beef. 🙂 Somehow, I’m not sure it would be the same with a veggie burger.
This reminds me of the time I ate a cheeseburger on a donut bun in Austin. The way that the sweet glaze melted down over the beef? DIVINE. Sweet and salty and meaty and CHEESY. They actually told me I wasn’t even allowed to ask for tomato or lettuce. [I did it anyway. :)]
Oh HO, but it COULD! Have you ever tried the LightLife portobello burger? Laura turned me on (hubba hubba) to them a few months ago…they taste so much like meat it’s not even funny! Throw on a splash of some liquid smoke…or better yet some eggplant/tempeh bacon and you’ve got yourself a (veggie) BURGER! 😉
Oh my god, you’ve had the Paula Dean burger?! I’ve seen so many pictures, but honestly, I’m not a fan of glazed donuts so it always makes my stomach turn a bit! Lol
I just tried this and it was disgusting.
To each their own. Sorry your not a fan!