Hey guys!
Happy Friday! I hope all my US peeps had a fantastic Independence Day…and perhaps enjoying a little long weekend with ME? We had some crazy storms all day yesterday and into the evening so there were no fireworks for me. Just a quiet night at the house with the man-friend, a big bowl of popcorn, and some instant-streaming Netflix…we’ve reached boring old couple status and I’m not complaining ONE BIT!
So I’ve been seeing this little ABC survey floating around blogworld for the last few weeks and since I had absolutely nothing planned to post it’s Friday, I thought I’d join in! Plus, you guys should know I can NEVER turn down a good quiz!
A. Attached or Single?
Attached, to my ANYTHING but boring, food-lovin’ lizard man!
B. Best Friend?
I could never pick just ONE…my mom, my sister, my high school besties, my Blends…I am TRULY blessed to have so many people in my life that are there for me whenever I need them to offer an ear, a shoulder, or a good ab workout!
C. Cake or pie?
Cake…especially of the in-the-breakroom-and-free-for-the-taking variety!
Yeah, I got a little excited.
D. Day of choice?
Any day I don’t have to work…well, except for Thursday. That is my “get back to normal” day…aka “little to no sleep” day, aka “Heather is a total b!tch” day! 😉
E. Essential Item?
When you’re in the kitchen and as accident prone as much as I am, the need for a good SHARP knife cannot be stressed enough! Seriously, I swear it took me YEARS
(and a whole lot of bandaids) to learn this!
F. Favorite color?
Green is always the color I claim to be my favorite, but I’m always drawn to pink things when it comes to accessories, black when it comes to clothes…
And ALL THE COLORS when it comes to food! 😉
G. Gummy bears or worms?
I confess, sour gummy worms is my one convenience store weakness!
H. Home town?
Good ol’ Ashland City, Tennessee…where, when I was growing up, there were a total of one, two, THREE stop lights!
I. Favorite Indulgence?
The NUMBER ONE reason I could never be vegan! 😉
J. January or July?
Definitely July…I’ll take the heat and humidity over ice and snow any day!
K. Kids?
I know, does ANYONE understand them?! I mean, WHAT are they?
L. Life isn’t complete without?
I can’t imagine what life would be like without my family. This pic was taken in 2010 after my dad came back from an eight month deployment before he retired from the air force.
M. Marriage date?
Ohh, let’s not go there, mmkay?
N. Number of brothers/sisters?
One gorgeous little sis!
O. Oranges or Apples?
Apples…another reason to love fall! Random, but do oranges give anyone else nightmares? Anytime I have one before bed, I’ve have the CRAZIEST dreams!
P. Phobias?
I don’t have many, but seriously don’t get ANYTHING with creep crawly little legs within a FOOT of me…that is, if you value your life!
Q. Quotes?
My current favorite and the background on my computer and also one of my favorite pictures that I’ve taken.
*Pats self on back*
R. Reasons to smile?
It improves your mood, releases endorphins, lengthens your lifespan, lowers your blood pressure, AND makes you look more attractive! What more do you need?
S. Season of choice?
Few things get me more excited than all the seasonal fruits and veggies I can find at the farmers’ market right now, but since I live in hell the south, I’d have to say the cooler temperatures of fall, along with the smells of tobacco barns and the changing of the leaves is my most favorite time!
T. Tag 5 People.
Make me! 😛
U. Unknown fact about me?
For years, I wanted to be a veterinarian. When I was in high school, I got the opportunity to job shadow at a local vet clinic and I thought it was the coolest thing…until, five minutes into a cat spay, I had to excuse my self, run to the lobby, and put my head between my legs. Wait, you mean I can’t just get paid to pet fluffy animals all day?!
V. Vegetable?
All of them…preferably in ONE easy to cook dish! 😉
W. Worst habit?
I’m late…to EVERYTHING! I’m always pushing the limits on my time and then running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to get out the door!
X. X-ray or Ultrasound?
Well, being as I graduated from X-RAY school, I think that’s pretty much a no-brainer there! Oh and just so you guys know, it took me and my classmate like FIVE HOURS to make those x-rays behind us…obviously we were using our clinic time wisely!
Y. Your favorite food?
Z. Zodiac sign?
Sagittarius…though I rarely ever look it up.
Your turn…
Pick the first letters of your first and last name
and tell me your answers!

I love this! Your man-friend is so cute in that picture 😉 I’m with you on July 100%, so much better than the cold and snow in January. You and your sister are look so cute and happy together!
That Mexican lasagna looks amaaaazing! That definitely just got bookmarked :).
Love this and you! Fall is definitely my favorite season! LOVE the fresh smells of the cool weather! I hope you’re enjoying some fun free time this weekend! xoxo
L- life not complete- without my family, dog and friends 🙂
I love this!!! I can’t wait to meet the man friend… we need to plan this!
Thursday is my work late day.. aka least favorite day.
I have a ton of family in Ashland City… could we be related?? 🙂
Really? How did I not know this?! I’m not from there originally and actually don’t have a lot of family there, but that is so crazy…small world!
We definitely need to plan a little double date with our men soon! It would be so much fun!
That, my friend, may just be the most beautiful fro-yo collage I have ever laid eyes on. Art gallery worthy, no question. I’m glad you enjoyed your night in for the holiday!
I prefer January to July but that is because here it is summer time then not the middle of winter and freezing cold like it is now!
I prefer Apples to oranges and Cake to Pie hands down too. My favourite day by far is Saturday, no contest!
I’m not sure whether to think that cake is creepy or delicious looking? I’m also quite intrigued by this whole oranges giving nightmares if eaten before bed. Will have to have one sometime this week and see what happens.. I’ll report back to ya 🙂
Haha! Alright! Hopefully I’m not the only weirdo…though I do feel a little guilty if I’m subjecting your subconscious to all sorts of ugly things! Lol
hehe, i don’t think i could have been a vet for that reason either!
LOVE my blends too! <3
I love fall too! I’m getting so exited just thinking about apples, pumpkin, fall fairs, cozy sweaters, etc. 😀
I put that same dinosaur mask/hat on the other day while shopping with my son and he freaked out! Too funny! I LOVE fall and am actually already looking forward to it. The smells, the crisp air, homemade goodies, mmmm…. can’t wait!
Ummmm is that cake for real? Holy deliciousness!! I would be all over that in a heartbeat. My gma used to make german chocolate cake a ton when I was younger and it was my FAVORITE!
And seriously about the oranges? That’s kinda…strange lol I don’t think I’ve ever heard of someone getting nightmares from food!
I wanted to be a vet too, until I started watching animal planet and realized I would have to put them down some days. I cried while watching it on TV, so I knew there was no way in heck I could do it in real life without totally breaking down in front of the owner!
Love reading these & love your quote! I hate doing these though! 😉
Ah survey love, where we get to glean little tidbits of info all about you. I heart your answer to almost all of them, but you had me laughing out loud at k. Also, I want your vegetable lasagne thing. Pretty please.
Hey, I only speak the truth! haha!
Vegetable lasagna “thing” is all yours baby! Hmm, wonder if I could talk the man-friend into a little Cleveland trip before the summer ends… 😉
Ya know what they say, “Cleveland Rocks. Cleveland Rocks.” It’s kind of true. 😉 I’d roll out the red carpet for the two of you, or at least give you a beet juice mimosa.