I’ve always been pretty good at keeping secrets.
And I don’t mean the one (or two) that just happen to be proof of my early onset Alzheimer’s kicking in! No, I mean the real JUICY ones…yep, I’m practically a vault! Like I would NEVER tell my friend Tiffany’s husband that she thinks his new mustache makes him look like a 70’s porn star…8O
I mean, err…uhh…some secrets were just meant to be told, like…
The secret to the PERFECT sandwich:
Seedy (preservative-free, only has 8 squeaky clean ingredients) bread from Publix bakery…and sprouts…ALWAYS sprouts!
The secret to getting ALL the attention on you in the middle of a crowded food aisle in TJ Maxx:
Mother #@&#$%# TRUFFLE!!!!
The secret to using up leftovers slash riding the fridge of half its contents:
A salad the size of a small child…oh and cover that baby in truffle glaze while you’re at it! 😉
The secret to preventing DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness):
Stretching followed by at least 15 SUPER sweaty minutes in the sauna and LOTS of water…obnoxious selfie optional.
The secret to taking obnoxious selfies at the gym WITHOUT getting caught with that awkward “I wasn’t just taking a picture of myself” look on your face:
Handicap bathroom stall, baby!
The secret to calorie-free indulgence:
Philosophy’s mouth-watering lip glosses…bonus points if you find them on sale at TJ Maxx (LOOK, I bought something other than food and workout clothes! ;))
The secret to the perfect light bounce for food photography (as so many of you requested in the comments of Monday’s post):
One 3-ringed binder wrapped in aluminum foil (dull side out)!
The secret to {foodie} happiness:
Surely to GOD has to be within these candy-coated balls of goodness! Has anyone tried them?! I may not be ready for fall yet, but I have GOT to have these!
What secret are you willing to share today?
Have you jumped on the pumpkin ALL THE THINGS train yet? 😉

I jumped the gun on pumpkin once the temps dropped in Toronto…now we are experiencing a heat wave and I have 20 cans of pumpkin in my cupboard…I did make pumpkin donut holes though and they were BOMB!
Twenty? Is that all? Ha! I found the big cans of Libby on sale last winter for 50 cents a piece…I just let you guess how many I walked out of there with! 😉 Mmmm, dooooooonuts! (she says in her best Homer Simpson voice)
Thanks so much for the photography tip! Trying it ASAP!
Wow to so many of these secrets!! Especially the food photography one that is awesome 🙂
For my birthday I spent $25 getting carrot cake flavoured m&ms shipped to me in Australia. If I’d ever tried pumpkin spice (sadly I’ve not found it here) I may be tempted to do the same with those m&ms 🙂
Oh my gosh, I wanted to try those SO bad, but couldn’t find them ANYWHERE! So…..? Were they worth it?
They tasted like carrot cake but it made me want real carrot cake or normal m&m’s together it was not all I thought it would be. So I did what any normal person would do. I ate the WHOLE bag 😉 (and it wasn’t no snack pack size!)
Hahaha! Well, I finally tried the pumpkin spice ones over the weekend…they just weren’t for me though! If you like spicy cinnamon candy (think Big Red gum), then you’ll like them, but that is one of the only flavors I’ve never been a fan of! Boo!
Damn, I thought we were gonna get a post about you being pregnant or a secret stripper. But, I guess the secret to an amazing sandwich is just as good ;).
Hahahahaha! Omg girl, you better not jinx me…I saw like FIFTEEN freakin’ pregos at the mall the other day and was like DON’T DRINK THE WAAAAAAATERRRRRRRRRRR! 😯
Yes!!! I have jumped on the pumpkin bandwagon too! I’ve been making pumpkin lattes, pumpkin ice cream and pumpkin pancakes! I also made my first impulse purchase – the S’Mores Candy Corn- delish and addictive!
Haha! I saw those in my Food Network magazine the other day! I love me some s’mores, but you can have your candy corn…I would take some of that pumpkin ice cream though! 😉 Yum!
Pumpkin m&m’s. Who decided that I had to be born in Switzerland??? I want those!! My secret is that I take selfies aaaaall the time at the gym and before shooting, I look around as if I were about to steal the kettlebells.
Bahahaha! Oh god, the image I have in my head right now!! Thanks for the laugh, girlie!
So many good secrets revealed!! I haven’t tried those M&Ms, but ooooh man do I want to! Oh, and the selfie made me giggle. I was totally busted taking one at the gym this week. Whoops!
HA! This made my day. I can’t help but think I’m responsible for this.
(and why every time you say something about a secret do I think you got engaged is beyond me, except your man friend seems pretty cool).
WOW, those M&M’s…. I need those in my life!! I haven’t noticed those bad boys yet… guess I’ve been too busy eyeing the candy corn. LOL
Haha! That selfie in the bathroom stall tip is too funny!! Love the looks on your face too. Oh, & that photo tip could come in handy! Thanks! 🙂
Haha! Well, you can HAVE your candy corn…I just can’t do it! But I DID see something in my Food Network mag that you might be interested in…S’mores flavored candy corn!! Too cool, huh? Almost makes me want to buy them! 😉
Thanks for sharing the photo tip, i’m going to have to see if I can get my boyfriend to help me do that 🙂 TJ’s is really just the best foodie spot, I wonder if i can find these pumpkin spice m&m’s there?
First off Im just going to be straight with you and say it…You’re my favorite ginger. There, I said it! 😉 Glad that’s off my chest.
I saw those pumpkin m&ms the other day in Target and just about flipped out on my husband. He did one of those “Im so not with her” looks as he walked away from my screeching self. But alas, I couldn’t bring myself to buy them…yet. Its still in the 80s over here in LA, so that whole “fall feel” hasn’t sunk in yet! But I might just buy them anyway. I can start hoarding them with my nut butters. 😉
Awwwwwwwww! Really?! Well, I’ll have you know that I’m grinning EAR TO EAR right now! xoxo
I feel ya on the fall thing. Everyone in blogworld seems to be going pumpkin crazy right now, but it just doesn’t seem right yet! And that’s coming from a pumpkin FIEND!
I have been riding the pumpkin train all year long but it is fun to feel even more pumpkin inspired this time of year…are those pumpkin m&m’s good? I am so old school – I prefer original or peanut butter…or the crispy but I think they stopped making those.
I haven’t been to the store to pick them up yet, but it’s definitely happening in the next couple of days! The peanut butter ones are my absolute favorite! I actually had some this weekend for the first time in FOREVER! Soooo much better than Reece’s Pieces, IMO!
Pumpkin Spice M&M’s pretty much sound amazing…but then again, all things involving pumpkin always catch my attention!
Omg, me too! Like a moth to a flame! Lol
love all of your “secrets!” I will have to try that bounce trick!!
you’re a genius, in every way. gah, truffle butter? damn goodness
That sandwich looks SO incredible! I LOVE TJ Maxx for stuff like that too- I always pick up a bag or two of herbed pasta- mmm.
xx Kait
Oh I love those lip glosses! TJ Maxx?? I’ve bought SO many of those at Sephora and Ulta. Not fair!
You have to let me know if you eat the m&ms! Bc I tried the pumpkin spice kisses one year and hated them… so you’ll have to let me know how those go
Glad to know I’m not the only one who wasn’t a fan of the kisses…I thought they tasted pumpkin-y, but just not in the way I was expecting. Hopefully, I’ll get to Target either today or tomorrow…I’ll let you know for sure!
im loving salads the size of my face lately! andddd I go in the sauna every day, now, after my workout to prevent DOMS! great minds, I tell ya!
My boyfriend tried the Pumpkin Spice M&M’s and loved them, I could taste the spice a little but felt they tasted like normal M&M’s but give ’em a try!
I JUST SAW THOSE M&MS IN TARGET AND WAS SOOOO TEMPTED TO BUY THEM. Ahem. They will probably be making their way into my hotel room at some point.
I should have gone into a sauna after my workout yesterday, because holy wow are my legs sore today. Which does not make for the most fun plane ride ever…
Truffles are the best thing in the world. I’m not eve exaggerating. We had so much in Italy you’d think I’d be sick of it. But no. I still crave ’em every time I eat a runny yolk.
I have you to
blamethank for my love of those little moldy buggers…ever since I had that steak with black truffle sauce at Barcelona, I’ve been obsessed! Now I need to fry up some eggs!Truffle Butter and Philosophy products from TJ Maxx? Dang girl, you definitely scored! We have Winners here in Canada, which is similar to TJ Maxx, but I’ve never found items like those at Winners!
The secret to stressing yourself out to the max and nearly giving yourself a panic attack? Leaving my HLS packing to the last minute on the same night that I need to do some readings, pack a lunch, and write a blog post. I know, I was asking for it.
Definitely looking for that bread on my next Publix run. That sandwich looks SO good!
I’m obsessed with Philosophy products! I use their lotion and body washes and I always want to eat everything! They’re holiday scents are the best.
And I’m not going to lie, I was sliiiightly disappointed by the pumpkin spice m&m’s. They’re yummy but the pumpkin flavor is super subtle- I wanted more! The pumpkin hershey’s kisses still reign supreme, in my opinion!
Really? You think? I got the kisses last year and was a bit disappointed…I mean they were all pumpkin and spicy and stuff, but I guess I was expecting them to taste like pie! Haha!
I have been looking for those M&Ms for a week! Apparently they’re only available at Target. I know where I’m going this weekend.
Holy crap I need those M&M’s in my life now!!
And your selfie handicap stall… NICE! I tend to use those anyway because I have a mini me in tow and well you know, I never pee alone 😉
I need to try the 3 ring binder foil trick! I have a light box but it’s so big I can’t keep it up, and it’s a pain to get it out everytime I make something! (Especially because I want to EAT!) haha
I like your secrets, especially the gym selfies. Those are too funny.
I love the sandwich and never think to add sprouts to mine. That needs to change.
Man with mustaches as their only facial hair do look like 70’s porn stars. Your Friends hubby needs to shave that caterpillar off.
Love the bathroom stall tip, haha! I’ve yet to cave in to all things pumpkin despite my absolute obsession with it. I do have a box of Pumpkin Delights taunting me from the cupboard though…
Ok, now I don’t feel so bad. I LOVE pumpkin, but it just doesn’t feel right to pop open a can right now…besides I’m too busy eating my weight in summer berries! Lol
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