I just had the BEST weekend!
First of all, I did get caught up on some sleep (thank you all for the kind comments/good vibes on that)! I even managed to get a nap in before work last night so here’s hoping luck’s on my side this week on the insomnia front…though I will say sleep deprivation makes for some pretty innnnteresting post titles! ๐ But anywho, onto the bigger and BETTER things that went down this weekend because well, there were quite a few things that were friggin’ MARVELOUS!
Like busting out a killer leg workout and still feeling sore three days later!
Like bastardizing yet ANOTHER plate of vegan pancakes!
Like getting together with my best girls after MONTHS of not seeing them!
#ladiesnight #besties #whydoesthispicmakemelooklikeademon
Like sipping wine, laughing, pointing, and blushing over old photos!
#throwbacks #chokers #crunchybangs
Like toasting a ten PLUS year friendship while chatting into the wee hours of the night and totally forgetting about anything else!
#clink #wineoclock #wetotallyhadpopcornfordinner
Like refreshing my memory on the deliciousness that IS a peanut butter and banana topped (P28 Foods) bagel!
#hangoverfood #omggetinmypiehole
Like sportin’ some sparkles after another kick ass hot yoga session!
#justcallmebella #yesiwentthere #twilightfanย
Like meeting up for an impromptu lunch date with a good friend and catching up over some of the BEST grilled salmon and my FAVORITE sweet potato fries!
#sweetporTAYters #foodporn #heylookgreenfood
Like having my yoga friend/coworker over to the house for a little wine and a
WHOLE lotta cheese!
#ladysnightpartdeux #omgcheese #iswearimnotanalcoholic
Like getting up early the next morning and randomly deciding to go to yoga AGAIN…
#addicted #namaste #atleastitdidntsmelllikeballsthistime
Now hop on over and check out all the other MARVELOUS moments over at Healthy Diva Life…and as always, a BIG thanks to Katie for always being such a happy hostess!
What was marvelous about YOUR weekend? Bonus points for hashtags that make me wanna pee myself! ๐

Looks like a marvelous weekend indeed! I love when you do an awesome workout and you feel sore days afterwards. Those are my fav! All that cheese is making me drool…want it! ๐
HAH Your hashtags made me laugh out loud. And yay for girls night(s)! We had dinner with a couple of friends on Saturday (one of them made bear soup. Like BEAR.) I didn’t eat that, but I did drink a lot of delicious wine ๐
Oh wow…just WOW!
haha looks like an awesome weekend!!!!!!!! my marvelous weekend hashtag: #iworeamuumuu #enoughsaid
Omg, I had to see what you meant…I love it! What a cute idea to replicate those old pics of your mom! And that last pic at the end? Oh girl, you are GLOWING!! So beautiful!! ๐
#GoT #assprintoncouch #twihard #trufflepopcorn
What a killer weekend girl!! I had a not so great weekend, courtesy of Mother Nature and that time of the month.
#killmenow #wheresthedamnchocolate
BUT we did get a new youth pastor at our church, and seeing as how I work in the high school department, that’s pretty cool. Looks like Ninja and I now have a new young married couple to hang out with, which we need desperately, because we seriously have no friends.
#oldmarriedcouple #werekindoflosers #itsthegingersfault
Awwww! Haha! But it’s true…it’s really hard to make new friends at our ages…and I think finding couples to hang out with is the hardest so that’s definitely something to celebrate! Hope you got you some damn chocolate, girlie! ๐
#FinallyWatchingLastSeasonOfDexter #ItsNotThatGoodButINeedClosure #OrderedPizzaForDinner #HawaiianPizzaForLife
#totallyjealous #ihaventseendextersinceseasonthree #hottestsociopathever #andnowiwantpizza #atfiveam
Ummm I think you know how to have the perfect weekend, can I come visit? Hot yoga, wine, fun? Count me in. And sleep! I wouldn’t say my weekend was super marvelous, we had to visit my pap pap in the hospital but then it was also relaxing so, #isatonthecouchandmybuttmoldedintoit #permanentbuttimprint #stolemydadscouchspot #crazyspringbreak
#permanentbuttimprint <- Hahaha! Totally stealing this!
Mmmm all that food… looks so good!
Haha your hashtags rock.
Girls nights are the best of times, I had one myself. I’m still in the boat that I refuse to use hashtags in real life;) so let’s just say my weekend was a little on the crazy side.
I’ll take that. At least you didn’t say “cray” <- I can hashtag everything up and down and sideways but that word seriously makes me shudder! lol
I like to think all the grapes are just soaking up all my impurities and then going to hot yoga is just my way of flushing them out faster! Ha! #drinkmorewine
Awwwww, girlsnights are the BEST!! Plus wine and popcorn.
And isn’t sleeping the freaking best hobby ever? I caught up on MUCH needed sleep as well this weekend and I feel like a newborn (or so).
#canibea35yearsoldnewborn #ineedwinenow #youlookgorgeous #andineedthosesweetpotatoesfriesrightnowinmaface
Haha! Sleep IS the best thing ever! So glad you got caught up too, love!
I have never thought to put an egg on pancakes…but dippy eggs are the BEST so I imagine it has to be delicious!
Girl. I swear, I can’t hardly WAIT for our weekend. And yoga.
I literally just finished a workout video and have a pounding headache and churning stomach. Have I eaten today? Um, a fraction of what I normally would bc I can’t stomach it. Why am I whining in your comments section? I dunno, I’m sorry. #pathetic
Anyways, I think my point was I can’t wait to see you!
And I can’t wait to see you!!! I keep looking at the calendar and I’m like, “Eeeeee! It’s almost tiiiiiime!!” I plan on making out our detailed agenda of places to go and things to do this weekend…with multicolored pens and stickers and hell, I might even throw on a little glitter! And you tell that troublesome tummy of yours to GET WITH IT before you leave…we ain’t got time for that! ๐
Ha you do not look like a demon. It looks like you had a marvelous weekend. I love catching up with ol friends, although it’s typically just with long phone calls for me now that a lot of us are working and going to school in different states.
Wow, you had a pretty epic weekend my darling filled with good food, good people, and good fun!
I love leg day. LOOOOOVE IT. ๐
I would love to try hot yoga some time.
Yolk porn to a whole otha level! I love sweet potato fries and salmon.. plus the pb & banana combo. ๐
Hahaha I love all the hashtags. Looks like a killer weekend! Any weekend involving wine, cheese, and girl talk is bound to be a good time!
The best parts of my weekend were visiting the boy (#watchedbreakingbadallnight #partyanimals), getting together with my extended family (#grandmawantedtogopubcrawlingwithme #forrealz), and baking 2 different batches of brownies (#totallypiggedout #yolo)!
Omg, I want to party with your grandma! And um, I’ll take a brownie to go! Lol!
That cheese plate has my name all over it!
#hoorayforboobiesandsleep #whenididhotyogaifaceplantedinapoolofmyownsweat #smelledlikecheeese
#yepijustpeedmyself ๐ #ifreakingLOVEyouwoman
Yoga, wine, and cheese rock. Fancy.
Holy cow I wanna be friends with YOU.. What a perfect weekend #amazeballs
Lol love everything about this post especially since it proves like me and Johnny Depp you are also a #winoforever ๐ (hope you get the reference)
Loving all the cheese on that amazing platter. Definitely having #foodenvy and thoughts of #getinmybelly over here right now.
Once my paw heals I need to get on the yoga train too #sayingitmakesmethinkitmayhappen
So this pretty much epitomises all things marvelous- You know I’m praising the wine to cheese ratio- and look at that (self added) sparkles to the pictures.
Seeing as it’s currently the weekend AFTER this post- Yesterday’s marvelous was booking flights for my mum and sister to come visit me here in Sydney!
Ahhh, I always look forward to my Sunday A-bombs! Love it! Annnnnnd you, my friend are long overdue for a B-bomb! I’m thinking I’m going to continue with the element of surprise strategy though…you’ll nevvvvvvvverrrrrrr know when it may be coming for ya! Muahaha!
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