What up, broccoli kissers!
Well, it’s about that time of month again…can you believe it? As much as I’ve complained about winter, I honestly didn’t think it’d EVER come to an end, and here we are saying good-byeΒ to March and hello to spring four weeks of continually grey skies and lots of rain. Hey, what can I say, I’m a realist!
N-E-wayyyy, let’s get this post a-going with a red-lipped rockin’ selfie, eh?
For the record, I was stopped at a stop sign totally driving when I snapped this pic! π―
Current Book:Β
After flying through some pages in February, I actually had a hard time getting into the reading grove again this month, but I will say that picking up this bargain book at the store a couple of weeks ago was a bright idea…Theresa Weir really has a way of transporting you right into the scenes she paints in this enchanting memoir.
Hmm, what do ya say, have I got a future in literary criticism? π
Β Current Music:Β
I’ve alluded to my knew-found infatuation with Lana Del Ray and other songs that give me an excuse to bust out the sailor language (as if I really need an excuse), but this on is actually on the PG side…and has been on repeat for the last few weeks…just ask Melissa! π
Current Guilty Pleasure:Β
Yep, totally beat the system with these No-Bake Protein “Buzz” Bites! Muahahaha! Just um…don’t tell my therapist, mmmkay? I may be a rebel but I’m a goody-goody at heart!
Current Nail Color:
Nubbaaaaaay! π
Current Entertainment:
Spot-i-fy! Oh and randomly going through my social media pages and deleting people…it’s my version of Spring cleaning!
Current Wish/Needs:
The bites are good y’all…no lying there…and I’m all for settling out the matter of this insomnia nonsense, but for serious?! Can a girl getta cup of friggin’ COFFEE?!?! Never has it been clearer to me that you always want whatever it is that you know you can’t have!
Current Food:
As of yesterday…the cheese stands alone. As in GONE. Ok, so maybe the table stands alone? Whatevs…the funny thing is the blue cheese, which was the first one I tried, was the last one I finished! The Sartori Espresso (as in coated IN espresso) was my favorite…for many obvious and continually rebellious reasons!
Current Drink:
Hello, my name is Heather and I’m a recovering practicing alcoholic! Laura, you should know that I blame THANK you for this! π
Current Triumphs:
Finally realizing that I’m more intuitive now than I’ve been in several years. Not saying I’m completely “healed” as far as my relationship with food, especially since this has been a trying week for me, but like I mentioned in THIS POST, I’m well on my way…and definitely proud of myself for it!Β
Current Bane of Existence:
My back! I’m not sure why, but for the last couple of weeks, I’ve had the worse shooting pains come out of nowhere…to the point where one day I couldn’t even bend over!Β Definitely hasn’t made the last week any easier. π
Current Blogger Crush:
Have you met Tatum? I’ve totally been blog/Instagram-stalking her for over a month now. This girl’s attitude and sarcasm…seriously? My sister from another mister. And just when I’m planning on confessing my love and adoration of her at Blend this summer, she totally breaks my heart and puts her ticket on sale on IG!
So yeah, if you’re looking for a ticket…you can take her place, but you will never TAKE HER PLACE! Why Tatum…whyyyyyy?!?!
Current Indulgence:Β
And a much-needed indulgence at that (see Bane of Existence). Not one but TWO massages this month…and I swear, if I had the time, I’d have gotten another! Or maybe the trouble is that I haven’t been drinking any wine this week. Hmm…
Current Blessing:
A good job that pays well enough for me to indulge myself in two massages in one month, my mama who picks me pretty spring flowers, getting to spend an entire weekend with Melissa, good friends who offer great advice and a change in perspective, Snapchat…because well, I’m addicted, and ALL THE HOT YOGA!
Current Outfit:
Tie-dyed harem pants, a thick headband to tie up my new dreadlocks, a tree of life medallion, and an overall scent of patchouli… π
Current Excitement:
Β I’m going with the rebellious theme here and I’m…not telling!
Current Link:
Spotify…24/7! Did you know from the computer, you get unlimited skips?!!
Current Mood:
Anxious! Come back Monday and I’ll tell you why!

Looooove your nose ring! You pull it off so well!
Wait. Why are you anxious?! I better hear all about it in a few hours. π
Also, I think I can help you replenish your cheese.
Coming to your blog is always a breath of fresh air and fun. Sorry for be gone for so long March was rough like February and I’m so glad it’s almost done.
π Very lovely selfie. I agree, you rock the nose ring.
I hope your back gets better π The hot yoga should help loosen it up! -fingers crossed-
Anxious?? Secret excitement?? I look forward to Monday’s post.
Oh hon, don’t apologize! Life’s been getting the better of me for a while now…just trying my best to roll with the punches, ya know? Just keep that chin up and rock that gorgeous smile of yours! π
Wine, cheese and massages = the only stress relievers you need in this life π
Ahhhh I don’t want to wait until Monday!!
I want to know what you’re excited about!!! π
So glad you wrote about Tatum and her Blend ticket today! I have been wanting to go. Perhaps now it will work out!
Awww, yay!! It’d be great to get to meet you girlie! π
I really <3 Spotify… totally rocks my drive & I always listen when I'm in the shower… GOTTA have good jams in the shower. π
Leaving me in suspense isn’t nice… I thought we were friends!! I hope it’s something amazing π
Girl you are rocking those red lips. You match your header. π I am broken hearted about the Tatum dilemma also, shall we plan a little road trip and crash her place and surprise her post-Blend?
Omg, I DO! How did I not even notice that?! Haha! Omg, a Canada Blend would be amazing!
Cheese and wine. Yes!
That is all.
Looks like a pretty good month!!! Jealous of all that cheese π My month contained a decent amount of wine as well… hehe π
That cheese…..empty? I hope Meg doesn’t get a heart attack. Not from the cheese consumption but from the LACK of cheese. I plan on restocking my cheese selection later today and already have sussed out Edam (on sale) and also maybe a Brie (because….)
Pumped for your Monday news!!!
Ha! Oh don’t worry, the cheese drawer is never close to empty…actually, I think I still have some in there from like 6 months ago! Oops? #homemadepenicillin I tried Edam once…wasn’t a huge fan, but I also didn’t really know how to eat it. Maybe it needs to be at room temp or warm like brie?
Any wine called Fancy Pants is something I need to try!
Well I’m glad I read this two days later than you posted…now I can’t wait to see what’s got you all excited!!
And if you are still having shooting pains..you probably know this but you might wanna get yourself to a doctor! Shooting pains in the back are no bueno! <3
Thanks girlie! I think I must’ve been having some muscle spasms or something. I’m happy to report that since my trip to Atlanta, I’ve been pain free! π
I am actually super bummed I won’t get to share a glass of wine (or three) at blend.. Was looking forward to meeting the pancake queen in living flesh =(
Thank-you so much for reading my blog, #fangirling <- i don't even know what that means but I think it's appropriate for this situation.
It is DEFINITELY appropriate! Gonna miss you for sure at Blend…maybe next year??
I want to smooch those red lips! That is all. :-*
Secret excitements and anxiety…what the heck is going on over there in Broccoli Land? Too much hot yoga and not enough fully caffeinated coffee. That’s it; I’m sure.
I need to come there so I can see for myself what’s up. Plus we need to restock your cheese drawer because I know you’ve got a sad and empty looking drawer right now.
P.S. Love the song; it’s a happy one for me.
Ahh, got me waiting in suspense with what you’re excited about.. I bet it’s something big. π
Cheeeeeeese <3 <3 <3. I love it so damn much. Is that cheesy to say ;)?
Bahahaha and "practicing alcoholic." I'm totally stealing that.
I’m obsessed with HAIM! I love their whole album-it’s perfect for spring days with the windows down…which I hope happens soon when this weather gets its act together!
Omg, I haven’t even listened to any of their other songs! Now I’m gonna have to check it out! And yes to warm days…aka, a reason not to wear pants! π
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I was obsessed with that song in the fall. I hope no one noticed that in all the playlists I posted I always included that song. Just couldn’t get over it!