Hey guys!!
Wow! Can you belieeeeeeeeve it? The last day of April!?! How in the HECK did that happen?
We’ve been pretty lucky this month and have actually had some fan-TASTIC weather, but it seems lately that Mother Nature’s been making up for lost time…tornadoes, flooding, hail?! Eeeep! She may be a crazy one, but I gotta give it to her, my fro curls have been ROCKING these last few days!
So being as it’s the last day of the month, I think you know what it’s time for! 😀
Current Book:
I’ve recently become really interested in essential oils so I borrowed a few books from a friend that are all about them! Yep, one more win for the hippie cult! I told you guys about the party at the bestie’s mama’s house earlier this month, but I didn’t mention that it was a Doterra party. I really just went to see my girl, hang with my mom, and let’s face it…there was wine…but I ended up being converted! I’ve dabbled in lavender and tea tree before, but I’m super excited to learn more…especially since I splurged and bought one of the starter kits!
Current Music:
This has been a GOOD month for music…thanks to my Spotify obsession and my yogi friends, my music library has basically doubled! And this remix of Tove Lo’s “Habits” has definitely been one of my favorite finds!
Current Guilty Pleasure:
Yoga. You guys!!! I just bought another unlimited month pass…and I still have my gym membership…and I can’t remember the last time I stepped foot in there! 😯
Current Nail Color:
I was rocking some pink for ohhhh about a day and a half…before it started to chip away and look like crap…even WITH a base and top coat! Ugh, that’s what I get for straying from my ever faithful Essie!
Current Entertainment:
Game of Thrones and LOTS of (free) Redbox rentals!
And yeah, one of these days I’ll toughen up. I swear, they should call it GORE of Thrones!
Current Wish/Needs:
A massage! I’ve actually had one in the books THREE times this month, but had to cancel! But thanks to my VIP membership, that just means I get TWO next month…and I WILL make it happen!
Current Food:
Avocado, kabocha, sweet potatoes, and eggs…oh thank God for the EGGS!!!
Current Drink:
Coffee. “Dory”. Berry LaCroix.
…in that order. Please and thank you. 😉
Current Triumphs:
Further progressing in my yoga practice! I’m really getting a lot more comfortable pushing myself outside my comfort zone and surprising myself with what my body can do! Just yesterday, I got into a forearm head stand for a few seconds…before tumbling to the floor…in a VERY graceful way I might add! And I’m not even being sarcastic!
Current Bane of Existence:
I promise to go into more detail tomorrow, but for now, I’m just going to say…myself. Or my mind actually. Life has been going really well for me lately…happiness is all around me…yet I’ve still found a way to work in some self-sabotage.
Current Blogger Crush:
Jenny from Peanut Butter & Jenny…I’ve been reading this girl off and on since I started blogging and besides being absolutely gorgeous (with a sense of style that I only DREAM of having!), she is indeed an old soul…wise beyond her years! This post from last week was EXACTLY what I needed.
Current Indulgence:
Since I was very limited on nut butters/spreads during the cleanse, I actually rediscovered my love for coconut butter, on just about anything, but mostly sweet potatoes!
And porn…chunk porn! Would you LOOK at that baby?! Seriously though, I don’t know what’s gotten into me…I went nearly TWO WEEKS without a single Quest bar but for the last two weeks, I had one every day! Lol
Current Blessing:
Having blends who know just the right thing to say at just the right time when I really need to hear it…even if it’s the same thing I’ve been telling myself forever.
Current Outfit:
When I haven’t been wearing yoga pants…and actually USING them for yoga, I’ve been in my scrubs (which is what I’m wearing right now) since I’ve been working an INSANE amount of hours this month!
Current Excitement:
The good thing about all those extra hours? I’ve pretty much paid for my plane ticket to Blend…TWICE! Take THAT companies who wouldn’t sponsor me! 😛
Current Link:
Now about actually purchasing that plane ticket…
Current Mood:
Hopeful. I say this because I’m looking forward to May…for a fresh start. This month I’ve seen myself in one extreme or another far too many times to count…BUT I’ve also seen a few days of perfect balance. I want more of that. I want more days of feeling that I am in tune with AND RESPECTING my body. I’m ready to do what needs to be done to level out the teeter totter…because well, everybody knows it’s a bitch when you get dropped from the top!
What? You didn’t think I’d go a whole post without some pirate talk didja? 😉
What was your BEST memory from this month?
What food/drink are you currently loving?

I think it’s good that you are so falling in love with yoga, for more than just your body. With all the craziness in your life [well, from what I read your life sounds crazy – I could be wrong!] I think yoga is just the thing you need to just take some time, space out, feel the burn in your body and forget the world. I know what you mean by extreme moods….sometimes I feel like Im off my rocker with how quickly my mood changes, but I’m striving more and more to let NO ONE and NOTHING steal my joy.
The joy that is in my heart and my soul is mine and MINE alone. No one gets to touch that if I don’t let them. The struggle? Is not letting MYSELF get in the way of that. Too often I allow these outside factors to sneak in and slowly corrode away at the joy in my heart. This month I really want to work at being vigilant and steadfast when it come to defending that joy. <3
Oh my gosh girl, YES! I totally feel you on this! All too often, I am the one who stands in the way of my happiness. Like, if things start going too well, I start waiting for the bottom to drop out…and most of the time, I’m the one who pulls the cord on that one! I think I’m finally starting to get better about it…but I honestly think yoga may be to thank for some of that. If I feel more centered and in touch with myself, I’m a lot more willing to see the good in life. Wow, that makes me sound naturally pessimistic! Promise I’m not!
I love your Game of Thrones faces. It’s actually why I’m afraid to watch! Have you seen True Blood? I got through that okay, so if you’ve seen it, is it better/worse than GoT?
I love what you said about the teeter totter. I’ve been trying to level out my own here, and I don’t think I’ll really get there until I’m done with school. Stress levels, drinking a lot, etc. have me feeling less than 100% about myself which is silly since I’m freaking graduating college and I should feel like a rockstar. Take care!!
I used to watch True Blood all the time! Game of Thrones is definitely WORSE! Haha! So if you end up getting curious enough to try to watch it, you might wanna grab a teddy bear! Lol
And don’t feel silly girl…it took me a few months post graduation to actually recover enough to feel like a rockstar…those last few months are ROUGH, but hey, all the more to look forward to! You got this!
Glad to hear I’m not the only one struggling to find a sponsor…except unfortunately I’m scraping by to pay for my plane ticket to Blend, especially since now there’s some MAJOR things happening in my life that will cost a lot of money. Oy vey. Regardless, I can’t wait to see YOUR face in just over a MONTH! <3
Awww, DITTO, love! And I must MUST hear more about these MAJOR things! Eeeeeee! 😀
I have to watch GoT with the boy so that I can close my eyes for the gory scenes and he can just tell me what happened. I don’t mind blood and gruesomeness but GoT takes it to a whole new level!!!
your GoT faces crack me up. ohmygod I love that show. And I love your current mood! Lately I’ve been wondering if I need a fresh start, myself…that and being somewhat terrified of graduating and making the move to real adulthood 😉
You’re going to love the last episode of Gore of Thrones season 3!
Saaay WHAT you got into a head stand!! Way to go 🙂 #yogaenvy
I can completely relate to things going well yet having to deal with self-sabotage. ACTUALLY, I find that my tendency to be my own worst enemy gets a lot worse when things are going well… because apparently I subconsciously don’t want to be happy 😆 It used to be a lot worse, though, so here’s to improvement 😀
And OMIGOSHHHHH BLEND! I can’t even believe that it’s only a month away. Time to get on buying that plane ticket… and renewing my passport so that I can actually leave the country 😆
Omg, girl yes, I used to be so much worse too! Eventually we will both learn to not always be looking for that rip in our sails!
And you BETTER get that passport renewed girlie! If I can’t hug your neck next month, I will NOT be happy!
I actually made myself get a Massage Envy membership this year so I wouldn’t get “too busy” for a massage every month. Haha maybe last week’s massage is my favorite memory from the past month. OMG I always feel like a new person (with normal shoulders) when I leave there. Actually, I think my favorite April memory is giving a talk on feel-good foods at a nearby Athleta store—so much fun!
I bought a Groupon for a yoga studio near me and I have not gone yet. For some weird reason I am intimidated?? I need to just suck it up and GET THERE!!
I was nervous at first too, but it’s so amazing once you just get in there and DO IT! Syke yourself up, girlie! You can do it!
So many things I love about this post!! First of all, the song is totally on point. I need to raid your Spotify… because I’m totally in need of some new music. Coconut butter on sweet potatoes looks ridiculously amazing and I think I am going to have to copy you and start doing that all the time, because well… YUM! But mainly what struck me was your sentiment about having seen a few days of perfect balance this month but getting caught in the extremes. Ahh, I am so with you there… I am trying to hard to find/maintain that balance and treat my body with the respect that it deserves. It’s so hard sometimes, even when we have all the tools to make it happen. We’ve got this… May is going to be the month to crush those balance goals 🙂 xox
YESSSSS! Omg, can I just say that I want to stand up in my chair and wave my arms (like I just don’t care)?! Ok, yes…I’m a nerd…but whoa! Talk about some monthly motivation! You are freaking awesome, girl! Yes, we will KILL this month! And it will be full of balance…good tunes…and coconut butter sweet potatoes! 😉
Oh and ps, I’ve been playing around with the idea of doing more music posts…you just convinced me!
Whoa there’s another quest bar besides chocolate chip cookie dough?! I need to know what that is please
Ha! This was just a cookie dough bar that I broiled…that’s why it looks darker! 🙂
I would have to say this weekend was pretty fantastic but I can’t think of a moment that was my favorite from this month!
Hahaha your GoT faces look just like mine – that show is CRAZY!
And umm we must have creepily similar brains because I’ve been struggling with self sabotage lately too! It’s like “Oh hey, life is good, but that can’t be right so let’s create some issues that don’t even exist and create drama”. Stupid brain!
Oh yeah girl, I’m the queen of self sabotage. I like to think of myself as somewhat of an optimist (or really, a realist) but when things get “too good” my default is always to look for the bad. Definitely need to work on that! We DESERVE happiness!
Current drink: KOMBUCHA home brew!!! Blackberry cinnamon tonight. I can’t WAIT for yours.
Now I want to do a hand stand. But coconut oil is more likely to happen tonight. Cocoa Magic Shell.
And yes for massage. I got an hour foot massage tonight and I’m going for my weekly “please help me hold my body together” massage tomorrow. It’s the best way to treat yo self! And Quest bars.
It took a bit longer than I thought it would, baaaaaaa-UT? I think it’s READY! I tasted it yesterday before going into work and it finally seemed to have the right balance of sugar/vinegar…now to start planning for my flaaaaaaay-vors! 😀
And wait a minute…you got a one hour FOOT massage?! Omg, how did you walk after that? I’d need a wheelchair for sure! Lol
Shit, I need to book my flight. I meant to do that last night. Thanks for the reminder.
Also, I love eggs and you, so I hope all evens out in your world soon. Call or email me if you need a slap upside the head, some tough talk, a hug or cheese. I can provide all of these, at the same time no less. 🙂
P.S. Love the curls. You got Pretty Woman hair.
Can I watch you hug, slap, and eat cheese while tough talking all at once? Thanks. If only I were going to Blend…
Awww, thanks friend! I should’ve called you! I could’ve used a slap upside the head with a wedge of cheese…or something like that! 😉 Hope you’re enjoying your time off! And I HOPE you booked your flight! Can’t wait to see you!
I have been slowly getting back into yoga. I’ve just sucked up the fact that I won’t find a teacher like I loved in Charlottesville, and as long as I’m moving and stretching and just trying to accept and relax it will be beneficial, regardless of the style or if I feel like it is ‘perfect.’ Nothing ever is!
Your facial expressions during GoT makes me want to man up and just watch the damn thing! We must be vibing…I’ve had quest bars every day these 2 weeks too…and already planning on the forthcoming week. Oops 😉
But hold up ….which beauty of a quest bar produced THOSE epic chunks?! I think you’re entering May with a solid mindset my friend 🙂
That was a cookie dough bar! I must’ve gotten a good batch, because almost all of my last box has been like that…but they’re probably just making up for my chunkLESS cookies & cream bars…suuuuuuuuch a disappointment! I got all cookies and NO CREAM! Grrrr!
Game of Thrones…dooooooooo iiiiiiiiit!