What’s up, guys?!
I spent Monday rambling about my eclectic taste in music, mainly because I could NOT pass up the opportunity for some A-list alliteration, but as fun as it was, I didn’t get a chance to mention any of the wonderful wingdings* that went down last weekend! Oh yes…I went there.
*And you thought that was just a font in Microsoft Word! 😉
So without further ado (not adieu, mind you), allow me to dish the DEETS!
First off, can I get a “HELL YEAH” to the start of summer? I don’t care if I was teccccchnically thirty days early…I’m pretty sure if you look up the definition of grill marks in the dictionary, it says “see summer”!
Especially when paired with a light and refreshing (aka tastes like freaking lemonade) summer ale!
Also? This happened. What can I say? I tripped, I fell, and the three different kinds of cheeses I was holding (herb & garlic feta + bruschetta Jack + fresh mozzarella) all ended up on my pizza! And it was “udderly” delicious! <- Sorry, I just had too! 😆
Oh and after two hours and TWENTY FOUR try-on’s, I found a dress for Blend! There were a few interesting encounters (including the boa constrictor that attacked me), one broken strap (that would’ve been KILLER), and well, you guys know I can never be serious when it comes to multiple selfies!
Oh, you want to know which one I bought? Well, I guess you’ll just have to wait a couple more weeks for that reveal, huh? 😉
Before getting in touch with my inner Kate Moss, I tried something new! Aerial yoga! My studio just opened classes last weekend and since I’ve always been curious (and had actually just told a friend I’d like to try it), I signed up right away!
It was…interesting…and kinda painful? I didn’t really feel like I got the hang of it until the last few minutes minute of class, but I will say it was kinda fun to just hang upside down. Honestly though, with the $15 a class fee, I’m still kinda up in the air on whether or not I’ll do it again. Ohhh, see what I did there?
Before my little 2.6 mile “jaunt” on Sunday (which my calves are STILL sore from!), I collected harvested (ha, now I feel like a farmer!) my second batch of homemade kombucha and started my THIRD! Also, I took a minute to admire my super sexy SCOBY (bonus points for accidental alliteration) whom I’ve decided to name Marilyn! She wears that beauty mark with a certain kind of je ne sais quoi, no? 😉
And speaking of the French…and farming and…fluff?
This maple bacon cupcake! Farming because it was sampled on OPENING DAY at the local farmers’ market on Saturday and French because well duh, maple syrup! Canada? Work with me people!
Oh and yeah, this was totally breakfast (part 1…of like 3!) 😉
But anywho…more on the market tomorrow! Because today I’m proving that intros aren’t the only thing I suck at on Thursdays…or really, it’s just because the pictures in this post are perfectly mirrored and I don’t want to mess that up. Yep, go ahead, scroll up and check that shit out! #yesimthateasilyamused
Be sure to head on over to Spoons and check out all the other randomness going on this week! But before you do, tell me…
What’s on YOUR mind today?

I can’t wait to see what dress you picked!! ONE WEEK until I get to squish you with a hug!!!
Oh my gosh I’m dying to try ariel yoga! So jealous!!! And I love all of those dresses. Can’t wait to see which one you pick!
You absolutely blow me away (and crack me up) with your word play. A beautiful mind!
BLEND!!! Can’t WAIT to see you, lady!! <3 <3
A few weeks?! PFT! I’ll get to see you all jazzed up in ONE WEEK FROM TODAY! Holy.HELLO! And you know the worst part? I haven’t started packing yet, NOT have I bought a dress 😆 I foresee some frenzied shopping in my very near future.
Ugh I totally did Areal pilates once. Never went back. At first I liked it. Then I didn’t because it was SO slow and the instructor barely got us up in the hammocks…I wanted to be twisting and turning and really workin it! I didn’t go back for the last FIVE classes I had on my Groupon. Oops?
Hmmm, “twisting and turning and workin it”, huh? Sounds like you might have been expecting a brass pole instead of a silk hammock? LMAO!
Well I did take the class while my husband was out of town…
Seriously though, I’d totally take a pole class. Morning confessions 😉
Hahaha! If you do, I’m totally signing up with you! Confession: I own Carmen Elektra’s striptease workout DVDs! 😯
I guess you are like a celebrity to me because I really want to know what dress you picked! I have a goal to wear dresses all summer. Its too hot for pants and dresses make people think I am “dressed up” when really I’m just thinking “ha, you’re wearing pants and I’m not”
Bahaha! Omg, I think the same thing…I can put on a dress and be out the door in minutes looking like I actually put effort into my ensemble. Gotta love it! I’ve actually been looking at stepping outside my comfort zone and looking for a cute romper to wear this summer for the exact reason! Whatever helps me live my lie…and not be restricted by denim! Lol
I actually like the snake print dress! I wish I was going to Blend. If only it was a few weeks later so I would be done my internship. 🙁
That pizza looks freaking delicious. The more cheese the better!
I’ve been wanting to try aerial yoga forever! Actually my studio is offering SUP yoga classes this summer so I will probably try that out first… because, water + summer. 🙂
Those classes always sound amazing…but with my coordination, I’m sure I’d drown within the first 10 minutes of class! Think they’d let me wear arm floaties? Lol
You look gorgeous in those dresses! And cupcakes at the farmer’s market is necessary!
You don’t even wanna know what “wingdings” means in my family. (insert laughing so hard it has tears emoji here)
ahh, I posted the last comment on accident before I could say how freakin amazing that striped dress looks! <3
Aww, thanks lady…little secret? I bought that one along with two of the others! Hey, when you’re as indecisive as I am and in a store with good prices, it only makes sense NOT to force myself to choose! Lol
ARGH BLEND. How I wish I was going- Although- I just told Meg earlier today that I demand a quickie….of a skype sesh to say hi to you all 😀 consider it my birthday wish seeing as you’ll all be there then haha 😉
Look at you Angelina’ing that dress- You should totally dress up as a broccoli for the sake of it.
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I’m not gonna lie; your scoby freaks me out. It’s like it’s giving me the evil eye.
Love the dress shopping collage; I’m hoping the number you chose isn’t actually Ralph Lauren. It would be one thing to look like twins and quite another to have the exact same dress. We’d have to go fist of cuffs or something. Duke it out. First I’d attack that scary scoby.
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