Happeeeeeeeey FRIDAY, peoples!
I hope you all have a fun weekend ahead of you! I’ve got plans for a massage, another wine night with the besties, and pretty sure some drooling over Hugh Jackman is going to be involved in there some where. Also, I’ll be hitting up the farmers’ market on Saturday morning just like I did last weekend…
*cue fuzzy fade in to next scene*
Last Saturday was OPENING DAY for Clarksville’s Downtown Market so of course I had it marked down on my calendar for like three weeks before. And even though I made the mistake of agreeing to work the night before, I soldiered through and made it to the market when it opened at 8am!
With a mini maple bacon cupcake in hand, I wound my way through all of the tents not once, not twice, but THREE times (you know you’re a foodie if…) and was so excited to see so many new vendors present this year along with some of my favorites!
One hour and $60 later (whoops?), I was home with my farm fresh loot…and a couple of other things I didn’t know I had to have until they whispered in my ear! 😉 Channeling my inner Meghan, I whipped out a white sheet with a flourish and set about arranging my haul in a way that was most aesthetically pleasing…
But just to make Meg’s eye twitch, I’m listing these babies in snake-style format! Muahaha! Ok, here we have some beautiful brown eggs (that still had a couple of feathers on them…now THAT’S fresh!), grape tomatoes that I polished off in ONE day, red potatoes, a bunch of heavenly kale, some big ol’ fat tomaters, the skinniest asparagus I’ve ever seen, yellow squash, zucchini, perfectly juicy strawberries, the sweetest snap peas EVER, and a loaf of homemade honey wheat bread that only cost me $2.50!
Wait a minute…I feel like I missed something…
Oh yeah!!!…Bam!…Smack yo’ mama!
But actually, it just tastes like pumpkin butter! 😉
Of course, one of the things I love (and my wallet hates) most about the Downtown Market is all the “extra” odds-and-ends type vendors. That is, of course, how I fell in cookie love a couple years ago. From homemade handbags and earrings to metal work, wood-carved bowls, and birdhouses, our market has it all!
While a certain Nerdy Birdy was working at her BRAND NEW STORE FRONT (seriously, so SO proud of this lady…and? I owe her a visit!), I was getting the eye from a couple of hooters…
At $5 a pair, there’s no WAY I was walking away from these cuties…I’m just proud of myself for not buying half a dozen more…yet! 😉
And then there was the Life Changing Soap-Buying Decision of 2014:
You guys! It took me three separate trips to the tent and who knows how many sniffs to pick out three of the seven or eight the Pure Joy Soap Company had to choose from…and that was before the lady brought out a hidden sandalwood from behind the table! Mark my words, I will be back for more monkey love!
So this weekend, I’ll be up bright and early Saturday morning (withOUT my zombie limp) to frolic with my favorite farmers again…though this time I guess I’ll have to practice a little more restraint since…
Ohh, sorry for the shouting. I’m maybe just a little bit EXCIIIIIIIIIITED!
Do you shop your local farmers’ market?
What are your plans for this weekend?

Love shopping the local farmers market, we have like 3 including a agricultural high school. I’m hitting up the beach tomorrow in DE and Sunday is the Manayunk bike race! http://manayunk.com/signature-events/philly-cycling-classic.html << very cool watching professionals climb the wall (17% grade hill). Should be a good weekend!
Carrot cake butter?!?!! OMG. Also I can feel Meg seething reading the snake format lol. I must say, even though I’m personally not a list maker, I do appreciate how easy she makes her posts for me to read (seeing as I have the brain of a 3 year old). Also X-men was AMAZING.
Shockingly the snake style format didn’t bother me because it was still in some type of order. Now had she just listed the stuff with no structure whatsoever, I would have twitched a couple of times. Although I did gasp when I read she was trying to make me have a nervous breakdown. Payback’s a bitch and Blend is only a week away. Plenty of time to think of some devious retaliation. 🙂
Bahaha! Ohhh, I’m keeping this in mind…my mission before the end of the year is to make your eyes bug out at least once! Heehee! Love you girlie!
Even though I live in the mecca of year round farmers markets, I am so excited for the big summer ones to be back. I am actually headed to one right after breakfast. No cupcakes at mine, but there are gf muffins. 😉
So much FOMO with regards to BLEND..can’t wait to see what you girls get up to :)! Err carrot cake butter sounds dreamy- I need to look out for that stuff! This weekend is going to be a busy, but fun, one for me- so far I have drinks with a friend, a session at the gym which my friend will be training me, brunch and a trip to Scotland! Happy Friday :D!
Aww, girl…you need to come out to Colorado next year and help us tear it up! And wow, what a weekend (even if I am super late responding to this comment…oops?!). Love how you just threw “a trip to Scotland” in there like it’s nothing! I don’t know why I find that so funny…I feel like it’d be equivalent to me saying you know I gotta run to the grocery store, get my oil changed, and buy a pet giraffe! Haha!
Ahhhhhh BLEND!!! 😀 😀
And carrot cake butter? that sounds amazing.
As for this weekend – I’m going out to meet a friend for drinks tonight, Eric and I will probably go out for dinner tomorrow, and then Sunday I have a birthday surprise for my mom planned.
I love the laid out produce picture. It makes my heart sing, and I would like you to do that every week with your farmers market haul. Okay, great. Glad we’re in agreement.
Oh and that crack about listing things in snack style fashion…. I’ll get you my pretty, and your little dog too. I really mean, cat. Either way, I’m coming for you. 🙂
Ha! Just try an catch me! Neener neener NEENER! 😛
Can I haz some of those eggs? Lady, you are inspiring me everyday. I plan on rousing my roommates at the crack of dawn (read: 8am) tomorrow to take a lovely walk/bike ride to the farmer’s market!
Your farmers market haul is awesome! I love going to mine too – I got some delicious local brie there last weekend! Unfortunately I can’t go this weekend because I’m going on a day trip with JZ for my birthday present today and then going to a vegan food festival tomorrow!
Have a good weekend girl!
Well I’d say a birthday day trip with the boy and a vegan food festival DEFINITELY beats out a trip to the farmer’s market! And it sounds like you had a blast!
love love love love love love farmers markets!!! Very jealous, and I cannot wait to be able to collect up goodies from mine, and you always feel so good knowing you are helping someONE not a giant corporation 🙂
My thoughts EXACTLY! I’d rather pay a little bit more than I do at a grocery store and know that I’m helping a family/small business!
I Love the Charleston Farmer’s Market.
It is fabulous.
Can’t wait for our farmer’s market to open!!!!
Went to a farmers market yesterday and had the best juice and a gozeleme…..Google that shitake and come visit to have one 😉
No idea what carrot cake butter would taste like but a carrot cake connoisseur like yourself can clarify that 😉
Holy MOSES!! They had me at “brushed with butter”! I’m on my way over right meow…and I’ll bring a jar of carrot cake (even though it tastes like pumpkin) butter! Ha!
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