Umm…hi?! 😳
Woah! Like seriously…WO-AH! This week has been A WEEK to say the least! I swear I had every intention of getting at least ONE post up before today, but well how about we do a quick recap of the week?
On Sunday I spent half the day in the SLC airport with multiple flight delays only to arrive home Monday morning where I slept half the day before finding a little bit of time to socialize with actual humans until I had to slip back into zombie mode on Tuesday where I got my first taste of our new computer system at work and by Wednesday, after having two mental/emotional breakdowns over said system, I try to log into my blog only to get some message about it being unavailable for maintenance!*
*What do you say? Best run-on sentence ever? 😉
So yesterday…knowing I had emails to respond to, Blend recaps to type, and a refrigerator to restock, I did what any woman at her mental breaking point would do…
I went shopping at my favorite store!
Under the premise of getting a birthday present for a friend, I did good to only walk out with a $4 pair of party rockers sunglasses for myself, but GOD…weaving in and out of those aisles, taking in the smell of new merchandise, surrounding myself with all sorts of goodies…it was cathartic in every sense of the term.
I know pretty much every one of my blends has already came, saw, and conquered their blend recap posts, but well, I’m still recuperating. And I will continue to recuperate with a bottle of wine and my besties tomorrow night. And hopefully by Sunday, I will have recuperated my ass to the farmers’ market and grocery store…unless I plan on living another week off cheese and condiments!
Let it be known that even the CHEESE DRAWER is dwindling! 😯 Anyone up for some maple shirataki noodles with pickled beets?
But I promise to be back next week. To tell you more. To tell you how I was carefree and adventurous. To tell you how many amazing new friends I made. To tell you how I rocked out a six minute and fifteen second plank. To tell you how I kicked my fear of public speaking to the curb with Sunday’s breakfast. To tell you how NOTHING could have made this past weekend better…well, besides the whole flight delay stuff!
But most of all, to tell you why I can’t wait to go again next year! 😀
And while you wait for me, be sure to click here and check out my giveaway for Julia’s life changing cookbook if you haven’t already! You have until 11:59pm (CST) tonight to enter!
♫ Every day I’m shuffalin’! ♫

I have definitely had those weeks before ha! Not the best, but hey what can ya do? I’m excited to hear your recap. I have been reading everyone elses and it really makes me want to go next year 🙂
You are the cutest, and I’m SO glad I met you and got to chat with you a bit over the weekend (I will say, I wish we could’ve hung out more though)! I feel like we could be BFFs. I am so sorry you’ve had such a rough week. It’s been a week from hell over here too, sooo I totally get it. Wine has been a must pretty much every evening. 😉
Aww, I feel the same, girlie! Time went by ENTIRELY too fast…I definitely could’ve used more Ashley time! Please tell me you’ll be there next year!!
I’m still blown away by that plank. Holy core strength batman!
And I hope you don’t have to work tonight – Friday the 13th AND a full moon.
Can we fast forward to next year’s Blend, already? 😉
Haha, thanks girl! I STILL can’t believe I did it! Ahhh, one good thing about my shift…I NEVER have to work another Friday the 13th again! I did enough of that when I was working days! Poo!
Ugh, Mercury is so retrograde—sorry to hear it threw you some curve balls this week. Hope you have a great weekend to make up for it : )
We have an amazing weekend and then I don’t hear from you again for a week — I see how it is 😛 But yup… I’m already counting down the days until next year as well. Can.not.WAIT.
Wow you’ve had a crazy week! I’m glad you had fun at blend!! I hope you have a nice relaxing weekend 🙂
Yay for staying alive!!!
Now, when can I come see you? I miss you already!
Girl, my door is ALWAYS open for you! xoxo
haha your fridge looks a lot like mine! mine is all beer and condiments. I think I might be a 22-year-old single dude…
Oh the condiments…yeah, there’s a good reason I didn’t show the door to the fridge…I swear I’ve GOT to be the only person who has eight open jars of mustard! Who wants to come over for a pretzel party?! lol
I love that picture from Blend…because my hair isn’t completely covering my FACE like in the one that everyone else is sharing! Ha
A 6+ minute plank is just ridiculous! I actually heard about it from other bloggers. You have quite the hardcore (haha get it?) reputation now!
Hope this next week is better!
Hardcore! Hahaha, omg, love it! #youresopunny 😉
I hope Meg doesn’t read the bit about the cheese. She may suffer a heart palpitation.
I think all the technology fails where a sign for you to do just that- step away from it and recoup! Thanks to instagram, I have been made aware that your fridge is well stocked now. No gross miracle noodles.
Wait, what’s that? I can’t hear you. I’m having heart palpitations. 🙂
You better get that cheese drawer restocked stat.
Lmao! Not yet! I’m on a mission to clear it out and start over…in a couple of weeks, there will be an “ode to goat cheese” as I have not one, not too, but THREE huge logs of it to get through! Seriously? What is WRONG with me?! Just say no, Heather…just say no! 😛
Oh what a week!
I’m curious for that maple miracle noodles recipe. With pickles? Errrrrr.
Glad you’re back and restocked! Now digest the news that I will make it to Blend next year – 90% for sure!! I can NOT go through another recap flood without dying from wistfulness!
I just hope you don’t mind all the slobbery kisses your going to get from me…better be sure to pack a bib! 😉
LOL I have those same scrubs… My bug scrubs… 🙂
I know the feeling about new computer systems at work. Glad you had a good time in Utah. It looked amazing!
Aww, really? It’s one of my favorites…so comfy! And thanks, I’m only NOW feeling like I’m used to the new system…but it still takes 40 million days to do anything! Haha!
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