Hey guys!
Yeah, it’s been a long ass time since I’ve done a WIAW post, huh? It’s funny, I used to live for Wednesdays, but to be honest, the further and further I got in my intuitive eating journey, the less and less my thoughts revolved around food. I still have a hard time documenting a full day of eats without over-thinking my food choices, but last week made it easier since A.) there was limited supply of food in the house post-Blend and B.) a lot of meals ended up being repeated. Such is the life of a lazy procrastinator…
So, without further ado, I give you last Tuesday’s desperate eats!
French toast made with the last of the eggs, two slices of farmer’s market honey wheat bread that I bought, sliced and froze the week before, and some thawed blueberries microwaved with a bit of water, xanthan gum, and stevia…topped with some whipped cream because you know, it was Tuesday and I was feeling classy! 😉
One of my favorite flavors of Oikos full fat Greek yogurt! I swear the consistency of this stuff is unreal…no toppings needed! The funny thing though? I HATE key lime pie!
Homemade strawberry lavender kombucha on my way to work!
A new-to-me apple…a Kiku! It’s kinda like a Honeycrisp…only CRISPER! 😀
Grilled up leftovers from the night before. Jerk chicken and potatoes with some thawed from frozen chopped spinach…because I was feeling the need…the need for speed green! 😉
Oh and I feel I should mention that all of this minus the green and PLUS the aforementioned apple was bestowed upon me from a very loving friend who brings food over to hang out at the Barren Broccoli Abode! 😉
Cappuccino from the doctor’s lounge…because I got mad flirting skills…and because I knew it would go perfectly with my…
Chocolate chip cookie Quest bar…because you know, I have a shitton of swag that I carried home with me from Blend, yet I STILL gravitate toward my favorite snacks!
But I did try something new when it came time for breakfast dinner! I mixed my Nature Valley granola with some other not-so-exciting cereals, more bloobs from the freezer, and drowned it all with some Fairlife milk. Has anyone tried this stuff? It tastes just like regular milk with 19 grams of protein per serving and enzymes to help my lactose-challenged tummy! Now if only they would hurry up and offer it in my STATE!
Be sure to hop on over to Peas & Crayons and give Jenn a little love before checking out all the other food-filled linkups today!
What have you been loving lately?
Do you hit up the grocery store first thing after vacation or are you a procrastinator like me?

We typically go to the grocery store right after we get back from vacation; however, I must say, your desperate eats still look awfully tasty, especially breakfast!
I hate to have to go grocery shopping after a vacation. All I want is to go home, curl up on the couch and whine about my vacation being over. And someone who unpacks my stuff, does the laundry AND goes grocery shopping for me. Well….since that never happens I usually buy an emergency amount of food like some veggies, some protein, eggs, yogurt and some kind of carbs – to survive at leat 2 more days 🙂
Though when I look at your meals I’d say they look perfect to me – not desperate at all!
Bloobs. That is all.
You are thinking my thoughts! Are you my brain?? 🙂
Oh my gosh, YES! Someone should seriously start up a business to cater to people like us…go to the grocery store, unpack, do laundry, and listen to us whine without complaint! Haha! Though I have to say I’m pretty damn proud of myself for actually unpacking my suitcase in the same week I arrived home…usually it takes WEEKS for me to work myself up to it! Lol
That’s what I hate about coming home from vacation…no food and a serious lack of motivation to go get some. Also the week before vacation because I refuse to buy anything!
Oh yeah, things get REALLY interesting around here the week before vacation…I pretty much live off random snack plate concoctions! Lol
I’m definitely a ‘go grocery shopping immediately’ person after vacation…Pretty sure that I went Monday morning after Blend. However, you seemed to have survived just fine 😉 And now I think I need a CCCD Quest bar..
Yum everything looks so good! Can I just follow you around and eat what you eat? 😉
Fraaaaanch toast. Looks so good! I haven’t had it in forever.
Yummy. Your breakfast looks really good! I honestly don’t think I have ever had French toast, but it is definitely on my list of things to try!
Never had French toast? Oh girl, you need to remedy that as soon as possible! It’s my go-to want something fancy but actually feeling sorta lazy meal! 😉
I’m drinking kombucha right now, but it’s not homemade 🙁 haha
Your meals look delicious!!! I’m on a blueberry kick right now 🙂
You do pretty good for desperation eats, although it does help when someone brings the food to you. 🙂
I of course go grocery shopping pretty much straight away. Gotta restock. God forbid I go without something and be forced to use all those strange grains in my pantry. 😉
Haha! If anything, this week just showed me how much I need to challenge myself to actually cook up some of the my food stash…and how I could easily feed a family of four off that stash for at least 6 months! I’m only kind of kidding! Lol
Hey, I’d say you did a pretty kick ass job at making your meals delicious for just arriving home from vacation! That French toast with all the blueberries and whipped cream looks amaaaazing!
I’m a huge procrastinator! In the last month we keep buying food for each night rather than make a big shopping trip. That makes for few good options if we’re just winging it.
The doctor’s lounge in the ER where I used to work always had the best food. One doctor’s wife would always cook a full spread for everyone on the overnight shift…lasagna at 3 am? It’s fine, I’m working!
DAMN!!! The only actual food we can get our hands on is the occasional delivery pizza the doctors order….it’s good sometimes…when we don’t get super busy and can actually eat it before it gets dry and crusty! I’d take homemade lasagna over that ANY day!
I swear I posted my shitton Instagram pontification before I read this. Great minds!
I adore key lime Greek yogurt too! It seriously reminds me of eating a key lime pie!
I tend to go grocery shopping right after vacation because I usually have very specific cravings for certain meals after being away from home cooking for a while!
Girl, I almost texted you to tell you how pathetic I was, but I was literally eating my choc chip quest bar in bed alone in the dark. Dear god what has happened to me? haha
I’d say you did pretty well with what you had on hand! I’m a super procrastinator…I take any excuse to not go grocery shopping. Which is weird because I used to love it. I need to take some time to contemplate life now…
Oh girl, I know EXACTLY what you mean…so many things in life have changed for me lately and food is just not on the forefront right now. I still feel my inner foodie in there somewhere, but right now, I’m busy with other things! 🙂
I have found my …. questmate? I think a black coffee + chocolate chip cookie dough quest bar are a marriage made in snacking heaven. Seriously, such a good pairing. And those potatoes..I’ve never tried a purple one!
I’m terrible when I come back home….I would literally have fried potatoes and a protein shake and call it dinner if there was nothing on hand!
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