Umm, hi.
So I promise AGAIN that I’m still alive! Life just seems to be getting the better of me lately…though not all in a bad way. While I’ve put in over 50 hours at work in the last FIVE days, haven’t seen the yoga studio in over a week, and my house looks like a train wreck, I can’t really complain about life right now. Sure things have been a little crazy, but in a new, exciting, hardly-any-time-for-pictures sort of crazy. Which is something TOTALLY different for me because well, after three years of blogging, it’s odd for me to live a moment without thinking about how I can fit it into a post and well, let’s face it, I take pictures of everything!
So this leads me to a few confessions. But first…
A shameless selfie complete with #publicbanana to get things started! 😉
I totally ganked this post title from Chelsea.
Today is the first day I’ve opened my computer since Thursday…and that was just to join Amanda’s link up with a post I’d actually written on Tuesday.
I haven’t read a blog innnn…well, since my last broccoli bombing, but calling out a few of my blends helps me feel a little less guilty about it.
I skipped going to the farmers’ market a couple of weeks ago because I’d yet to do anything with 90% of the haul I came back with the week before. Bound and determined to actually COOK something this week, instead of living off cereal and Quest bars, I loaded up on Saturday…
Annnnnd…the furthest I’ve gotten is throwing one squash and pepper in the oven, roasting them, covering them in melted cheese, and calling it a meal.
Progress NOT perfection! 😆
Since I had to work on the 4th of July, I got together with some friends and family on the 3rd and celebrated in style complete with homemade ice cream AND peach cobbler!
Neither of which I had a hand in. But I did mix up a MEAN batch of boxed brownies! And then I totally took the one in the middle before anyone could get a shot at it!
With the exception of some pictures that will be going up with an EXCITING post on Friday (I don’t want to GIVE anything AWAY, but you may want check back for that!), I haven’t touched Nikki the Nikon in over a month!
And after perusing the pictures in my photo library for this post, I just noticed that instead of food, most of the shots I’ve felt compelled to take lately look something like this…
I guess you could say I’ve finally learned how to stop and smell the roses see at the sunsets! 😉
What would you like to confess today? C’mon, it’s fun!
What was the last picture you took?
Mmmm I haven’t roasted veggies in ages because it’s too warm – but any roasted veggie covered with cheese sounds like a fantastic idea to me!
I feel ya on the busy part! I have yet to get a post up this week! Life just gets in the way sometimes right. And love sunset/sunrise pictures I have almost more of those than food haha
I could not even imagine turning the oven on for something like veggies. 😉 I’ll suffer for muffins though!
I see NOTHING wrong with stopping to admire the sunsets, enjoy the little moments in life and make dinners that are as quick and simple as possible. Eggs have been a regular dinner around these parts and the salmon I bought 3 weeks ago to turn into a delicious dinner hasn’t moved from the freezer since it was purchased…
amen to that! we need to join you in that watching!
Haha! Thanks girlie! And seriously, what IS it about eggs? I swear an omelet every day last week and I use the term “omelet” very loosely here since all that was “in” it was…eggs! Lol
Those heirloom tomatoes are just begging to be popped in my mouth! I can’t roast anything in my apartment now- I’m burning up as it is without turning on the oven. Which is sad… because roasted veggies with cheese sounds pretty good right now.
Wanna send some of that homemade ice cream this way? Or a brownie? I won’t even ask for the middle piece 😉
I would happily let you steal a middle brownie. I am a corner girl myself.
You mean one can’t live off of Quest bars alone?! *insert look of horror*
I’m glad you liked my idea for the post title! But hey, I don’t shell out titles for free! I demand some peach cobbler and ice cream in return. 😉
Haha! Oh girl, it was one of the best cobblers I’ve ever tasted…as it should’ve been with all the butter that went into it. Gotta give thanks to the butter queen, Miss Paula Dean for that one!
Fifty hours in five days sounds way too intense! I absolutely love sunsets – something about those pretty colours is so calm and soothing at the end of a busy day.
My thoughts exactly! It’s like, for a moment, the world just pauses.
I’m honored you opened with a #publicbanana. That’s my girl and I’m thrilled you’re living to the point where you’re hardly taking pictures. Good for you.
Also, the farmers market bounty: beautiful, even if you haven’t gotten to eat it all yet. I’ll trade you a head of lettuce for that melon. 😉 I might have three heads in the fridge right now, although yesterday I had four so progress, not perfection.
Omg, hahaha! So I take it we’ve gotten to the “When Greens Invade” chapter of the CSA, huh? Good luck my dear friend…stay strong! Lol
And thank you! It’s a little hard to feel this way…like I’m torn between worlds or something, but I guess that’s just part of life when you’re growing and making transitions. I do miss you though…SOOOOO much! xoxo
I’m down to one head of lettuce right now and I’ve got two more days before my next pick up, so I’d say I’m winning. 😉 Bam!!
I’ll be around whichever world you end up settling in. 🙂
Is it wrong that I’ve got a picture of you in a ring standing over a head of shredded lettuce? TKO!!!
Yes for stopping and enjoying sunsets!! That’s real life, yes?
I mean……I moved homes past weekend and my Saturday consisted of chocolate and wine and some gooey store bought cheese sandwiches. I’d take a Questbar and a brownie (I always take a corner one first) immediately!!
Hmmm, sounds like the perfect Saturday to me! Actually, no, you were missing one thing…ME!! 😀
More everything-but than food photos on my camera usually mean I’ve been really enjoying life. Sad but true: when there are too many pictures of food I was either a) too lazy to lug around my camera or b) am in dire need of some more action in life.
I’m sure you’d be happy to hear Emily and I agreed just yesterday that EVERYthing tastes better covered in cheese. Even those foods I usually wouldn’t eat – looking at you, quinoa.
Are you SERIOUS?! So you’ve finally wised up and come over to the dark side, eh? And by dark, I mean incredibly gooey, melt-in-your-mouth, food porn goodness! Muahaha, I knew you’d come around! 😉
The middle brownie ninja?
You are amazing. I’m also whipping my hair back and forth like Willow Smith at your content status right now- so what if roasting the squash and covering with cheese is a meal? So what if you put in 50 hours in 5 days (how much of that was spent reading…. ;)) I love this nonchalant Heather and here’s to embracing it.
Ha! I’d love to say that the majority of those 50 hours were spent with my feet up and a book in my lap, but those days are seriously few and far between these days. I had a night like that one day last week that I will forever be grateful for because it’s been HELL ever since! I feel like I’m whipping my brains back and forth sometimes! Lol
I’ve definitely come a long way in terms of stressing out over the little things, but I’ll be honest, this new chapter in my life is putting me in a place that’s a bit uncomfortable. It’s like that transitional period of my adolescence when I wasn’t so sure about giving up trick or treating…yes, my last costumed candy raid was at the ripe age of FOURTEEN! Lol
Hummm… I need to ponder for a confession…
I haven’t been to the gym for a strenuous workout in 3 weeks. At first I was “dying” but now I’m settling in.
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