Hey hey HEY!
So guess what! I love you! I’m so glad you guys liked Tuesday’s post and just want you to know that each and every comment either had me giggling nonstop or shaking my head like a frickin bobble head. Sounds like we’ve all learned a few good lessons lately!
With all the craziness of life going on right now, I’m SUPER excited to actually have the energy (and pictures) for a post today. Of course, with excitement also comes a rush of scatterbrained thinking which is perfect for a good edition of Thinking Out Loud!
Annnnnnnd go!
Look guys, FOOD!!
I so wish I could take credit for the sheer genius that is this peanut butter Oreo mess of s’more confection, but alas I found it in a copy of Country Woman that I stole borrowed from the imaging department’s waiting room. I know I will more than likely be in a coma afterward AND have to find a way to successfully lick my forearms, but omg, so worth it! And if I have any luck shopping for a deck-sized fire pit this weekend, I will most definitely be taking on the task! 😉
This beauty on the other hand, I CAN take credit for! The reason for Tuesday’s lesson in oral torture (oh wow, that sounded weirder than it did in my head), but man was this baby delicious! So I found this “everything” hummus at Food Lion the other day and it is in fact everything I thought it would be. Toasted multigrain ciabatta roll with hummus, kale, tomato, cucumber, red onion, toasted onion mustard (TJ Maxx find), and MORE hummus because, well, in the words of my friend, I had to make up for the lack of dead animals! And because shit guys, it’s EVERYTHING hummus!
Cookies for BREAKFAST!
For all my Blend-attend-ees out there, I hope to GOD you went home with at least one Perfect Foods bar! I almost didn’t because they are super high in calories…I know, don’t look at me like that. I’m not counting or anything, I just think that 300 calories for a snack is a little much, mmmkay? 😛 Anyhoodles, I decided to crumble half of an almond butter bar on top of a bowl of cantaloupe and cottage cheese the other day annnnnnd I couldn’t wait to repeat it! So.freaking.GOOD!
How the hell do I already have 400 words in this post?
Fuck you, Nora Roberts!
So, I started on the third book in the Bride Quartet the other night and holy crap! I’m only on chapter six and instead of getting toodly in my bits like I usually do with her expert use of steamy adjectives, every few pages, I’m Googling food! So far, I want to make this and this and someone needs to help me find out where to buy ouzo!
And now, because I figured I could get something else out of Google…
The food blogger anthem!
As always, big thanks to Amanda for hosting our weekly tell all…think all? Eh, whatevs…I’m out in just over 500 words! BAM!
What are your plans for this weekend?
I’ll be heading over to my parents to celebrate Broccoli Mama’s BIRTHDAY! Hamburgers, my famous por-tay-ter salad are on the list with talk of some ooey gooey [boxed because they’re the best] brownies! 😉

i stared the bride quartet because I saw someone mention it (now I remember it was you…..) so I can fully blame you for getting me ADDICTED to it. Dear god, I read the first two in maybe a week and have been waiting anxiously for the library to get in the final two. The wait is killing me now that I know the fourth one was good. Thank you for this full blown addiction 🙂 could be worse!
Haha! Oh girl, you’re cracking me up! Sorry I’m not sorry! And just FYI, I just finished Savor the Moment while big ol’ whale tears fell out of my eyes! I’m already planning to go to the library FIRST thing when I wake up for the last of the series!
That sandwich looks seriously amazing. I need to get me some of that sandwich bread pronto!
We’re getting new windows and patio doors in our house this weekend. It sounds boring but I’m SOOOO excited! lol
Haha! I completely understand! #lifeofahomeowner
I wanted to let you know I’m loving Redeeming Love Paperback by Francine Rivers! Thanks so much for recommending it. Maybe after I’ll move onto this Nora Roberts Series..unless there is another Francine Rivers book I should read next:)
Awww, yay!!! I’m so glad you like it! It’s the only book I’ve read by Francine Rivers…yet, but my mom bought me Lineage of Grace a while back and I’ve been meaning to read it! I will say the Bride Quartet is pretty good (just finished Savor the Moment today), but the Boonsboro Trilogy is still my favorite!
Ok, added them to my Amazon list!
😆 I’ll never be able to look at that Fancy song in the same way again… Brilliant. And I’m kind of in love with the fact that you used a word like “Anyhoodles” in your post 😛 As for my weekend plans… work, mostly 🙁 Have to catch up on some things since I was gone last weekend and slacked a whole bunch. Secretly hoping that the weather won’t be too nice so I don’t have to feel bad about being inside 😆
Aww! Well I’d say I hope that you were able to squeeze in some good “Amanda time” into the weekend, but I know…I just KNOW you wouldn’t disappoint me like that…now wouldja?? 😉 Wish I could take credit for the anyhoodles but I totally stole it from Treats Melissa like forever ago! Haha!
HOLY CRAP! THAT SMORE!!! (insert hearts in eyes face here) 😉
OMG woman you do NOT want ouzo. Yuck! Oh gross. Its the liquor of my people, and its nasty shit.
Dammit! Ok, how about some galaktoboureko instead??? 😀
Hahahaha that video!!!! I can’t stop laughing. That song has been in my head all week and now THIS version will be going through my mind 😉
OMG that video, i can’t even….! Gonna be in my head all week now.
For the weekend, i have no idea yet. A long run for sure, but nothing else planned quite yet!
-Um wow. The peanut butter Oreo s’mores…? I hate to say the overused phrase “I can’t even”, but I just can’t. even.
-Also that ciabatta roll sandwich looks fabulous.
-Aaand I need to try that cottage cheese cantaloupe contraption. I’ve heard rave reviews so I need to see what everyone’s talking about.
Your food choices are prime, girl!
Love your blog – I just found it today and I’m excited to add it to my list 🙂
Awww, thank you so much, Laura! So glad you found me…especially since you just made my day with this comment! 🙂 And seriously? Cottage cheese is my latest food REdiscovery…I’ve been eating it with everything. FYI, leftover blackberry cobbler + cottage cheese = one HELLUVA breakfast! 😉
You seriously are too much girl.
Gotta say though, I did a little gasp when you said that 300 calories was a bit much for a snack. I definitely eat AT LEAST that for my snacks. Oops. Can’t help it if the belly is hungry! I also eat like 3,000 calories a day though, so ya…..
Yay for not counting calories! lol I just shove food in my mouth until my tummy says stop. Works well for me!
Annnnnnnd? You also work out like a freakin BEAST! So yeah, you have plenty of appetite for all those extra noshes! Get yo snack on, girl!
“toodly in my bits”… this is why I love you Heather hahaha.
STFFFFFU with that Oreo S’MORE! OH MY GOD. I need that in my life. I just found vegan marshmallows at my local health store, and Oreo’s are vegan too…gonna fuck that shit up. Dirty desserts make me talk dirty. Also, that video..why did I not think of that parody first.
Hahaha! Oh Brittany, you make me laugh so much! Get yo fuckin’ vegan s’more on, girl!
Oh my word I just got diabetes….of the eyes. Well, maybe not. This week has been sugar filled to no extent.
I love crumbling cookies on cottage cheese- I had all the remnants of the salted caramel slice (bits of caramel and choc) and i just chucked it on there…so good!
The sandwich queen is BACK. Way to whore out the hummus.
I love your posts so much!! They are so creative and you always know how to make one laugh!! You are an awesome blogger and I get a lot of my inspiration from you!
Awww, thank you SO much! You just made my night! Oh if only you could see the goofy grin on my face right now! Lol
YES to cookies for breakfast. I told you the Perfect Foods bars were pretty good. 😉
You did! I just wish I’d gotten a few of the other flavors…specifically the coconut almond! I might have to make a trek to Whole Foods to scope out the bar section! Lol
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