Wanna watch me pull a sexy broccoli outta my hat?
I hope you guys have all had a wonderful August. Can you believe summer’s almost over? Even with the last few weeks off from blogging, I still have NO IDEA where time seems to go…well unless it’s during the workweek…in which the hours go by like years. You guys let me know if you hear about any job openings for couch cushion testers…I happen to think I have MORE than the required skills (read: ASSets) qualified for the job!
Har har har!
Alright so enough with the corny jokes…this month has been FULL of excitement and I think it’s about time I got to spillin…
Current Book:
After going back and forth and back AND forth on my next reading endeavor, I finally gave up on the two I was debating over and borrowed my sister’s copy of The Fault in Our Stars…and finished it in TWELVE HOURS!
As a high standing member of the Kids Who Don’t Read Fast Society, I’d like to take a minute to indulge in a little booty shaking. I know I’m probably like the last person on Earth to read this, but if by chance you haven’t (and you would like to get a good sense of my sick and twisted sense of humor) then you HAVE to pick up this book! I can’t wait to see the movie!
Current Music:
I have been ALL over the place this month with music, prepping my ears for the wonderment that will soon be flowing through them at Loufest, but the band that really got me under their spell was Elektrik People. Seriously, these guys know their sex…er, I mean MUSIC! 😉
Current Guilty Pleasure:
Finding some of my favorite bands at the library and making them disappear into MY library! 😯
Current Nail Color:
Watermelon…with a side of Chobani. Yes, I was so easily amused by my matching manicure that I paused my shopping for photo documentation.
Current Entertainment:
Hemlock Grove. Have you guys seen this? It’s another Netflix original and actually part of the reason why I am now obsessed with Elektrik People since they played this song on one of their episodes.
Current Wish/Needs:
More time! More time! More TIIIIIIIIME!!
Current Food:
It’s funny, I haven’t actually slipped into any food ruts this month. I’m kinda all over the place…though I have to say when I’m at home, most of my meals have been multiple small snacks…my latest fave is a handful of UNSALTED peanuts and fruit (or strawberry Mini-wheats) which to me, tastes like a PB&J!
Current Drink:
Java, booze, java, booze, smoothie! During the week, I have my daily cuppa Joe and on the weekends I flirt with his brother Bob (the boozer). And just to keep things well and balanced, I throw a couple of smoothies in the mix!
Current Triumphs:
Finally NAILING a good sleep schedule! I’m not keeping my night shift sleep patterns exactly the same on my days off, but by going to bed around 3-4am and waking up around 1pm, I’ve been feeling great! Downside? I’ve missed the farmer’s market two weeks in a row and I can’t seem to get to the yoga studio at ALL these days…it’s been MONTHS! 🙁
Current Bane of Existence:
At the risk of sounding like a broken record: Time-ta-ta-ta-TIIIIIIME!
Current Blogger Crush:
Sorry guys, I must confess that since taking the month off, I have read zilch, zero, NADA.
Current Indulgence:
Please see the cookies in the bottom right hand corner above. Those would be s’mores CRACK cookies (bottom layer of graham crackers, chocolate chips and marshmallows inside!) that one of the besties made for our last get-together…we may or may not nearly have polished off the whole damn pan!
Current Blessing:
Speaking of the besties…
Two women who just GET me…who I can laugh with, cry with, and drunk yoga with! 😉
Current Outfit:
With the heat waves we’ve been having around here lately, as little as absolute possible! And I still stand firmly behind the no pants thing from last month!
Current Excitement:
In less than a week, I will be in the middle of a musical wonderland aka my heaven aka in close proximity to my monkey loves AND my Portugal men! I am not to be held responsible for any undergarments undone and released during these three days. Also? I’m taking the entire week off afterward to recover relax! 😉
Current Link:
Current Mood:
Gahhhhhhhhh! <- Is that a mood?
What was something MAGICAL from your August?
Anyone else ready for tall boots, pumpkin pie, and changing leaves?
I know I am!

Oh I need time toooooo!! And sleep. Can you share the secret? My sleeping schedule is all over the place!
And yay for Lousfest, you’re going to have blast. Music Festivals are BEST!!
Aww, thanks Lucie! It’s my first music festival so I’m SUPER PUMPED!!
As far as the sleep thing goes, I stand behind my tiny little Benedryl pill, but I also found this awesome lavender/sandalwood oil at Whole Foods that comes in a roller ball…I roll it onto my pulse points, give it a couple of sniffs, and BAM! Snoozeville! 😀
Confession- I haven’t read that book. Must add to the list. After Divergent. Yep. Still hasn’t happened. If you get the chance to obtain more time, shoot some my way…scrap that, shoot it ALL my way!!!
I need to try the peanuts with fruit although…Salted. I’m sorry. I’m all about the damn sodium.
Just my little opinion, I’d bump it up to BEFORE Divergent…it’s THAT good! And I’ll do my best on the time, buddy! I’m sure it’s here somewhere in these friggin couch cushions…oh look, a QUARTER! 😉
Salty nuts! Heehee
What’s your opinion on Taylor’s new song? 😉
Hold the phone. You aren’t crushing on me?! We need to talk about our relationship. And I’m returning the gelato I bought you. 😉
The obsession I have for you, my dear, could never be labeled a mere crush! And admit it, you’re just waiting on me to bring the bacon sprinkles for that gelato! *spoon clink* 😉
I’ll take her gelato. Thanks.
Hahaha! We can have an gelato three way.
Ohhhhh, KINKY! Who’s bringing the whipped cream? Hahaha!
I got you. And chocolate syrup!
Bahhh fall is my favourite season but I don’t think I’m quite ready for it yet – I’m still working on my summer tan!
Something magical from August: I guess with how insane this month has been, I’ve been spending a ton of time with friends and I’ve realized that I’m friends with some of the best people out there!
That is DEFINITELY something magical! And makes me smile from EAR to EAR! So happy for you love…and jealous of that summer tan! I’m still pasty and white! Drawback to sleeping all damn day, I guess! Lol!
I loved The Fault In Our Stars it was a super simple and easy read, I think I finished it in two days!
And totally ready for fall, I have already brought out the pumpkin scented everything and the food began back in August haha
Haha! Love it! Time to begin the self tanning sessions, huh?
I actually haven’t read that book yet! I’ve been meaning to though. I need to get on that!
I adore Broken Bells! I’m guessing you were a fan of The Shins too? 🙂
I definitely recommend AFIOS (yes, I took the lazy way out and abbreviated)…it’s been a LONG time since I’ve gotten THAT sucked into a book! And I actually JUST discovered Broken Bells about a month ago but I’m hooked! I’ve only listened to a little of The Shins since they’ve come on my Spotify stations a handful of times. Everything I’ve heard so far I like, but I think I’ll be looking into them more now! 🙂
No to fall! I’m in complete denial that summer is coming to an end. I don’t feel like I’ve had much of a summer. I’m holding onto it as long as possible!!
Hahaha! To be honest, I’m kinda torn on the changing of the seasons…I love fall, but it’s never long enough around here so to wish it to come and summer to be over is kinda like shooting myself in the foot. And winter lasts forFREAKINGever! Gaaaaah!
I want to read The Fault in Our Stars … don’t worry, you’re not the last one to read it. 😉 And how about that watermelon Chobani? Is it good? YES PLEASE to fall! I’m so over this hot weather.
Haha, yay, I’m not the only one who’s late to the party! Now I just have to wait the couple of weeks until I can get it on DVD…I hear they actually did a pretty good job staying true to the book so I’m definitely excited. The Chobani was different…but GOOD! I kid you not, it tasted like a watermelon jolly rancher! I’ve heard the grapefruit is even better, but I haven’t been able to find it yet. And I hear ya on the hot weather! I hate the cold, but this humidity is nuts! I just wish it could be fall forever! 🙂
I’ve missed your face! Promise me you won’t leave me again — promise meeeeee.
I’m not 100% sure what happened to August, but I know that I’m more than ready for fall! I just got home after spending the weekend in the mountains, and was freaking STOKED to see that some of my leaves have already started changing colours! That and I also already invested in 3 cans of pumpkin 😉
Awww, I’ve missed your face TOO, love! It’s high time I got over to Spoonsland and did some catching up with my girl! 😉 And the pumpkin…can you BELIEVE I’m still working on the forty can haul I brought home LAST January?! Hey, it’s still good until 2015! Haha!
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