The Adventures of Lucky the Leprechaun

Ok, ok…I teased enough in my last post.

It’s time to show you guys my Halloween costume…especially since it came together fantastically in the last COUPLE OF HOURS before leaving town Friday night! What can I say? I’m the world’s worst procrastinator I work well under pressure! 😉

Lucky Charms Halloween Costume 2014“They’re magically delicious!” *

*What I may or may not have screamed while running up and down the streets of downtown Nashville throwing handfuls of cereal up in the air! 😉

Halloween Costume 2014

My friends and I arrived at our hotel in Nashville ready to head to our concert and otherwise take over the town around 8pm that night. The following nine hours were full of singing, dancing, toasting, bathroom selfies, a squirrel, and way too many belly laughs to even try to count.

Basically, the MOST fun I’ve ever had on Halloween!

The Devil Makes Three Nashville

The concert ended up being great! While I didn’t know all of the words to the songs, The Devil Makes Three had a great way of getting their energy out into the crowd. And it didn’t hurt that the opening act, The Cave Singers, already had me bouncing around. Before I knew it, was square dancing with a farmer and jumping around a penguin!


And Forrest Gump, Sulley the monster, a chicken, a pirate, and a kitty cat! 😉

But those weren’t the only interesting costumes of the night. I was able to snap a few pics of the best ones I spotted…and then stole the rest from my friend’s Facebook page. I love dressing up for Halloween, but I love seeing what others come up with even more…the creativity of some people is just amazing!

Wizard of Oz

Like this crew straight from the set of The Wizard of Oz…though I think someone must’ve slipped something in Dorothy’s preworkout drinks.


These “witnesses” had everybody stopping in their tracks.

Three Blind Mice

I’ll take all THREE of these blind mice over a dead one in my pantry ANY day!

Pee Wee Herman - Halloween

Oh and I can’t forget to mention my encounter with good ol’ Pee Wee!

Bartender Scooby Snacks

Scooby Snacks for everyone!

Squirrel - Halloween

And omg, it’s a freaking SQUIRREL!!! 😉

At the end of the night, we carried our worn out bodies back to the hotel (partying like a rock star is hard when your almost thirty!) and ended the night right…with copious amounts of pizza and chicken wings delivered right to our door followed by…

Goo Goo Cluster - Chocolate

My very FIRST Goo Goo Cluster!

I know…I know, I’m a disgrace to my fellow Nashvillians. HOW did I not know these things were freakishly delicious?! Now I have GOT to get my hands on the peanut butter one! 😯

What did you do for Halloween?

What was the most unique/interesting costume you saw?

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20 Responses to The Adventures of Lucky the Leprechaun

  1. Your outfit is just the CUTEST ever!! Green is my fave color so I naturally gravitated to this! You looked adorable!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Thank you so much, Caren! Green is my favorite too…and Lucky Charms is my favorite cereal…and I’m Irish…so it only made sense! 😀

  2. I think what I am most impressed by is not that you put your costume together so quickly, but that you had that hat + those socks just lying around! I think I need your fashion sense, ASAP. 🙂

    Halloween was a much-needed chick flick movie night! Last week was never ending.

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Haha! Oh if only I could confess to having such an ecclectic wardrobe collection! No, the tights and hat were sought out on a spur-of-the-moment trip to the Halloween store the DAY before! I work best under pressure! 😉

      Ohh, what movie did you watch? Any reccomendations?

  3. Hahaha oh my gosh your costume is TOO CUTE!!! I love it. You’re an adorable leprechaun!

  4. WHat do you mean….
    partying like a rock star is hard when your almost thirty! ?????
    I am 30-freaking-SIX!! Now imagine how much time I need to recover from partying hard…. 🙂
    I SO SO LOVE your costume and all the others!! OMG. I am SO jealous, I want to come next year!!! We don’t celebrate Halloween here in Switzerland, how boring are we?
    Maybe next year I just go out as a squirrel and scare everyone on the streets. That’d be fun, no 🙂

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Omg, I would pay money to see that! Even more if you hide in trees to do it! Lol

      But seriously? It wasn’t just the booze that was hard to recover from. All that frollicking around town that night…my calves were sore for THREE days!! 😯

  5. I think someone must’ve slipped something in Dorothy’s preworkout drinks…you kill me! Love the costume as well!

  6. haha your outfit is so cute! I’m glad you had a fun time. I went to a Halloween party – I think the most interesting costume I saw was a sexy nurse. It was a guy. I saw waaaaaay more than I wanted to….gross.

  7. So fun! The wizard of oz costumes are great!

  8. KAT says:

    You look totally cute!! I would’ve never even thought to be a cereal character….
    I was an 80s fitness instructor, because I have zero creativity and it’s not a big stretch for me. Although I did consider being Black Widow from Avengers since I own lots of leather, but then I realized that I was spending Halloween at my in-laws Halloween party, and its just awkward to be in head to toe lather around your in-laws and their close friends….

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Hahaha! Umm, yeah…just a bit! 😯

      And you know, I thought about doing the 80’s thing more than a handful of times…I swear I was born in the wrong decade! One of these years I’m gonna go full out Madonna on everyone! Lol

  9. Claire says:

    Haha oh man I love when people dress up in full on mascot-like suits, like that squirrel. Two years ago when I went out I saw a porcupine, bear, and lobster all in outfits like that squirrel one! So awesome.
    I didn’t go out for Halloween this year but next time I do I want to be either the paper bag princess or the queen of hearts from Alice in Wonderland!

  10. I would have paid good money to see you tossing that cereal running down the street. Was that before or after those shots? 😉

  11. Brittany says:

    I saw a few costumes similar in ideas and they are genius!!! I must do something like this some year.

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