Santa’s Visit to Broccoliland!

Hello there, my little elves!

So yeah,  I kinda waited until the LAST minute to get my Christmas recap post up this year, but ya know, sometimes life comes first! And well, let’s just say I was going along with a “procrastination celebration” theme this year since I also waited until the afternoon of Christmas eve to wrap ANY presents! 😯

Christmas 2014 Presents

But don’t they look so purrrrrdy?

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas…filled with love, laughter, and of course, lots of good stick-to-your-ribs home-cookin because food is always better with family and friends…and not just because it’s alliterative! 😉

Christmas Eve DinnerPerhaps a little something like this?

I love to cook, but there’s just something to be said about a meal that you don’t have a hand in whatsoever! These fried pork chops and mashed potatoes (thoroughly covered in homemade gravy) and bacon-y green beans that was shared with family for dinner on Christmas Eve hit THE spot! And of course it didn’t hurt that there were a couple of young eager faces around the table either…gotta love the sparkle in a child’s eyes the night before Santa comes! 🙂

Christmas Eve Hot Cocoa

Of course, I’m sure I had the same look on my face when I was not only surprised with this cup of hot cocoa that indulged my inner three-year old but also getting to open presents EARLEEEEEEEY!

Christmas Eve GiftsI just hope I didn’t wake the neighbors with all my squeals and giggles after unwrapping each one!

Three more cookbooks to help fill the Birthday Bookcase (including the infamous one from the show, Portlandia…have you guys seen it? HIL-AR-IOUS!), two scarves, adorable little measuring spoons, chocolate covered Oreos (to add to the official taste-tester list), Ghiradelli peppermint bark, TWO boxes of Green Mountain Coffee (Wild Blueberry and Pumpkin Spice) annnnnnnd…does anyone recognize that little thing hiding behind the chocolates? How about it’s a mini mother-freaking SPIROGRAPH SET!! Needless to say, I will be entertained for HOURS with this…as I recreate all the geometric designs of my childhood.

With the excitement of a child, I woke up the next morning eager to celebrate Christmas with my family. I greeted them with a big “Felix Navidad” upon walking in the door and was welcomed with a “Mele Kalikimaka” and a few giggles…then my jaw dropped to the floor once I spotted the tree!


Time was then paused to allow for the appropriate amount of ohh’ing and ahh’ing before taking out my phone and snapping twenty different pictures until I got the right angle. Yes, that’s jussssst right!

But first, let me take a selfie! 😉

Christmas Day Selfie

Couldn’t pass up a chance to get a pic with my two favorite red-lipped ladies! Too bad I didn’t get the memo or I’d have donned my own. Afterward, it was on to the kitchen for some Christmas brunchin’!

Christmas  Brunch

Waffles ala Dad and bacon ala Mom. Bananas and syrup provided by me and well, Tori just sat there waiting to be fed. Ok, ok, so maybe she helped facilitate the waffle iron reinforcements with a text to my aunt down the road. Gotta love family members who hoard kitchen appliances and never actually use them. Ha!

Then…it was time to play Santa!

Christmas Presents

Confession: I love waiting until I’ve gathered all my gifts together before I open anything…or maybe I just love the mountain of wrapping paper that surrounds me after I’m done opening them all! Regardless, Santa was very, VERY good to me this year!

Christmas Presents - Opened

And obviously, he was really into home decor this year! 😉

A coffee calendar, a GORGEOUS orange vase, a Hickory Farms sausage and cheese set, coffee kettle clock, a fuzzy, polka-dotted robe, PJ pants and the softest leggings in the world (both in plaid), Christmassy socks, rosemary mint hand soap for the kitchen, a tobacco and oakwood scented candle (basically smells like a Briar & Bean store), a pineapple slicer,assorted stocking stuffers, and the most awesome decorative basket for my coffee table that is meant to hold the big bag of potpourriin the top left of the pic.

Let it be known that ALL items now have their designated places in Casa de Broccoli and look absolutely fabulous! As for that summer sausage and cheese?

Christmas Dinner

Oh that was appropriately placed as well…aka, Christmas dinner!

I can and can’t believe it’s all over, but I can definitely say it was one of the best Christmases to date! So much fun. So much LOVE!

What did Santa bring you for Christmas?

What was the best thing you ate?

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6 Responses to Santa’s Visit to Broccoliland!

  1. I had so many lovely things to say about the holidays… but really all I have to say now is… hee hee… sausage sampler…

  2. But first, let me take a selfie! – you added that line just for me, right?! I still think of you every. single. time that song is on at the gym. At least one positive about it ;).
    Judging from the pictures it looks like a) you were a good little broccoli or b) Santa’s getting old and didn’t see all of your shenanigans from the past year. Do you want me to take a guess …?
    Best thing I ate? Aside from grandma’s “Rotkohl” – it beats any other dish so including it would be unfair competition – was cinnamon parfait. Guilt-free.

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Shhhh!! Careful! Santa may be losing his sight, but I hear his ears are compensating! 😉

      Just so you know, those last two words make my heart sing! So happy for you love!

  3. I love that gold plate/dish you go so fun!

  4. Great pic of you with your mom and sis! I tried to take a selfie with my grandma, but after multiple tries, we just couldn’t get a shot where our eyes weren’t closed or something haha.

    Glad you had such a great Christmas girl! And a delicious one it looks like too. The best thing I ate is probably Smitten Kitchen’s sticky toffee pudding with caramel sauce and vanilla ice cream that I made for Christmas dessert. It was deadly!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Haha! Don’t you hate it when that happens! Sounds like you had quite the delicious holiday as well (yeah, sorry I’m so late commenting!)…just reading “sticky toffee pudding with caramel sauce and vanilla ice cream” makes me start drooling! Lol

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