Another week down, another week of missing Broccoli. 🙁
Sorry guys, but the seasonal hermitude has been in full force lately and I think I have a pretty good reason…
Yup, that would be the return of Snowpocalypse 2015 with a whopping SEVEN inches of snow…officially the most this southern girl has ever seen in her LIFE! Can someone do me a huge favor and tell Mother Nature she can take this shit and shove it where the sun don’t shine…I’ll even let her borrow my new shovel! 😉
All threats to personifications aside, I have to say my hermitude (sorry, I’m kind of a fan of my newly coined term) is staying on the safe side of seasonal depression this year. Though it may have to do something with the fact that I’ve been in the gym practically every day this week and I’ve had some pretty attractive friends along for the ride…
Everyone, please say hello to Bradley and Jennifer. 😉
Or perhaps it’s goodbye since it only took me jusssssst over four days to finish this book (that was of course better than what I remember of the movie). Is it sad that Bradley Cooper’s character, with his warped mind and addiction to exercise, helped motivate me to get to the gym this week? Like, if Pat can do 600 sit ups, 500 push ups, and get a 10-mile run in ALL IN ONE DAY, surely I can do an hour of weights with a little literary-assisted cardio. Lol.
In other entertainment news, I’ve been hitting up my stash of unopened DVD’s too….yes, I have a habit of buying movies and then waiting a year to watch them. After catching a preview for the sequel when I went to see Fifty Shades of Grey a couple of weeks ago, I just had to see Pitch Perfect again and I swear I laughed my ass off just as much as the first time. Also? If you’re a Netflixer like me, you’ve GOT to watch Housebound on instant streaming which is a comedy/thriller from New Zealand that had me scream-laughing until I cried! I’m SO glad I lucked up and found it in my list of suggestions. So you see, there IS something to be said about mindlessly browsing Netflix for over an hour while you wait for FOUR loads of laundry to finish washing.
And apparently, whenever I’m held prisoner in my own home by nature’s elements, I turn into Betty-fucking-Crocker! Can I get a round of applause for this…my SECOND meal cooked this week?! I made another roasted chicken but decided to turn the leftovers into some of Granny’s Chicken Stuff (one of my FAVORITE family recipes) with some added veggies. I also whipped up some of the best damn cornbread EVER…totally the “m” word!
Maybe if Mother Nature hears my plea for some friggin sunshine, I can make it again and get some decent pictures to post? *Hint hint, wink wink, bitch* 😉
Alright, I think I’ve let my sailor mouth run enough already…just in case you wanted to know, my true feelings can always be discovered by reading between the lines expletives. Ha. Anywho, I’m off to get ready for work…which will end in the greatest of ALL sliver linings…daylight savings time! Don’t forget to set your clocks back! While you guys miss out on a little sleep, I’ll be happy dancing my way to the time clock one hour early come Sunday! 😀
Who else is ready for SPRIIIIIIIIING?!?!

OMG…. I am so there with you tonight when I go into work at 11 pm and can get out at 6 am…. translation 7 am! I am so happy…… snoopy dance…..
I usually get screwed with the daylight savings shit and have to work the extra hour… that night shift sucks.
Oh and 7″?! come on now…. I’m in Rhode Island and we have … oh 4 or 5 feet still on the ground… I lost count!
by the way… plans to move south are in full swing for this girl 🙂
Ahhh, FINALLY! Someone who GETS it! One more hour on a dayshift is no big deal, but added to the end of a nights suhhhhhhhcks!
Yeah, I’ve been a southern girl all my life…never seen more than 7″ of snow in my life. I’d die if we got FEET of it! Lol
so freaking ready for Spring!!! I live in Michigan, so there is still a shit ton of snow on the ground, but it’s going to near 50 degrees all week!
I’m happy to see the time change benefiting someone, especially if that someone is you.
Now the real question…you did four loads of laundry, but did you fold it? 😉
I DID…with some help! 😉
Over the snow. I think we got like 12 inches here last week. Frick. I looked out the window that morn and almost shat my pants. 😉
That’s on my to read list! Love the movie. And pitch perfect? Yes please. Instant classic, you know – like Bridesmaids 🙂 Can’t wait for pitch perfect 2!
Oh I know! I can’t wait either…I didn’t even realize they were coming out with a sequel until recently. That’s why I decided to pull out the first one and watch it again…my memory’s so bad. Gotta prep the mind ya know! Lol
Holy Crap that is a ton of snow, I hope it all melts fast for you!
I still haven’t seen pitch perfect, it’s definitely on my list though! Currently working my way through Always Sunny in Philadelphia but might check out Housebound when I am finished!
In Scotland we have to wait a wee bit longer for spring, our clocks don’t go forward until the end of the month so we have to contend with the darkness for a bit longer – boo!