Hiya, peeps!
Wow, another month down! Can you believe it? There really is something to be said about the old adage, “time flies when you’re having fun” because this month has been an absolute BLUR! I know I haven’t been posting much lately and I do feel a bit about that, but to be totally honest, I’m not really missing it that much. There has been so much going on in my life lately (which I hope to share more about in the coming weeks) that to not give all my focus and attention to…to not live and breathe each magical moment, would be a sin. Another of which would be if I let a month go by that I AM blogging without a good Currently post to sum things up for the month.
So…if you would all bow your heads and worship me…err, I mean…uhh…
Look! What’s that! Squirrel!
Although I’ve spent most of the month sporting the “devil curls” (ohh, and I am loving the accidental double entendre there!), there’s no WAY I wasn’t going to document the first straightening of the hair since umm…November? And it still surprises that my hair has gotten this long!
Current Book:
Two books in ONE month?! How about a round of applause? I mean, I don’t mean to be ostentatious, but a couple of years ago, I was lucky if I could get halfway through a magazine. Also, I have to say that finally capitulating to the cries of my inner bookworm has done wonders for ameliorating my vocabulary. 😉
Current Music:
I’ve loved Joywave since I first heard, saw, and shared with you, the undeniably genius video for “Tongues”. (Warning: NSFW) So when I saw that they’re going to be in Nashville in a couple of months, I stormed Spotify and have now fallen in love with their entire latest album. These are some weird-looking dudes, but they are seriously talented musicians and it’d be awesome to see them live!
And this song has been in my head ALL week! (and it’s safe to watch with your parents!) 😉
Current Guilty Pleasure:
Spending entirely TOO much time perusing the gas station and taking pictures of gems like these. Oh, so classy! Lol
Current Entertainment:
You just can’t beat the excitement and energy of a great LIVE concert! Still riding the high from the Misterwives concert last Tuesday night. Surprising to me, I actually prefer they’re live performance to their studio recordings.
Current Wish/Needs:
For BORNS to come back to Nashville and fill this empty space in my music note-shaped heart. Is that really too much to ask? I’ll even bring him cough drops if he’s still sick!
Current Food:
While I have been loving the fair amount of pizza and grilled deliciousness crossing my path over the last few weeks, when it comes to breakfast, especially with the drop in the temps we’ve experienced recently, I am ALL about the oats…particularly those drizzled with a bit of coffee creamer. Don’t doubt me. Just do it. Now!
Current Drink:
And when it’s been warm, there hasn’t been any denying the smoothie cravings…especially since I’m finally using up some of my old protein powder AND it makes me feel good not to have to throw away the five-pound tub of spinach that got pushed to the back of the fridge. 😯
Current Triumphs:
Three cheers for the utter resilience of Marilyn the SCOBY! Even after abandoning her for the last month or so, she still thrives! Although I did have to waste the last brew batch, I’m happy to be back at my Kombucha-brewing game just in time for some of my favorite fruits to come in season!
Current Bane of Existence:
I honestly couldn’t think of one until…I came home from work the other day and my garage door wouldn’t come up. Wtf?! Yeah, that was short-lived!
Current Blogger Crush:
This month, my heart goes to Arman! Being out of the blogging loop for a while now, I hate to say that I missed seeing a lot of his growth as a blogger, recipe developer, and photographer until just recently, but just have to say…WOW! Bravo to my little Aussie buddy! 😀
Current Indulgence:
Seriously, when you have salted caramel JIF whips to spread over any and every carbolicious surface that enters your mouth, there really is no need for further indulgences.
Current Blessing:
Love, life, and the amazing people in my life who brighten each and every day of my life. Whether they be here with me, on the other side of the country, or on the other side of the WORLD, I know that I am blessed to have such amazing people in my life and very grateful for each and every one.
Current Outfit:
Still breaking in the new PINK kicks and loving the days that I’m able to take my walks outside. Can’t wait for more of those in the coming weeks.
Current Excitement:
This week! Some exciting things are going down this week and I’m pretty sure I won’t have another chance to post, but I promise to give you all a well-deserved update soon!
Current Link:
Current Mood:
Fulfilled. 😀

I’m so happy to hear you’re doing so well, my friend! And I was going to say, didn’t you JUST get that garage door replaced/fixed a couple months ago? Geez…at least it worked during the snowy season? 😉
Aww, thanks love! And good news! It wasn’t the garage door…somehow the breaker got messed up for the outlet that it’s plugged into. Took a little investigating, but in the end it was just a matter of resetting the switch! Yay! 🙂
I’m going to need a spoiler about what’s going on via text. I think I’ve earn that. 😛
AND GUESS WHAT?! I read a book! And I’m half way through another! The move has inspired me to watch even less TV than I did before.
I just bough that JIF too. We got it home and stood in the kitchen dipping peanut M&Ms in it. Shameless gluttony. #winning
Ha! Oh girl, you long ago earned the chance to be on the front row for the action of my life. 😉
A book? You? How did you hold still long enough??! I must know what magical voodoo you’re reading!
Peanut M&M’s in peanut butter…I’m speechless! Lol
I can’t wait to hear the big news, and until then I shall wait patiently. Screw that, you better text me. 🙂
I’m envious of your pink kicks. I haven’t been to the gym in weeks and I’m turning into a slug, although I’ve finally put a dent in the 900 plus page book I’ve been reading. Yes, 900 plus pages. It’s exhausting just typing it.
Nine HUNDRED?!? 😯 Omg! And I thought I was doing good with my last one at 450! Dayyyyum!
And yeah, the kicks have made it to the gym like TWICE! What with Spring break…and then the recovery following Spring break, I haven’t made it back to the gym yet. But I DID go on a seven mile walk today so that counts, right? 😉
If they get texts, I want to be texted too!!
I promise, I straighten your hair every freaking minute at Blend while feeding you Swiss chocolate.
And oh, oats…. never gets old for breakfast! My lazy version is making them as a cake. eggs, fruit, oats – blend and bake. Breakfast for 4 days, hell yes!
Well DAMN! I wish I’d seen this sooner! Haha! Hmm, looks like I’m gonna have to find a way to make it up to you before next month!
The Art of Racing in the Rain was so good! And it made me want to get a dog so badly lol.
I’m excited for you about whatever you’re excited about haha. Can’t wait to hear the details! 🙂
So I’m a little bit in love with you for the shout out- Even though I miss my broccoli bombs, I’m happier knowing that you’re not around my interwebs. Besides, when we HANG OUT THIS YEAR it will be epic.
Although we won’t be going gas stations and taking photos. That’s just crayyyy
Aww, well you totally deserve the shout out! Seriously, my eyes get huge every time one of your recipe pics pops up in my Instagram feed! And I’m so proud of you for the e-book! And the move! Congrats on all the happy things in your life! Can’t wait to see you in person so we can celebrate the right way!
Those shoes have my heart pitter pattering!