Jason and I had an AMAZING anniversary!
And now I just have to take a second to fan my face, because I’m getting all flushed with this goofy grin on my face! Oh and speaking of, I wish I could give you all HUGE hugs (cuz I’m a hugger) for all the super sweet comments left on my last post. Thank you all so so much! I’ve never in my life been happier than I am right now. 😀
Ok…wooooo…callllllllm thyself. Alright, where was I? Oh yeah, my
First, he surprised me with flowers!
And he did a very good job…gorgeous tulips, a big fluffy hydrangea, and my favorite “special” roses (aka, the ones whose petals are darker at the tips than at the base). But the card is what really got me. He always knows what to say to make my heart do backflips.
Neither one of us really had a plan for the day, but when we found out that the forecasted rains were coming in later than expected, we both knew exactly what we wanted to do. We decided to go back to where it all began…on Ashland City’s Greenway Trail where we went on our first date. But before we decided to tackle the 7+ mile hike, we knew we’d need fuel first!
Jason suggested sushi since it’s relatively light and he surprised me by actually ordering a roll of his own. He usually just tries a bite of mine but says that sushi’s not really his thing. Well, obviously, I’m rubbing off on him because he LOVED his Cowboy roll and didn’t think my Playboy roll was half bad either…a definite #strangebutgood choice. 😉
Cowboy: Teriyaki steak, avocado, cream cheese
Playboy: Spicy tuna, crab, avocado, fried banana
I have to say, Kori has definitely redeemed itself. I’ve been to this restaurant several times over the years but I’ve never been completely happy with my experience (read: the service was always lacking), but it looks like they’ve changed some things. Our waiter was fantastic…as I was sure to tell him in the note I left with my generous tip. The steak was cooked perfectly and both the rolls and our appetizers came out quick.
After we finished eating, we made our way to the trails and over the next two and a half hours, we walked and talked, pointed at flowers, Googled flowers, and of course, I had to stop periodically to pee take pictures. 😉
Fire Pinks, Bluebonnets, Phlox, Columbines and more, but the ones that really stole the show…ANDwere the freakin’ hardest ones to find online were these Shooting Stars. Aren’t they gorgeous?! Move outta the way Daffodils, there’s a new favorite in town!
 We also saw this HUGE owl! He may look small since he flew further away while I was fumbling with my phone (ohhhh, love that accidental alliteration), but he had to be at least the size of Atticus! I’m willing to bet he could’ve eaten him. Sorry Sam.
After walking the last couple of miles to the car in the dark because we are both seriously good planners like that, we munched on some bars that we had stashed in the car because we ARE seriously good planners like that know how we get when we get hangry. And the rest of the night was spent cuddling and being incredibly gross in love. I’ll spare you the details. 😉
But just when we thought the anniversary fun was done, we both surprised each other yesterday with little “gifts”…at the same time…without knowing the other was doing anything. Actually, it was kinda creepy. Lol.
A selfie photo stick for me! <-OMG, is this gonna be fun this summer!
And his favorite, chocolate chip cookies without the chocolate chips for him! 😀
 Flowers, sushi, getting a dose of vitamin D while enjoying some good company in B-E-A-utiful weather, cuddles, cookies, and selfies? Maybe I’m not much of a girl, but I thought this was the perfect day, ie, I see a reason to stress yourself out about a day that is supposed to be special just as it is. I loved the simplicity of it all. How it kinda felt like any other day, but we both knew that it was so much more.
One year down, many more to go!
Be sure to check out Healthy Diva Eats for ALL THE MARVELOUS LINKS to help perk up your Monday! Hope you all have a great day!
What would your ideal first date include?
What is your favorite cookie?

How fun!!!! You guys looks so happy 🙂 Hiking is always a fun time and that selfie stick is going to be perfect for the blog! haha
Right?! I think every time I go to use it, I’m gonna say “Go go gadget arm!” Lol
Love love love this! You are so happy and joy is a definite contagious thing!!
Thank you Jayne! Hope you and the hubby are doing well! 🙂
Aww what an anniversary! And we want to see you using that selfie stick for new posts! 😉
Oh you KNOW it! 😉
This makes me so happy. I am so glad you’ve found your match. Isn’t being “incredibly gross in love” amazing?!
You two are ridiculous and I love it.
Eating crow has never tasted so good.
Omg, YES!! And I know you know exactly what I’m talking about. I think about you and Vegas all the time and think, damn, did we get lucky or what?! 😉
I think you mean how lucky THEY got. 😉
Haha! Yeah…that’s what I meant! 😉
This is so awesome buddy although…damn he should have given you the selfie stick pre hike. Think of all the missed selfies!
Haha! Well, actually, he didn’t find the selfie stick until two days later…and he said he bought it as more of a joke since I’m always taking selfies, but I was like, “NOOOOOO! It perfect!” Lol
Happy Anniversary!!!
Thanks Jen!!
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Defintiely a perfect day!!
Oh, and I got a Selfie Stick on my Goodbye Party too! We should do Selfies of our Selfie Sticks at Blend. Hahaha.
Heck yeah! I wasn’t even thinking about it, but it will definitely come in handy on the hike….ohhhh, I can’t wait for the hike! I can’t wait to see that view from the top again…I mean, it’s no Swiss Alps, but it’s probably the highest I’ve ever been above sea level! Lol
Aww congrats Heather! I didn’t see your last post until now, but it was so so so sweeeeet 🙂
Thank you, Jess! Thank you so much!
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