What’s up, loverlies?
Just popping in with a “Currently” post and them I’m off to enjoy more of this ahhhhhhmazing August weather before I have to get ready for work. Seriously, it feels like fall but looks like summer (read: no humidity has this long mane looking fahhhhBUlous).
Yep, I could definitely get used to this.
And before I forget: The winner of my favorite Soybu yoga capris has been selected. Check and see if it was you by clicking HERE! Thank you all so much for entering!
Alright now, let’s do tha damn thing!
Current Confession:
To clear up any confusion that THIS post may have caused (honestly, I was wondering how many people would actually catch it), I am NOT currently sporting anything sparkly on a certain finger BUT…we have been shopping!
*Insert shit-eating grin here*
Current Book:
As of right now, I’m midway through the fourth Harry Potter book, The Goblet of Fire. Though I’m pretty sure I could just keep my hand over the spine and tell everyone I’m reading War and Peace. I’m looking at you Mr. Seven Hundred Thirty-Fifth page! Well, not at this exact moment…but I will…by next week at least. 😉
Current Music:
So my music soul mate just introduced Jason and me to RL Grimes a couple of weeks ago. Since then, this song has been on repeat on both our phones. Oh and can I just say, this little bear equalizer thingie? Totally reminds me of this game from when I was a kid. Anyone else remember Hair Bear? So.much. FUN…for about five minutes, right?
Current Guilty Pleasure:
So a couple of weeks ago, my mom hosted another Premier Jewelry show. I wore my new gems I bought during MY last party. Then I proceeded to spend a hundred bucks on more. And I signed up to host another show. And now I want about ten more items. I keep trying to tell you…I HAVE A PROBLEM!!!
Current Entertainment:
Let’s just say that I’m bordering the need for an intervention when it comes to Pinterest lately. What started as an innocent app addition to my phone later turned into every single inactive moment of every day is spent looking at sparkly things, or house decorating ideas, or DIY crafts, or cheesy dip recipes or…well, let’s just say I wouldn’t be surprised if tomorrow, my phone suddenly burst into flames and turns to ash before my eyes.
Current Wish/Needs:
Well, by the look of this Pinterest board, I need some construction paper, an old T-shirt, a leaf, a couple of doilies, some spray paint, and about 400 aluminum cans. Oh and about three months off from work to sit and home and DIY myself silly.
Hmm, that sounds kinda dirty doesn’t it? 😉
Current Food:
Cotton candy grapes. Non-GMO fucking cotton.candy.GRAPES! Seriously people, if you’ve never tasted the sheer delight that is this sweet perfection of a fruit, you better get your ass to a store and find them QUICK! The season only lasts for a few weeks. I’m already on my third bag! 😉
Current Drink:
See that bottle of wine up there? How about in the three or four bottles that Jason and I have opened from Wine Fest, this ONE BOTTLE has been the only one that hasn’t tasted sickeningly sweet to me. Note to self: Drunken shopping sprees are NOT a good idea. Next year, the wallet stays with mom!
Current Triumphs:
On a spur-of-the-moment trip to K-Mart last night, I happened to find some patio furniture for next to nothing! Yep, no more dragging the couch cushions out onto the porch when I want a comfy place to sit…#noshame
Also? In the last week, I’ve made it to the gym FIVE times AND today, Jason and I hiked over three and a half miles at the park! I’m gettin’ ma groove back y’all!
Current Bane of Existence:
The four-hour drive to go see the girls every other week. And that’s just there. It’s another four hours back. Ugh. Needless to say, we’re counting down the days to fall break!
Current Blogger Crush:
Sorry guys, I’ve been too busy reading War and Peace. 😉
Current Indulgence:
Seriously?! Everybody knows the best part of making brownies is licking the bowl. Dear Nabisco, whatever crazy chemistry you’re doing in your test kitchens to get this stuff to taste SPOT on…please, DON’T STOP!!
Current Blessing:
On Wednesday, we went to see the girls. While we were there, we stopped in Whole Foods for a bit, when we came out, the girls surprised me with a bouquet of flowers they had bought while Jason distracted me. I almost burst into tears on the spot.
Current Outfit:
Umm, is it bad that I bought this top to match my bracelet? 😉
Current Excitement:
Though I’m not on the edge of my seat quite like I was last year (Hello Portugal. The Man AND Arctic Monkeys in the same venue!), I am excited to be going ton LouFest 2015 in a couple of weeks if not for anything but to dance my ass off to some Misterwives!
Current Link:
Current Mood:
Is “like the luckiest woman in the world” a mood? If not, it should be.
What is your “current” triumph?
What about your “current” guilty pleasure?

Well, I am sooo jelaous of all the limited edition OREO. In Russia there is no such things. We have a lot of good writers though. That is my triumph – 3 books for 2 weeks;)
That’s awesome! If I had to choose between good books and cookies, I’d definitely choose books!
I need to go on the hunt for garden furniture – we are just coming into spring here in Australia and I know it is going to be a necessity soon… Along with a BBQ grill… And so many other things! Moving to the other side of the world = having to buy everything again!
Hope you find the perfect sparkler soon! 🙂
Thanks girlie! Ohhh, moving…definitely not my favorite thing to do. I’m always torn too between the love of getting new stuff and the hate of having to spend the money on it. Haha!
Cotton candy grapes- yes! Have you had them frozen? They taste like a sugary-bad-for-you freeze pop!
Oh wine fests, and the purchases you make while under the influence. Last year I bought a white wine with a chili pepper in the bottle, AKA the best wine I’ve ever had!!…. until I tried it sober and realized how darn spicy and awful it is! 🙁
Oh nooooo! I’m such a pansy when it comes to spice so I can only imagine. Though…I wonder how it would do if you tried using it to make a white wine sauce? Maybe for some pasta? That is if you haven’t already ditched it of course. I hate wasting alcohol. Luckily I have a boyfriend who will pretty much drain anything. Lol
I’ve never tried the cotton candy grapes frozen. I tried regular ones once but my teeth are so sensitive, it wasn’t much of a fun experience. I lot of huffing air out of my mouth in efforts to heat the things up. Haha!
My husband bought those mutherfuggin oreos…so good, so damn addicting!
Hahaha! Curse his name!
I am currently (re) reading the third Harry Potter – guilty pleasure? No, but it does make me happy!
Well that’s all that matters, isn’t it? I’m taking a bit of a break to read other things, but I’m eager to get back to the fifth book and finish the series…just wish they weren’t such a hassle to lug around. I’m a bit old fashioned when it comes to books, but these babies have me seriously considering buying myself an e-reader.
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