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My name is Heather! I'm a southern gal with a passion for food, fitness, and photography...and alliteration if you didn't notice! Here you'll find a mix of random musings, delicious recipes, and hopefully a chuckle or two! Check out my "About' tab to learn more!
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Category Archives: Blend Retreat
May: Blends, Balance, and Blessings
Hello there, my pretties! Is it just me or has this month FLOWN by?! I mean, it seems like just yesterday I was breathing in the mountain air and now here it is, almost time for new month to start…which meeeeeeeans it’s time for … Continue reading
Posted in Blend Retreat, Currently, Music
Tagged Alt-J, Blend 2015, Borgore, coffee, family, friends, Instagram, Jason, Misterwives, music, salad, selfies, Skrillex, Snapchat, the besties, wine, workout
Blend 2015: Bigger, Badder, & Later Than Ever!
Hellooooooo everybody! Well, I’m back safe and sound from sunny seasonally bipolar (rain, hail, and sunshine all in the FIRST DAY) Colorado! Ok, ok, so I’ve been back for five days but well…? Life happens. While it’s been a crazy busy week, … Continue reading
Posted in Blend Retreat, Restaurant Review, Travel, Workouts
Tagged Blend 2015, Colorado, farmers' market, girls night
The Great Blend Recap Post!
Annnnnnnnd I’m BACK! Now, before I risk forgetting any of the amazing moments from my trip to Park City, I think it’s high time we got some recapping done around here! I’m sure you guys have seen it all already, so I’m … Continue reading
Posted in Blend Retreat, Personal, Restaurant Review, Travel
Tagged Blend 2014, BLEND Retreat, Cafe Rio, Nature Valley, Utah, Yoplait