Welcome to Kiss My Broccoli
My name is Heather! I'm a southern gal with a passion for food, fitness, and photography...and alliteration if you didn't notice! Here you'll find a mix of random musings, delicious recipes, and hopefully a chuckle or two! Check out my "About' tab to learn more!
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Tag Archives: bingeing
Thoughts on Breaking Down the Binge
If you’ve been there, you know. You know how it begins and ends with pain. The negative feelings, the stress, the anxiety…it’s just too much. You need comfort. You find that comfort in those first few bites. They taste so … Continue reading
Posted in Personal, Thoughts
Tagged bingeing, emotional eating, happiness, health, life, recovery
WIAW: Truth AND Dare
First, I want to thank you guys SO much for all the heart-warming comments you left on yesterday’s post. I feel better since “coming out” with my struggle on body image and it really helps knowing that I have not … Continue reading
Posted in Personal, What I Ate Wednesday
Tagged bingeing, cereal, cookies, emotional eating, graham crackers, peanut butter, popcorn, trail mix