Welcome to Kiss My Broccoli
My name is Heather! I'm a southern gal with a passion for food, fitness, and photography...and alliteration if you didn't notice! Here you'll find a mix of random musings, delicious recipes, and hopefully a chuckle or two! Check out my "About' tab to learn more!
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Tag Archives: exercise
Finer Things Friday
Some days it’s just best to stop and appreciate the finer things in life. Things like… [source] Finally making it to the weekend! Waking up to a ready-made breakfast Ahh, Peaches ‘n Cream Overnight Oats… how you make my morning! … Continue reading
I AM a Runner!
Thank you guys for all the sweet comments on the house decor! I’m definitely keeping the curtains…just have to starch, iron, and hem those babies! A few weeks ago, I stumbled upon one of those blog posts that gets ya … Continue reading
Lost & Found
After breakfast this morning (inspired by HEAB’s rice pudding), I decided to take advantage of the high? temperatures (50 degrees) and try going for a walk. Back at the end of September, I severely sprained my left ankle and though … Continue reading