Welcome to Kiss My Broccoli
My name is Heather! I'm a southern gal with a passion for food, fitness, and photography...and alliteration if you didn't notice! Here you'll find a mix of random musings, delicious recipes, and hopefully a chuckle or two! Check out my "About' tab to learn more!
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Tag Archives: Redbox
I know it’s probably against some sort of writer code to title something with a hashtag, but have you ever tried to type that out before? Treat Yo’self? I don’t know, just looks weird to me. Like I start picturing some badass … Continue reading
April: The Month of Teeter Tottering
Hey guys!! Wow! Can you belieeeeeeeeve it? The last day of April!?! How in the HECK did that happen? We’ve been pretty lucky this month and have actually had some fan-TASTIC weather, but it seems lately that Mother Nature’s been making up … Continue reading
Posted in Currently
Tagged avocado, coconut butter, eggs, Game of Thrones, kabocha, massage, movies, music, Redbox, sweet potatoes