Kitchen Dreaming

Hey everybody! Hope you are all having a fantastic weekend! Sister sleepover is going to be a repeat tonight so I’m just here for a quick, “Hey y’all, what’s up?!

What do you do when you wake up on Saturday and it looks like this outside?

You go shopping! Ya know, like I didn’t get enough of it last Saturday!

Tori and I met up with my bestie Sherri and hit up the mall!

We hit up all sorts of stores, but if you know me at all, you understand why these are the only pics I got:

Kitchen utensil Heaven!

Look how tiny! Awww!

Christin and I need one of these for realz!

One day, you will be mine…oh yes, you WILL be mine!

But for now, this will do!

Well, I’m out! Sister sleepover part 2 tonight and Tori’s already reading entries from this website! Hellllllllooooo ab workout! 😉

What’s the one kitchen tool dream about owning?

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Flashback Friday: Sisterly Love

Happy Friday blogger boys and blogger girls! We’ve made it to yet another weekend!

I loved reading everybody’s odd nut butter combos after yesterday’s What Goes Up, Must Come Down post! Looks like a lot of you claim the ever popular carrots and peanut/almond butter, but I think Jessica takes the cake with the most unusual combo: PB&J with BBQ tofu sandwiches! I am SO curious about that one!

So tonight, my sister is coming over for our first sister sleepover at the new house! I’m just typing up this quick post before she gets here so we can take some pics like this:

Be afraid, be VERY afraid!

It’s hard to believe, but Tori and I used to NEVER get along as kids! We are 8 years apart and never seemed to understand each other. It wasn’t until I moved out of the house and started college at 18 that we started to develop a friendship. Now we are the best of friends and I don’t think there is another woman out there that gets me quite like her!

She’s such a good sport about things too! Whether I’m tricking her into eating tofu or making her pose for a million shots before her senior prom:

And because we can’t help it

She can always make me laugh

She’ll do just about anything with me in public

And she’s the best vacation mate ever!

Even if we do get horribly sunburned!


my proudest moment?

Ahhh, love to my blogger heart! 😉

And what is she taking a picture of?

Her very first Salad Beast!

Hope you guys have a fantastic Friday night! “See” you tomorrow!

Do you have any siblings? Do you have traditions or silly things that you do whenever around each other?

Posted in Flashback Friday | Tagged | 22 Comments

What Goes Up, Must Come Down

Helllllllllllloooooooo my peoples! Happy day that comes after Wednesday that nobody likes because it is still not Friday! 😉

So glad to see so many fans of socca after yesterday’s post! I’m craving another Mexican Socca Pizza now, just thinking about it!

I have been THIS excited since before work this morning to share my breakfast with you! While catching up on Ashley’s posts, I discovered something genius…cornbread for breakfast! Am I surprised by the source of such genius-ness? Not in the slightest!

Is it just me, or do you wanna lick the screen?

I followed Ashley’s Banana Cornbread Bake recipe to a tee and then topped it with 1/2 cup of Trader Joe’s plain low-fat Greek yogurt, and a drizzle of almond butter and honey.

I have always been a fan of cornbread (I was born in the South…it kind of comes with the territory) and I like it with a touch of sweetness. This bake was absolutely perfect, like the love-child of healthy banana bread and cornbread! I know some of you are probably skeptical about eating cornbread for breakfast, but believe me, this is something you want to try!

And I can’t even begin to tell you how well it went with the Greek yogurt, almond butter, and honey! Ohhh, I die! I rarely repeat breakfasts, but I cannot wait to have this again tomorrow!

You know what also goes well with almond butter? My appetizer for tonight’s dinner:

Cheddar flavored Food Should Taste Good tortilla chips!

Just trust me on this one!

As we all know, balance in life is inevitable. What goes up, must also come down. Which brings me to dinner…

Pretty, no?

Deceivingly underwhelming? Yes.

Ok, so it all started with the calavacita squash that I purchased this weekend. I spied it in the back of the fridge and thought it was time to finally bust it out. Buuuuut, I couldn’t decide what I wanted to do with it…and it was 6:30…and my stomach was growling (hence the need for an “appetizer”).

I chopped it up, sprayed it with some cooking spray, sprinkled it with S&P, and threw it in the oven to roast as I contemplated the future tried to form a plan for dinner.

Main dish, main dish, main dish? Ohhhh, howabout tempeh? Mmm, yeah! Ok, now what?

Enter the new BBQ sauce I found at Tuesday Morning (similar to TJ Maxx)

Most of the time, my last-minute plans and “aha!” type ideas form a pretty good tasting meal. This time…not saa much! Ok, so the squash needs a little something more than S&P (smoked paprika perhaps), I should have marinated the tempeh, and this was the


Holy chili peppers!

Eh, well, at least it looked pretty!

I blame this on writer’s chef’s cramp. And too much stress. And not enough sleep. And oh, the fact that it’s the day after Wednesday that nobody likes because it’s still.not.Friday!

“See” you guys tomorrow (when it actually IS Friday)!

What’s the oddest thing you’ve paired nut butter with?

Posted in Breakfast, Entree, Snacks, Vegan, Vegetarian | Tagged , , , , , | 49 Comments