So, it’s a good thing that I had some fun in the kitch yesterday, because if I had to post about my day today…well, I got nuthin’! It was a nasty rainy day that did absolutely nothing for my motivation. I’m actually surprised that I got in a great workout earlier. If I didn’t have Team HEAB to hold me accountable, I can assure you that I would have turned to mush today!
Have any of you ever heard of or seen this little guy in your supermarket?
I’ve seen it in the store before but was so put off by the grotesque appearance that I never gave it a second thought…until the other day.
The ugli fruit or uglifruit is a Jamaican tangelo, a citrus fruit created by hybridizing a grapefruit, an orange and a tangerine [source].
Not exactly sure why or how this little fella got the short and of the stick (branch?) when it comes to attractiveness, but it what lacks on the outside, it definitely makes up for on the inside. The flesh is extremely juicy with a subtle tanginess that is similar to a grapefruit or pummelo and it’s incredibly easy to peel!
I guess I was just feeling extra inquisitive at the store the other day, because after adopting the fruit no one wanted putting the ugli fruit in my cart, I spied something else that piqued my interest.
Up until this point the only way I had ever eaten a beet was pickled from a jar. After seeing so many recipes lately including roasted beet salads, I decided to snatch them up and figure out what to do with them later.
After a quick Google search led me here, which is a (quick) step-by-step guide to roasting beets, I realized this was going to be a lot easier than I thought!
Step 1: Cut off the greens and wash beets
Step 2: Drizzle beets with olive oil
Step 3: Place in 375 F oven for 90 minutes
Step 4: Marvel at the beauty of your roasted
beauties beets!
Step 5: Using gloves (juice stains), slide skin off of beets, slice and serve!
Did you know that you can also eat the green parts? I didn’t either until my dear friend Google told me so!
Step 1: Wash greens and cut into bite-sized pieces
Step 2: Take another picture at a different angle and admire their beauty
Step 3: Toss in a skillet with oil and minced garlic, cook on medium heat until wilted
Roasted Beets with Sautéed Beet Greens & Quinoa: (serves 1)
- 1 bunch fresh beets with greens
- Olive oil
- 1 heaping teaspoon minced garlic (or one good size clove)
- 1/2 cup cooked quinoa
- 1/4 cup shredded carrots
- 1/4 cup crumbled goat cheese
1. Trim greens from beets.
2. Wash beets and coat with olive oil. Wrap in aluminum foil packet and roast at 375 F for 90 minutes.
3. Wash beet greens and cut into bite-sized pieces
4. Combine greens with 1 teaspoon olive oil and 1 heaping teaspoon minced garlic and saute over medium heat until greens are wilted.
5. Add shredded carrots in the last few minutes of cooking.
6. Spoon greens over a bed of quinoa and top with 1 sliced roasted beet and crumbled goat cheese.
These were soft and warm with a little bit of a crunch to them and an overall sweetness that is just hard to describe. The heat from the greens caused the goat cheese to melt and coat each flavorful bite.
As you can guess from the picture above, this dish was not at all what I imagined. I picked and picked at it until
I had no choice but to lick the plate clean couldn’t stand to eat anymore. If you do make this, just save yourself the heartache and send the beets over to me. I will be sure to “dispose” of them properly. Trust me on this one! 😉
What new fruit or vegetable have you tried lately? Did you like it?

I had never prepared beets until the summer when I received them in my CSA delivery, and I did exactly what you did… Googled them, roasted them, and sauteed the greens! Seriously goooood stuff. And I love me some uglifruit. I haven’t had one in years, but I remember it being pretty much like juice in a membrane… one of the juiciest citrus fruits I’d ever had the pleasure of consuming. I definitely need to seek one out!
beautiful dish!! hahaahh UGLI.. pretty funny..hmm i havent tried anything recently.. i guess parsnips were most recent- VERY GOOD!
Never heard of an Ugli before!
oh poor ugli fruit. I would eat it! Looks tasty and fresh! And beets, well they certain have a way to my heart. Now i can eat the greens? WOOHOO!
I have to say that Ugli fruit is kinda cute in a really ugly way, haha! It’s kind of how my husband always says Pugs are cute… they’re so ugly and squished up that they are cute. Kinda like your Ugli fruit here. Makes me curious to try it.
Ahh, so glad you showed the inside of that Ugli fruit! I want to try it now, sounds like something I would love 🙂
Tried a Slim-Cado recently and loved it!
Ha! I love your documentation of trying the ugli fruit! That is one ugly hunk of produce! That beet dish looks absolutely delicious.
Thank you! Just proves that looks can be deceiving! Thanks for stopping by Joslyn!
WHoa!!! That is awesome!!!! I have a regular tangelo tree in my backyard, but I love this! I’ll keep an eye out 😉
And I have a whole mess of fresh beets. I know what’s for lunch….
Oh, I would love to have fruit trees in my yard…or any trees for that matter!
Oooh this looks so yummy! I have never had beets and was always a little weirded out by them! But you made them look so good, I need to pick some up!
im always intimidated by roasting beets myself because of the staining hands issue.
ps make sure you don’t go crazy and eat rhubarb greens anytime soon…they are poisonous. beet greens are def good though 🙂
Actually when I first started, I forgot to put on gloves. The tips of my fingers turned a little pink, but after washing my hands a couple of times it came right off. I was more nervous about getting it on my clothes. THAT would have been my luck! I’ve never tried rhubarb before…good to know about the greens though!
I remember you saying the tofu was a bit dry when you made it. Do you think soaking it in some almond milk before coating would help? That’s what I was thinking of doing.
I hate canned beets, but love them roasted! I also smoked them a few months ago…AMAZING! This dish is beautiful and sounds delicious! I just roasted rutabagas for the first time and fell in love with them. I am definitely going to start putting more random seasonal stuff in cart so I can find more goodness at the store!
Oh I love roasted rutabagas! It really brings out the natural sweetness so much! Have you ever made rutabaga fries? Just cutting them into strips and letting them get crispy makes so much of a difference!
I think the only vegetable I really don’t like is beetroot!
But…. those pictures make it look delicious. Hmmm, maybe a retry is needed 🙂
I bought some pak choi and Jerusalem artichoke this week; yet to try them but I love new vegetables.
Just need to decide what to do with them…!
Definitely worth a second try…sometimes first impressions aren’t quite right! I really want to try bok choy. I used to watch this show on the Food Network called Quick Fix Meals with Robin Miller before they took it off the air and she had some of the best recipes using bok choy. I found a link to one that sounds especially tasty: Sesame Red Curry Chicken with Bok Choy and Sweet Coconut Rice ( If you try it out, let me know what you think!
Oh wow, I totally had to look up the Jerusalem artichoke! I saw one of the other names for it is a “sunchoke”. I think I used to find those in the woods when I was “hunting and gathering” playing Oregon Trail!! Haha! Loved that game!
I never played that game – I missed out! and sunchoke is a much better name 🙂
Thanks for the recipe link too; sounds great!
Your welcome!
wow, that tangello looks so weird, but actually sounds like i’d really like it! I’ll have to give it a shot!
I love that picture of the beets being drizzled with oil.
Thank you! I thought it came out pretty sex-say myself! 😉
I love your blog SO much! I’m adding you to my blogroll! 🙂
Oh wow! Thank you so much…I’m flattered!
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