Knock Knock!

“Who’s there?”


“Postman who?”

“No, seriously…it’s your postman. Couldja open the door?”

“Oh, um…yeah, ok.” (How embarrassing) ๐Ÿ˜‰

Another day spent on the mend. I’ve kept up with the regular regimen and I’m feeling like I’m making progress, but just not quite back to 100% yet. Though, I have to say that today was a definite improvement from yesterday! Wanna know why?


First off, my morning started with a bowl of chocolate covered strawberries!

Kashi Go Lean, steebies, andย dark chocolateย crack almond butter

I’m sorry Nutella, but there’s a new kid in town!

Then, I got a surprise visit from a dear friend with a get well package just for moi!

Amy’s organic soups, bread mix, and animal crackers (she knows me too well)

Annnnnd a BEAUTIFUL bouquet of fresh flowers!
Thank you so so much Catherine!

Just when I thought my day couldn’t get any better, the mailman brought this by:

Wonder what’s in the box??

TJ’s Peanut Flour sent straight from Heaven Amazon!!!

My Angel Christin, from Purple Bird Blog, heard my peanut flour woes and took it upon herself to ship these straight to my doorstep!

My love, my precccccccccccious! Muhahaha!

Annnnnnnnnnd then!! Ok, so actually this came in yesterday, but let’s pretend that it came in today for the excitement purposes of today’s post!

At the beginning of last month, I won a fantastic giveaway from the lovely Priyanka over atย The Healthy Diary…a $35 gift certificate to CSN Stores. I, being the most indecisive person alive, took a whole month to figure out what to use it on. They were all sold out of my dream appliance, so I thought really hard and finally decided on this:

I’ve wanted one of these babies for a while! Even before Janetha & Marshall started cranking out drool-worthy bowls of stuff like this!

Of course, the only thing that could’ve made this day better would have been a miraculous recovery from this cold/sinus funk, but eh, you can’t have it all, right?

Well, I’m off to bed to dream of vanilla + peanut flour fro-yo topped with animal crackers and dark chocolate almond butter!

What are your favorite ice cream/fro-yo toppings?
Chocolate powder (not syrup), chopped nuts, and fresh fruit!

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20 Responses to Knock Knock!

  1. Oh hands down, hot fudge. I’m so excited for you!!! A day of presents! I got a fro-yo/ ice cream maker for my other half for Christmas and he LOOOOVES it! I bet you’ll have a lot of fun with that! I hope you are back to feeling 100% tomorrow.

  2. Hehe, I love your animal crackers!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    My favorite ice cream topping would be melted chocolate with coconut oil drizzled onto banana ice cream (becomes like that hard-shell ice cream stuff — the one with the turtle on the front).

    Ohhhh, I really want that ice cream maker!!! LUCKY! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. elise says:

    holy bomb ass delivery day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    my mom bought me 10 (TEN!!) PB flours last week because they live in a tiny town where there arent bloggers to whore out at the TJs. (well i guess im one now)

    • Oh my gosh, that’s hilarious! You definitely racked up! Better watch out tho, you’ll have some blogger stalkers here in a few months when everybody else runs out. I may or may not have a camo suit and black face paint…just sayin!

  4. Mrs. Fish says:

    Sprinkles. Love sprinkles.
    How cool about the ice cream maker! I got desperate for fro-yo tonight, we don’t have any good places here. So I took a frozen banana and pulsed it up in the food processor! So good, but so loud. Pretty sure my neighbors hate me.

  5. I LOVE getting stuff in the mail! I think I would die if a box of peanut flour arrived on my doorstep… although I just stocked up, so I should be good for a while ๐Ÿ™‚

    Best ice cream topping is graham cracker crumbs! I need to get some ASAP while I still have ice cream in the house. Enjoy your ice cream maker. I can’t wait to see what you make with it!

  6. Ma Ma Megan says:

    Ahh I can’t find peanut flour anywhere where I live.
    Guess it’s time to break down and order online ha. ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Catherine says:

    I’m glad we were able to treat you! Looks like you really racked up yesterday! lol

    As for favorite ice cream topping…I have always loved putting some Nesquick on my ice cream (hmmm…haven’t done that in a while, but probably shouldn’t due to my illness as well!)

    Love you!

  8. lindsay says:

    well even if you are still sick, those packages would brighten your day for sure! Love all the PB flour and soups. You have such great friends. Feel better friend.

  9. Ahh I have wanted to try that dark chocolate almond spread forever! And I’m glad you got all stocked up on peanut flour- love that stuff ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. I love getting actual packages! Enjoy the ice cream maker. I look forward to reading about your concoctions. My topper of choice is usually coconut and chocolate chips. My daughter, however, uses fro-yo to top her gummy bears. ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. FOR REAL!? you are one LUCKY DUCK!!! what a loot!!!!!!!
    wow my fav toppings.. everything in the pantry– i mean………nut butter and chocolate and all of the above!

  12. Packages are the bessssssssst, and I’m glad your peanut flour arrived safely! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  13. janetha says:

    YIPPPEEEE, ice cream! haha. i am addicted. i want to try to make some healthier versions, though.

  14. Jenny says:

    Yay that’s the same one my bf bought!! You will love it! I have some recipes in my blog. We made some yesterday, so delish ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. Pingback: But Wait…There’s More! | kissmybroccoli

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