Ok, first of all I just have to say that I love you guys SOOOO MUCH! I just finished reading and responding to the comments from the last two days’s posts and I am honestly sitting here with a huge swollen heart and a gigantic smile on my face!
I really needed some cheering up tonight. After a little chat with a friend to get me more positive thinking, realizing that I can “borrow” some neighbor’s wi-fi until my own gets hooked up ;), and then reading all the wonderful feedback on both the new house and the results of the WIAW Challenge, I am feeling right again.
The last two days have been the most stressful days I’ve had in a long long time. It all started yesterday morning as we got ready to load up the rental truck…
My dad popped open the door and then we all stood and stared in disbelief as we discovered the “kiddie pool” that was the inside of the truck! Yep, Heather did indeed leave the rental place with a truck that had a GIGANTIC FREAKIN HOLE in the roof that allowed all the rain that fell the night before inside! Never did I think to look UP when I was doing a once over of the truck before signing it out for the day.
It did all work out in the end and I actually got to keep the truck (well, a replacement truck that we got FOUR hours later) for two days for the price of one. And I’m pleased to say that there were no “oopsies” throughout the entire move! All my furniture and body parts are present and accounted for! 😉
Ok, so Stressed-to-the-Max day behind me and smooth sailing as I unpack all my belongings and settle into my new house, right? WRONG! The closing for both the old house and the new house was scheduled back to back today starting at 1:30. I spent ALL morning on the phone, checking email, and back on the phone again trying to sort out stuff and track down some documents critical to the closing. I’m not even kidding, I got all the paperwork emailed and verified barely 1 hour before closing!
At 1:30, I arrived at the title company’s office exhausted and ready to breakdown at any moment. I actually told my realtor that if there was a single “surprise,” I would probably burst into tears. Luckily, no surprises and the closing (although a long and drawn out process) went off without a hitch!
I was so excited leaving the office. I got so many handshakes, hugs, and congratulations that all the stress from the past few days just seemed to melt away! I got back in the car and before going anywhere tweeted:
Then, as I am happily driving
off into the sunset back to my new place…
This is what happens when a Chevy Silverado pulls out in front of a Pontiac Vibe!
I tried to swerve to miss him…thank God it wasn’t a head on collision…but I didn’t quite have enough time for him to miss me completely. I was wearing my seatbelt and besides a complete and utter breakdown immediately following the accident (remember all that build-up of stress?…well, it’s officially been released), I am ok.
Needless to say, my car is not drivable at this point and is currently sitting all alone at a nearby auto garage awaiting insurance assessment. Poor Vickie the Vibe! I’ll be sure to update everyone on the status of her recovery! 🙁
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I believe I’ve earned the right to break into the new jacuzzi tub.
<3 Heather

Im sorry to hear that, just glad you are ok love! Ahhhhhh doesnt that always happen, the good comes with bad : p
Congrats on the house! Im so excited for you!! xoxo
YAY for being a Homeowner! This is so exciting! 😀
I’m so sorry that that guy hit you!
oh, honey! you certainly deserve that tub – enjoy!
glad it all went smooth and that you weren’t hurt! Vickie Vibe will get all fixed up! <3
OMG girl I am so glad you are OK!!!! That is horrifying! Take all of the time you need to get settled into your new amazing place and catch us up whenever! <3 <3 <3
Aw, Heather! I wish I could give you a hug 🙁 What a rough few days! I’m so sorry to hear about your problems. You definitely deserve to break in that new jacuzzi tub… as well as drink a bottle or four of wine. I hope things turn up for you!
Aww, thanks girlie! Bottle or four…haha! I actually thought about it, but stuck to some pain relievers and chamomile tea cuz you know how lethal that stuff can be for me! 😉
A dip in the tub is well deserved. 🙂
I’m so glad you are okay. Accidents are never fun, but the most important thing is that YOU are okay!
oh my gosh! what a stress hormone-inducing day! ahhhh! enjoy your new tub – you deserve to relax a bit!!!
aww sweetheart i am so sorry you’re so stressed! you are amazing and i love you to pieces 🙂 i hope things get a little easier, but I’m SO glad you’re okay, that’s quite a crash there :/
much love headed across the country towards ya 🙂
oh no! i’m sorry about your car, i would freak out if someone parked their ass into my side like this! hope you’re okay and that your car is going to be fine in the end 🙂
*hugs* So happy for you, and yet so sorry about all the stress. Praying!
Oh man! Sorry about the car!
oh heather!! What a day! I am so sorry. If there is anything I can do, please let me know. I know it will all work out in the end.
Sorry about your car and glad you are ok! Congratulations on all the moving though!
Oh my gosh, What a stressful day, glad you are okay, sorry about Vickie the Vibe!
You deserve a llooonnnggg hot tub and relaxing night, unpacking can wait 🙂
Oh no!! What an intense/great day…and scary ending! I’m glad you’re okay!!! Have a very RELAXING weekend 🙂
NO! Awww, girl, I’m so sorry about the car; but so happy you’re alright. Looks like it could have been much, much worse had you not handled it as you did. (And buckled up!) But, at least the closing and everything went smoothly :] Fingers crossed insurance can cover Vickie’s injuries!
Oh no Heather! Congratulations on the house, but I am so sorry about the car. I’m just glad you are ok. What a bitter ending to such a bitter sweet day. I hope you got that relaxation time and I hope you are feeling well today. I will be thinking about you.
Perfect words Sarena…definitely bitter sweet! Thank you!
Oh no, your car! I’m glad you are okay though. Jason has a Vibe too, but his is just named “Vibe”. I always tell him that’s boring. My car is Henry Honda Civic.
Congrats on being a homeowner!
Haha, nice! I used to have Ginger the Grand Am and before that Mustang “Sally” (cuz you know you can’t name it anything else!) 😉
OH MY GOSH. seriously its just one of those days were you can only laugh becuz of all of that
im so so sorry but seriously SO HAPPY you are okay esp from that car accident!!!!!!!!
Geez.. what a rough couple of days! I hope everything is better form here on out! I’m so glad that you weren’t hurt in your accident! Those large trucks are scary and I hope everything gets sorted with your insurance quickly.
Oh H,
Of all days to get side-swiped! Happy to hear you’re okay and that the move and closing are all done. When’s the house warming? Hehe, just kidding…well, not really. You’ll be serving pancakes right?
No, seriously, let me know if there is anything I can do. I know I’m down in Nashville, but it’s not that far. Summer and I would be more than happy to drive up and bring you some TJ’s or Whole Foods goodies if you need to restock!
Haha! Yes of course! There HAS to be pancakes! 😉 I will seriously have to have you guys over once I can find the floor! 😉
Oh no!! I was so happy for you at the beginning of the post and then when I came to the end of it I seriously gasped!
I’m so sorry sweetie! That totally stinks, but I’m glad that you’re ok!
Hang in there!
Wow you poor thing! It sure sounds like you’ve had a stressful few days. Enjoy that new jacuzzi and your new place. You deserve it!
Ugh what a crazy ending to a stressful day! I’m glad your okay. You definitely deserve some treats in your new place!
Im so sorry to hear you were in an accident!! Very glad you’re ok though!
THANK GOD YOU ARE OK! I am so so so glad it wasn’t worse! And I am so proud of your SUPER POSITIVE attitude and outlook girl! you rock so much!
love youuuuuuuuuuuu cupcake with sprinkles!!!!!!
I have you to thank girlie! And you always know how to make me smile! Love you too canoli!
I hope you’re having a better day, love! xoxo
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Oh friend, I’m SO extremely sorry about the car. But at least you’re ok- that’s truly what matters 🙂 And as I can see from the most recent post, you got an even better (temporary) replacement. Yay to that! 🙂
just playing catch up…so sorry about the accident! thank goodness youre ok. hugs love.
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