Hey guys!
Thank you all so much for your comments on my rockin’ new banana bowl protein sundae the other day! Yeah, not quite sure which one I’m more excited about! Haha!
Well, here we are again, at the mid point of the week with maaaaaaa-uch more to celebrate than banana bowls…
Oh yeah, it’s time to get our WIAW party started!
Big thanks to Jenn of Peas & Crayons for hosting the best blogger party out there!
When photographing the days eats yesterday, it didn’t take me long to notice a theme…
(yes, you have to say it like you’re telling a scary story around a campfire)
I’ve gotten a bit bored in the kitchen lately…and I don’t have the patience required to figure out if I throw “some of this” and “all of that together,” will it taste ok?
So I’ve just been winging it!
Eh, sometimes you just have to fly by the seat of your pants! Live on the wild side! Invite a little mystery into your life!
Ahh, such is my life of reckless abandon as a dedicated foodie!
Below you have some of my mysterious meals mixed with a bit of the predictable…because you know, life’s all about balance…and I don’t need you guys looking at me TOO weirdly…
Peanut flour omelet thingy stuffed with:
banana slices, raspberries, and carob chips
and topped with:
Flax Sprinkles and pure maple syrup
It started out innocent enough…
A two egg omelet with a little almond milk and cinnamon…
but then I saw the peanut flour when I reached into the cabinet for the cooking spray…
and THEN I took a bite…Mmmm!
It made my kitchen smell like a peanut butter cookie!
Well, an unsweetened peanut butter cookie…that’s where the maple syrup came in!
And then there was my new fave mug full of warm energy-inducing elixir annnnnnnnnnnnnnd grown-up vitamins!
(don’t worry, I’m not getting rid of the candy just yet…just experimenting!)
Cold tri-color shells, cubed zucchini, cottage cheese, and……salsa?
Hey, who says you can’t have a little Italian-Mexican fusion?
Right before
devouring eating this like a lady, I topped it with some sliced avocado and a good dump dash of nutritional yeast for some cheezy action!
Very Boring Snack:
Carrots and pretzels in my WasteNot Saks I found on Etsy
Love these bags…reusable…washable…and super cute!
Leftovers from my hibachi date with my mom and sis!
(Fried rice, onions, zucchini, shitake mushrooms, and shredded cabbage topped with fresh green onions so it looked a little better than a big bowl of brown mush)
Oh, and I’ve been meaning to tell you guys…if you haven’t already noticed by now…
I am a habitual “stirrer”
I’ve tried to stop, really I have…especially when I see other bloggers enjoying that last bite of oatmeal with a huge lump of peanut butter in it, but I just can’t help it!
Oats, yogurt messes, leftover fried rice and veggies…nothing stands a chance when the spoon hits my hand!
A few spoonfuls of something you guys are just gonna have to wait for… 😉
Recipe coming soon!
Any guesses?
My Rad Tech water bottle x 3
How many ounces?
Well, that’s a
What’s a weird combo you’ve tried recently? Did it fly or flop?
Do you like to mix all of your food together or keep it separate?

All your eats look delish! I pretty much put salsa on anything and everything! Haven’t come across a combo I didn’t like … yet! 😉
Oh yeah…salsa is one condiment I can’t live without…right next to hummus! 😉
salsa AND hummus. now that’s where its at 😉
Love the eats 🙂
Peanut flour omelettey thing looks gorgeous!
i’m glad i read your blog this morning so that you could remind me to take my vitamins 😛 thank you!
your breakfast looks amaaazing!! i demand a recipe next time you make it :] (politely, of course.)
and i’m a stirrer, too. although i never stirred my oatmeal…hmmm…
What?! You eat oatmeal?? I didn’t think you ate anything for breakfast other than eggs, waffles, and banana “splits”! 😉
The omelet thingy is SUPER easy: 2 whole eggs, 1/8 cup peanut flour, a bit of almond milk, and some cinnamon. Whisk it together until you think your arm is going to fall off…seriously, why does peanut flour have to be so clumpy?!…pour it in a skillet on medium heat, stuff it with goodness and fold it over after a couple of minutes. It’s kinda fragile, so be careful flipping it!
And so glad I could help you out in the vitamin department! Haha! If I don’t sit mine out on the kitchen counter, I will NEVER remember to take them!
Dessert looks like something awesome. Maybe with pumpkin?
Wow your eats all look amazing!
You know how to eat! hahaha.
That fried rice thing you made is going on my to do list.
And those little Etsy baggies are adorable.
Thanks Cherie! Actually the fried rice dish was from my favorite hibachi restaurant that I went to on Monday night, but it’s definitely on my {food} bucket list to recreate it!
I always stir my food!!! I can’t stand the taste of plain oatmeal so I make sure that the peanut butter is evenly distributed. 🙂 My weirdest combo lately? Well I haven’t tried a lot of weird combos. I guess I’m not much of a weird combo kind of person! Except for peanut butter sandwiches with bananas and… bacon. teehee
BACON!! Yes, most definitely add the bacon! You hang with me kid…I’ll teach you a few more “weird” combos! 😉
AHH i wna kno that dessert!
I love your missssstereeeeeeey meals. Sounds/looks like most of my days- large cup of coffee included! 😉
I’m a mixer of my dishes but I like to keep things chunky- does that make sense? Things gotta keep the integrity, if ya know what I mean.
Time for MY coffee!
And maybe that fluffy eggcake thing…
I have those snack bags too! They are the bomb.
And anyone who can make leftover chinese (japanese?) look that pretty is magical.
I like to keep it separate usually. Sometimes I even take apart sandwiches and eat certain things by themselves. Weird.
Haha! That’s too funny! I can totally see you sitting at a table in the middle of Panera or something deconstructing a panini!
Looks pumpkiny! Usually when I just throw things together it turns out to be a huge mess 🙁 Cottage cheese and salsa sound like a great combo to me! I’m definitely not a stir-er. I like to keep my foods separate.
Is it pudding?? It looks like it has some pumpkin in it and maybe nut butter? It looks really good tho!!
all your eats look delicious!
It depends on what I’m eating.. if it’s oatmeal or yogurt I like to swirl everything together.. if it’s like rice, chicken, and green beans I like everything separate.
I HAVE to stir as well 🙂
I kind of love the idea of a sweet omelet – what a creation 🙂
Hmm…I’m guessing that dessert is a pumpkin or sweet potato rice pudding? No clue but it looks sorta grainy. 😀 just guessing! Must try an omelet with peanut flour. Do you add it to the eggs or put it inside?
This was added to the egg mixture before pouring into the skillet…it’s not the easiest thing to flip (the peanut flour makes it a little fragile) but I somehow managed to keep it in one piece! You could always mix it with a little almond milk though and add it to the inside though…that would be good too! 🙂
Let me know how the vitamin experiment goes! I take gummy vitamins normally (although my B-vitamin and Iron are regular pills). They seem to do the trick, but who knows!
Happy WIAW!
Will do! I’m kinda hoping that they give me a bit more of a boost than the gummy ones…I know that pills break down a little slower so they tend to stay in your system longer and I’ve been needing more “oomph” in the B vitamin/antioxidant department lately (feeling a bit run down)!
Oh my Heaven’s – That looks so delicious I could just die. And I am talking about the Stuffed Peanut Flour Omelet Thingy…. YEP Heavenly, I Say.
good heavens – your breakfast looks AMAZING. drooling 🙂
Sam @ fitness food & faith (giveaway today!)
I swear every Wed I come over here and want to eat every single thing you post! It all looks sooo good! The breakfast. Wow, can you come over here and make that for me?!! And your dessert/oats/whatever that is…yum!!!
your breakfast looks ridiculously good! oooh i may have to recreate it 🙂
Your breakfast looks so good! Where did you find peanut flour? I can never seem to find it anywhere!
I have a “stash” that I’ve been hoarding since Trader Joe’s took theirs off the shelf! Haha! But whenever I DO run out, I’m planning on getting this one: http://www.amazon.com/Protein-Plus-Roasted-Natural-Peanut/dp/B0052OOYO2
Holy mouthgasm can I have one of each? Love your dinner! Leftovers are the best 🙂
Gah your breakfast! I just died a little inside. I’d have to sub the peanut flour part, or I really might die a little (allergeeeeeez), but otherwise I waaaant it. In fact, I’ll happily take all of your eats, please and thank you, and those adorable saks too while we’re at it 😉 And when it comes to being a stirrer, I guess it depends. I can’t stir my oatmeal, but things like yogurt messes and dinner bowls I’m always stirring. And my guess for the last mystery pic is pumpkin hummus!
“I’d have to sub the peanut flour part, or I really might die a little” < - Um yeah, PLEASE substitute...I kinda like having you around! ;) I think it's hilarious that ever since you posted about how you eat your oatmeal, I think of you every time I stir my bowl up! Get outta ma head, woman! Lol!
I am such a compulisve stirrer! Even with salads, I always end up mixing everything together so it looks like one big tasty mess 🙂
I have been adding cinnamon as a topping to chicken or omelets and have been LOVING it. I’ve also topped my salads with a dash (or 5) of cinnamon and it adds such nice flavor to the vegetables.
Hmm, cinnamon chicken, huh? That sounds interesting! I may have to try that!
ahhh i’m so behind in blogs! I miss your creative combos–and your breakfast is genius! It actually looks AWESOME and I would so be game to try if I ate eggs! Oh and those reusable bags are amazing! I want!!
No worries girl, I am SO behind too! Check out the link to the bags…they have so many different designs…AND they’re washable!
I keep my food separate, specifically so I can enjoy a big bite of the good stuff at the very end 🙂 I used to stir, but now I like to dip- a little bite of oats, a big bite of peanut butter 🙂
The flavours of that dinner sounds so lovely, such a wonderful meal combination! And I can’t get over how much creativity goes into your dishes- like that breakfast, my god i could just snuggle up on that delicious plate haha <3
I am guilty of the stirring too… I just can’t help it!!! 🙂
you are mean. tease tease tease. i often take 8 million photos of a meal because it looks so pretty at first and then i stir everything all up together and feel like i should take another photo, and another, and another…i have a problem.
can you really eat rice with chopsticks? i even have some japanese roots and i cant do that!!
ps monterey is a 5.5 hour drive for me. any chance you guys can make it further south? im not so sure we can swing this because i work a ton during your visit, but it is so tragic since youre sooooo close!!!! grrr. must make this work.
Haha! I’ve gotten pretty good at handling chopsticks recently, but no, still can’t pick up rice, but they do make for a pretty picture prop, no? 😉 And I totally know what you mean about the obscene amount of pictures…I typically shoot like 4 times the amount that actually ends up on my blog! Haha!
I’m a bit geographically challenged, so let me get with Emilia and I will get back to you about So Cal. I agree, it would be tragic to come all that way and not get to meet my favorite hummus lovin’ hippie! 😉
WOAAAH! the pb flour omlette thingy looks awesome! very inventive. I’ll def be trying something similar for brekky this weekend! yum.