What’s up guys?
Hope everyone’s week is off to a great start!
Was it just me, or did yesterday FLY by? I barely did anything all day and before I knew it it was 7pm…time to go to my friend Jen’s house and catch up on the True Blood episodes I missed while on vacay! I hate to admit it, but I think know that I’m seriously addicted to that show! Anywho! Before getting my weekly dose of Vampire Bill, Eric (*swoon*), and Sookie shenanigans, I decided to whip up a quick late lunch…linner, if you will (I swear, on the weekends, my stomach knows nothing of culturally accepted mealtimes).
While in California, Emilia and I kept meaning to get some eggs, but every time we found ourselves at the store, we’d forget to pick some up. Needless to say after a week and a half without, one of my top priorities (because you know unpacking was NOT one of them) after landing in Nashville, was getting my egg on!
It all started with a pot of quinoa…originally, I was going to whip up some of Kristina’s delicious Popped Quinoa & Cheesy Eggs, but then I remembered my veggie haul from the farmer’s market…how could I resist?
Mexican Egg & Quinoa Scramble
Prep Time: 5-10 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes
Keywords: saute breakfast entree high protein quinoa eggs
Ingredients (Serves 1)
- 1/4 cup quinoa
- 1/2 tablespoon butter
- 2 teaspoons minced garlic (fresh or jarred)
- 1/4 onion, diced
- 1/2 bell pepper, diced
- 1 medium-sized jalapeno, diced (optional)
- 2 eggs, whisked
- 1 teaspoon Mrs. Dash Fiesta Lime Seasoning
- 1 ounce shredded cheddar cheese
- Toppings: diced fresh tomatoes and plain Greek yogurt
1. Place quinoa in a small pot with 1/2 cup water or stock (chicken, veggie, etc) over high heat and bring to a boil.
2. Once boiling, reduce temperature to low, cover and allow to simmer for 15 minutes or until all the liquid is absorbed.
3. While the quinoa is cooking, heat a non-stick skillet to medium-high heat.
4. Add butter, garlic, onion, peppers, and jalapeno and saute until onion is translucent.
5. Pour whisked eggs into the skillet with the veggies, season, and scramble until eggs are cooked through (3-4 minutes).
6. Transfer cooked quinoa to a plate, and top with egg scramble, cheese, diced tomatoes and Greek yogurt.
*Now about that little asterisk…the addition of the jalapeno to this dish makes a WORLD of difference in the flavor department, but if you don’t happen to like spicy food, then you have the option of leaving it out. If you DO decide to kick up the heat a little though, it is NOT optional that you throw on a pair of gloves BEFORE dicing your little “hot rocket”…
Otherwise, prepare to Goolge this:
And then, after clicking on the first link, grab the first dairy based product you can find:
Or in my case, the ONLY dairy product you can find…
And smearing it on the side of your face that just HAPPENED to scratch while dicing said peppers!
Then, while you sit there with a cold wet washcloth, coated in your not-so-cheap homemade burn remedy, against your face, you can ponder the many ways you’d rather enjoy your Greek yogurt!
How about it, got any “tried and true” home remedies?
After chopping onions or garlic, rub your hands against the inside of a stainless steel sink to get rid of the odor!
What’s one of the weirdest things you’ve ever Googled?
C’mon, we’ve all got at least ONE thing!

I’m LOL-ing as I type– as cheezy as that may sound, it certainly rings true 🙂 Bought eggs yesterday after 10 ten days without them! WhodoIthinkIam!
You better believe I’m getting my eggs on tonight! Your creation looks delicious and makes me think of our conversation regarding eggs and quinoa during kayaking 🙂
Miss you and hope you’re having a GREAT week!
Oh gosh. I had to dice jalapenos at the restaurant I worked at once and my boss said to me (laughingly) “make sure you wash your hands before going to the bathroom” and glared at my co-worker. Apparently he made that mistake once. Ouch.
Ohhhhhhh my gosh! That makes ME hurt just thinking about it! :-/
Hi heather! I’m a new commenter, but I love your blog. So sorry about the jalepeno situation, it does not sound fun. I recently got a new Mac desktop computer and I couldn’t for the life of me find the USB ports. Google came to the rescue (but I was a bit embarrassed…)
Hey Marian! Thanks so much for commenting! The funny thing is that I still have a 1/2 pound of jalapenos from the farmer’s market that need to be chopped! I might be “borrowing” a couple pairs of gloves from the hospital before peppering it up this weekend! Haha!
And you know, that’s the great thing about Google…he doesn’t judge! 😉 (I’ve never even used a Mac desktop before…I probably would’ve had to do the same thing!)
Mmm, this looks GOOD. eggs + quinoa = classic yum.
the jalapenos I grow in my garden are NOT very spicy this year, so I’m used to them… and when I forget and am chopping a store bought, AAHHWOOO.
oh wow I laughed so hard when I read your post I almost fell out of my chair. Your poor face! I’ve totally been there and done that but I’ve never tried the yogurt trick. lol too funny 😉 (picturing you walking around the kitchen with a big glob of yogurt on your face = priceless!)
Yeah, it was pretty funny…NOW! Haha! Glad you got a giggle out of it! 🙂
I’m sure I’ve googled some really weird things… i love how there’s always an answer too!!
The quinoa + eggs looks scrumptious 🙂
Google to the rescue! haha. I’m sure I’ve googled some ridiculous things…but I just can’t think of an example right now :\ Hey, at least it works, sometimes, right?!
The quinoa + eggs looks awesome. And I swear – eggs are one of those cravings that just do. not. go. away.
i had the worstttt experience with that! never using those peppers again. OMGOSH so much pain..and it was because i didn’t realize how hot they were. nothing helped me and i was miserable 🙁 hahah never again!!!
i just googled yam allergies this morning. who has yam allergies? haha. but i’ve eaten sweet potatoes before and was fine, but my fiance has gotten yams the last two times and i got sick both times 🙁 boo. i felt the need to explain my random yam google. haha.
that scramble looks delish. it maaayyy be making an appearance in my meals today.
That’s the weird thing about food allergies. You can be fine for years and years and then all of a sudden, one day your body decides to play a mean trick on you! That’s how I realized I was allergic to kiwi! *sad face*
Ahaha, I love weird Google searches. I HATE cutting peppers! I usually make someone else do it, but you have to be sneaky and not mention the part where they get burning hot pepper juice on their hands. My boyfriend’s roommates used to go into his room and use his computer to Google things and we loved looking through the history. I think the best one was, “I’m super-ripped but have a fat chin, what exercises can I do?” BAHAHAHA!
Hahaha! Omg, that’s hilarious!
Lol that sounds interesting! Sitting with greek yogurt all over your face :p Almost like an avocado mask or something!!
oh my beloved greek yogurt, is there anything it can’t do?! Hopefully that lovely quinoa dish was worth the pain 🙂 It looks like it was.. yum! I have two opened bags of quinoa (why? who knows) but every time I try to make it it’s just so… dry. Teach me your ways!
Broth…broth…BROTH!! I don’t know what it is, but anytime I cook it in broth, it is NEVER dry! And it has a nice flavor all on it’s own!
When I was 16 I was dicing peppers for salsa with my sister in-law. Having done this hundreds of time without gloves with jalapenos with no adverse effects, I didn’t think twice about the habaneros she handed me. An hour later my hands gradually flared up to fire levels. Worst part is I for some reason didn’t connect the peppers with it at the time. Since I couldn’t wash my hands (water always makes pepper heat worse) I just suffered in pain for nearly a week. Although the swollen red hand look was very sexy so I shouldn’t complain.
Oh no! I can only IMAGINE the kind of skin burn that habaneros cause! Yee-ouch! Oh and hey, if there’s one thing I’ve learned as an accident prone foodie, it’s how to rock a kitchen injury…I hear swollen and red hands are all the rage in Europe! 😉
This happened to me, too! Honestly, NOTHING helped. Maybe because all I had was skim milk? I bet yogurt would’ve done the trick!
Ok, you asked for it. The weirdest thing I ever Googled was green poop. Turns out that when your food gets digested it turns green and then later brown in the intestines, but if it goes through too fast it can come out soft and green. Gross!! Believe it or not this information came in handy for a friend LOL
Bahaha! Robyn, you just made.my.night! Hey, you learn something new every day, right! 😉
Awww! Poor fingers! I’ve never been burned from jalapenos, but when I worked at a cafe in high school I burned the hell out of my hand by dumping boiling water all over it. I didn’t know what to do, so I panicked and stuck my hand in a huge tub of ice, which apparently makes it worse! My manager had to unwrap a bunch of butter packets and make me rub them on my hand. So gross!
Oh my gosh! I’ve heard about the butter trick before…I used it the last time I burnt myself on the oven (god, I am a danger to myself and others) but I could have sworn it made it feel HOTTER…and then I thought I smelled bacon! 😉 Haha!
i want this so bad right now it hurts
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