What’s is up my peoples?
Have you all had a fantastic week so far?
How about yesterday?
Any good?
My day was pretty great…oh yeah, maybe because yesterday was
Although I had to work for most of the day, I couldn’t wait until that evening. After I went to the gym and knocked out a decent 5 miles (felt great to run…haven’t done that in weeks), I went home, showered, and headed to my parent’s house for my birthday dinner.
But before I left, I got a text in reference to these babies:
My birthday presents that BB wrapped all by himself this weekend!
Wanna know what was under that wrapping paper?…Of course you do!
He got me a tripod and a gorillapod!!
And I never even ONCE told him what to get me! I may or may not have done a little happy dance in the middle of my living room. 🙂
But anywho, back to that birthday dinner…
My mom asked me the other day what I would like to have and the first thing that came to mind was her homemade chicken pot pie. I remember it was always my favorite meal that she made when I was little and for special occasions (like birthdays or high test scores) she would make it and we would eat by candlelight.
Obviously she remembered that tradition too 🙂
It was just the three of us (my dad had to work), but we had quite the feast!
The spread…please note those square bowls with the salad fixings totally vintage…straight from my great grandmother’s kitchen! I love that my mom brought them out for the night!
I swear I’d forgotten how much I love walnuts on salad!
I ended up having this bowl x 2!
And then there was the pot pie
Warm, creamy, with a perfectly buttery browned biscuit crust…JUST like how I remember it!
After dinner, we rolled ourselves into the living room where we lusted over my mom’s newest Ikea catalog and chatted about Christmas, cooking, and decorating.
Even though I was still completely stuffed from dinner, I managed to find some room for birthday cake pie…because there’s always room for dessert when it’s your birthday! 😉
I confess, while I didn’t actually COOK the pie, I did mix up all the ingredients at home and took it in a bowl for my mom to pour into a pre-made crust and bake.
I was trying to redeem myself from Thanksgiving.
I used the same recipe as before and followed all the instructions carefully
(I remembered to add the milk this time…ugh)
It was ok, but it didn’t have that tradition pumpkin pie taste that I was hoping for. Now I’m on a mission…a mission to find the best healthy pumpkin pie recipe ever tasted in this world!!! Suggestions and link droppage is more than welcome!!
Do you have a special meal or restaurant that you like to go to on your birthday?
My favorite restaurant is The Melting Pot and BB’s never been so I’m hoping to introduce him to it this weekend to celebrate both our birthdays…oh yeah, his birthday is today! 🙂
What was one of your best birthday presents when you were younger?
I’d have to say the My Child doll I got when I was three. I named her Heather Baby and I still have her to this day.

Happy late birthday! I’ve been wanting one of those gorilla pods.
I made the ‘impossible vegan pumpkin pie’ from fatfree vegan kitchen for thanksgiving and everyone loved it (the non pumpkin-haters at least). And it’s healthy!
Mmm, thanks Charissa! I may have to try that one…never made a crustless pumpkin pie before.
Happy Birthday! I think it’s really cute that you named your doll “Heather Baby”, by the way.. hahah.
Sadly I can’t help you on the pumpkin pie; I’m definitely not a pumpkin pie fan. I’m planning to post a pumpkin cheesecake recipe soon, though!
My favorite birthday foodie tradition is a white chocolate raspberry tart that my mom makes. It is beyond incredible.
Pumpkin cheesecake?! Oh yes, I will be there for THAT! Yum!
Happy Birthday!!
When I was younger, we used to celebrate my birthday at home. And the best gift for my birthday was actually the cake itself. I remember wanting (and having) a different birthday cake everyday in my birthday week.
A different cake every day? Wow, what a birthday week!
oh so glad you had a great birthday! i would have loved that meal too. so comforting! I just like being with loved ones too. Its the best!
I have never tried Pumpkin Pie… must be good stuff, you guys in the States go crazy for it!
What an awesome gift from BB… awwww so sweet 🙂
Best pressie I ever got was probably my wustof chefs knife… actually Viper got it for me when we had just started dating too! Now we have a baby and are getting married next year, so you better watch out 🙂
Enjoy the weekend birthday celebration sheenanigans!
Even if it’s not a cake a eat anymore, Black Forest stays my birthday cake. I have it once in a while such as last year when I was in Sydney.
Now, I’m more a fruit cake such as “fraisier” http://amusesbouche.canalblog.com/images/fraisier2.JPG Yummy, creamy and “light” (it feels light, but I’m pretty sure it’s not 🙂 )
Bon anniversaire from France
Oh wow, that looks delicious! I love lighter tasting cakes…I’d pick angel food with fresh berries over a slice of cake with frosting any day!
Glad you had a great birthday! I think its awesome he put so much thought into your gift, he is a keeper!
Happy Friday love! xo
Looks like a great birthday! And that gift from your guy was really sweet – it looks like he already knows you pretty well!
One of my favourite gifts when I was a kid was my doll too! My mom sewed matching nighties for me and my doll haha.
If you ever do find a good healthy pumpkin pie recipe, let me know! I adore pumpkin pie, but not all that cream and sugar. 😛
**gush**. What a perfect gift! A perfect day! A perfect meal! and no one deserves it more than you 🙂 Even in your writing I can tell you’re glowing with happiness. I’m so thrilled for you, Heather!
Thanks Jenny! I really do feel happy…haven’t felt this way in a long long time! 🙂
happy birthday!!
Happy belated birthday!!! You got some great gifts 😀
Happy belated birthday!! Nothing beats a birthday with loved ones 🙂
I don’t know if it was a birthday gift (literally), but I have had this giant stuffed sheep toy since I was an infant. Sheepy (I was creative with names) is all beat up. She’s been blind, deaf and mute and sometimes all three at once over the years, but I sewn her ears back on so at least she can hear now 🙂 I love her dearly, even if she is buried under blankets to protect her from our dog.
Aww, how cute! I love how you’ve had to “operate” on her to keep her alive! And hey, Heather Baby isn’t exactly the most imaginative either…haha!
Uh oh, the pressue is on now for your presents to him! Having a home-baked meal on your birthday is always the best 🙂 As for the pie, it’s made of pumpkin, isn’t that healthy enough?? Ha ha.
P.S. My mom has those same dishes, passed down from her mom 🙂
If all else fails, I may just take a traditional recipe and cut the sugar…love pumpkin pie but it’s just TOO sweet!
This is one of like 4 or 5 sets of dishes my mom has…I swear she was born to be a food blogger! Haha!
Sounds like a great day! Happy belated bday 🙂
Looks like it was a perfect day for a perfect lady. Happy birthday!!
It’s always interesting when birthdays happen right after a new relationship, so I’m cracking up that both of you had birthdays this week! He rocked your gift(!) and I can’t wait to see what you got him… I bet you’re the bestest gift giver!! 🙂
Happy birthday Heather!
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Happy birthday, Heather! I have to know… what in god’s name is a gorillapod?!
Thanks Kate! Haha! A gorillapod is like a portable mount for your camera that you can put practically anywhere. You can bend and twist the “legs” to fit whatever surface you want (chair, flagpole, etc)!
Oh man!!! Nice work, BB!!!! How did he know? Those are some pretty rockin gifts. I’m impressed 😉
That looks like a fun birthday dinner, too!
P.S. Mixing ingredients and putting them into a pre-made pie crust is TOTALLY a legit homemade pie. At least… it is in my house 😉
Happy belated birthday! I was wondering what a gorilla pod was too so thanks for explaining. And LOVE walnuts on a salad! Looks like you had a lovely feast 🙂
Thank you Nada! I just happened to see one at Best Buy a couple of months ago…otherwise I wouldn’t have had a clue either! Haha!
Happy Belated Birthday!!!
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