Happy Monday broccoli fans!
I hope you all had a fantastic weekend filled with good food, fun, and a bit of rest before the work/school week starts back. Speaking of school…remember the bit of snow I told you about on Friday? Can you believe they cancelled school for that?! I mean, we got like 0.17352 inches!
Oh if I were only a teacher…wait, no…even for the snow days AND summer break…I just couldn’t do it. Props to all my girls who do!
Much to the disappointment of all the neighborhood kids, we didn’t happen to get any more hellacious flakes of snow…just cold…but it didn’t bother me. I was tucked away warm in my house most of the weekend with BB drinking coffee at all hours of the day, watching movies under my best fleece throw, and making some pretty delicious meals (more of that in a later post).
Of all the things nibbled and noshed on this weekend, I just had to share with you guys a recipe I came up with yesterday:
“Pizza Pizza” Cashew Cheese Sauce:
Inspired by the sauce in Kristina’s Noocho Cheese Pasta
- 3/4 cup soaked cashews
- 1/2 red bell pepper, roughly chopped
- 1/2 cup canned crushed tomatoes
- 2 tablespoons tomato paste
- 4 tablespoons water
- 1/2 cup nutritional yeast
- 1 tablespoon Italian seasoning
- 1 teaspoon chili powder
- 1 teaspoon garlic powder
- 1/2 teaspoon onion powder
- 1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika (optional, but such a good addition)
- salt & pepper to taste
Combine all ingredients in a food processor. Alternate pulsing and scraping down the sides with a rubber spatula until smooth and creamy!
This sauce makes for a great dip for just about anything:
Pretzels….tortilla chips…veggies…your finger 😉
Or you could massage it into some kale and make…
Kale chips!!
BB had his first experience with kale chips yesterday and guess what…he liked them! Oh how I love converting people to the dark healthy side! Also, since he met me, he said he’s been eating Greek yogurt (he loves Chobani) and I’ve totally caught him raiding my peanut butter stash!
Don’t you just love it when your healthy habits start to rub off on those around you?
What is something you never thought you’d eat but ended up loving it in the end?
I would have to say tofu is high on the list…
who knew how versatile AND tasty it could be!

Now that looks amazing. I’ll be trying this at some point 😀 Tofu for me too! And nutritional yeast. Now I love both if they’re done/used right 😀
Oh yeah, it’s hard to believe the first time I tried nutritional yeast, I thought I was going to spit out the broccoli I sprinkled it on…now I dump mounds of it on half the savory dishes I eat! Lol
looks great!
That sauce sure does look great to dip anything into…even your fingers! Thanks for helping us spread the greek yogurt love, one Chobaniac at a time!
Thanks for stopping by Lindsay…and believe me, it’s my pleasure to spread the love any way I can. Can’t wait until I find some of those new flavors!
That looks gorgeous and has been seriously craving kale chips! I’ve just ordered some extra kale for my veggie box delivery next week will definitely be making some 🙂
It’s actually kinda funny…I picked up that huge bag of kale at the farmer’s market and was steaming it and throwing it in smoothies like crazy so it didn’t go bad on me, then when I’m down to only a few stalks, I decide to make kale chips…now I want MORE!! Lol
YEah, I’m with you on the tofu; never thought a few years ago that I’d love it! I’ve been wanting to try cashew cheese too and this pizza version sounds fab 🙂
And 0.17352 inches is the perfect amount of snow in my book, although 0.0 inches is even better!
Ahhh, a girl after my own heart! 0.0 inches of snow is just the right amount for me too! 😉
You should totally experiment with soaking cashews/making sauces! It’s so versatile…practically impossible to mess up (just go easy on the liquid you add to the recipe…personal experience!)
the closest thing Gingie will come to anything green are the holiday edition m&m’s. 🙂 Props to BB for having an opened mind and an adventurous palate 🙂 you’ve got yourself a winner! (but you already knew that)
Haha, sounds like my dad…although I’m not even sure he would eat the M&M’s! I think the thing I love the most with BB and his open-mindedness about food is that most of the time, he’s just curious about something that I find tasty! 🙂
I love converting my friends/family to healthy foods! Over the break I got my mom and sister hooked on massaged kale salads. I’ve never been more proud of them. 😀
That’s awesome! I just tried my first massaged kale salad in California last summer…I bet my mom would like it too. I’ll have to get her try it sometime. Any suggestions for a dressing for a first timer (non-food blogger <- because you know, we'll eat practically anything! lol)?
I love that Alex is getting into the juicing thing with me. Every Saturday I make us fresh juice and he actually likes it!! I never thought I’d end up liking beets as much as I do… but I absolutely love them now, in roasted and juiced forms! 🙂
Ahh, once I finally decide on my juicer, I am going to the store and buying 5 pounds of beets! I’ve never tried them juiced before, but I LOVE them roasted, so I’m sure it’ll be good…plus, you gotta love that pretty pink color! 😉
Yum–this sounds so freakin flavorful!
I would say I’ve gotten more into fake meat since becoming vegan. I never thought I would since meat has never appealed to me (I’m weird like that), but I’ve learned to love seitan and I recently tried vegan sausage and it wasn’t too shabby!! Who knew?
Mmmm, LOVE seitan…you just reminded me it’s been a while since I’ve had some…that needs to change!
Kale chips for me. I just had to try them and I LOVE them. Max and I are the only ones though. Tony hates them and Jay is afraid of them. I’m glad you had a great weekend. I think we all need a pj day on the weekends!
Scared of them? Haha! I must confess, I had it in my head to make kale chips since I saw you post the batch you and Max devoured…and maybe I only made the cashew sauce because I knew it would taste fan-freakin-tastic on the kale! 😉
I saw this on one of the pictures you posted on instagram and I was SO hoping you’d share the recipe! This sounds delicious!!!
Thanks girlie!
Ahh thanks for the shout out girl! Teachers are a different type.. but I think every career path takes people who are motivated and driven in a certain direction.. including being a CAT scan tech! Machines like that scare me!
I sometimes wish I had a job that didn’t boggle my mind 24/7 … it is impossible not to take the baggage at school home with me…if not through paperwork and paper to correct.. it is through some of the things that I just can’t shake from my mind!
I’ve always looked up to teachers…I know it’s a job that I could never do. I never really thought about it, but it must be so hard to decompress and NOT think about work when you have to bring it home with you all the time. That is one thing about my job that helps balance me out…it may get hard somedays being around sick people all the time, but at least once I clock out at the end of the day, the hospital stays at the hospital.
so many nurses in nyc commuted from brooklyn, so snow meant sick calls. so annoying.
i love that youre rubbing off on BB. i neeed to get smoked paprika. that and liquid smoke have been on my short list for fun ingreds to splurge on. one day…
Haha! Girl, with the cost of the stuff we foodies normally “splurge” on, I think it’s high time you got yourself a bottle of smoked p and liquid smoke…and once you have them, you HAVE to make this BBQ sauce (if you haven’t already) http://kblog.lunchboxbunch.com/2009/07/bbq-sauce-tofutempeh-peaches-smoky.html It has been my go-to recipe for MONTHS!! So good!
That looks sooooo tasty! Loved the IG shots of it 🙂
Ah I’m so scared of tofu! It’s the texture thing that gets me. I do wanna try it someday (hopefully soon) though! I also want to make kale chips soon and these look perfect!! Especially if their boyfriend approved 🙂
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