Good morning, broccoli bites!
I hope everyone is having a wonderful Thursday morning…and if not, well at least we’re halfway to Friday, right? And I can actually be excited right along with you becaaaaaaaause I don’t have to work this weekend! The girls are on fall break so we took the weekend and plan on smothering them in hugs and kisses.
BUT before we head off to go pick up our little beauties, I thought I’d pop in with a “Currently” post and let you guys in on what I’ve been up to for the last thirty days…you know, since I’ve been MIA for umm…twenty-six of them?
Well, first off, I’ve still been rocking the jewels and even coming to the realization that yellow gold? Well you ain’t so bad after all. Sorry I’ve been dissing you for all those years. Also, I’d like to give a big shout out to “Chrome”, my photo filter extraodinaire that made my hair look so ravishing red! 😉
Current Book:
I’ve definitely been flying through some pages lately! From my book haul earlier this month, I’m already on my fourth book. Summer Sisters was amazing…I laughed, I cried, I wanted to punch a fictional character in the face. One Day was just as maddening as the movie which I hadn’t realized I’d already seen until after I started reading. Dogwalker was a mind-blowing…or possibly warping eclectic mix of stories, and finally Warm Bodies is holding up to my expectations and kinda making me fall for a zombie.
Current Music:
RahBERT DEEEElonnnnnng!!
I was in love with him before but after seeing him perform at Loufest and then finally getting my hands on his latest album, I am now obsessed. So much so that my friends and I are driving up to Kentucky next month to see him live again. My favorite song is “Jealousy” isn’t available on the web yet so I’ll leave you with Jason’s favorite. All it takes is 45 seconds…and then he’ll ♫ make you fucking dance! ♫
Current Guilty Pleasure:
I keep thinking that one of these days I’ll grow out of my pumpkin addiction, but I just don’t see that happening any time soon. So kiss my ass, Huffington Post!
Current Entertainment:
Well, other than having my nose in books, Jason and I have been hitting up the Redbox hard over the last week. We’ve seen Mad Max…INcredible, Cinderella…sadly underwhelming (I really wanted Helena Bonham Carter to have a bigger role), and Age of Adaline…so sweet I almost cried.
Current Wish/Needs:
To magically wake up and now all the ins and outs of interior design. I’ve decided this house needs an overhaul in a bad way so what little bit of time I’ve had this month, between movies, books, and time with my loves, I’ve been click, click, clicking away through window treatments, accent tables, wall art, and bedding sets. To make matters worse, I visited a friend the other day who instantly made me jealous with her house that looks like it came out of a West Elm catalog…and she’s only been in it for a few months!
Current Food:
Cheese. Plain and simple. But more so when not so simple like with these mouth-watering nachos that I enjoyed with my friends on the way back from Loufest a few weeks ago. Also, I’ve been whipping up some tasty dips left and right lately. Just hand me a few blocks of cream cheese and watch me go! Lol
Current Drink:
And speaking of pumpkin, I might as well be drinking it too, right? Mark my words, I have found the KING of all pumpkin ales. I tried it at a bar in St. Louis and then lucked up and found it at Publix when we got home. No weird spicy taste that burns your tongue. Nope, this shit tastes like pie!
Current Triumphs:
Helping Jason successfully stack eight bags of mulch, one bag of garden soil, and two bags of daffodil bulbs in Lowe’s garden center, then shoveling 193586 buckets of rock out of the backyard, and planting eight pots of ground cover that has so far made it through the week and remains green!
Current Bane of Existence:
Apple. They just HAD to go and change shit! I was already having enough problems with my laptop and then they had to go and force me to update my IOS, photo library, AND iTunes. I can’t figure out anything! Hence the reason for only popping in four days this month. Grumble.
Current Blogger Crush:
Do you know the muffin man Lindsay? If not, you are definitely missing out. She is…well, she’s pretty much the shit. There, I said it. I’ve known her for a while now – almost as long as I’ve been blogging actually – but a couple of years ago I was lucky enough to meet her in person. She truly is just as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. And? Along with being an ace at anything gluten-free, she has some KILLER food photography! Oh, and let’s just say she has a way with balls. 😉
Current Indulgence:
Arriving to work early just so I can paint my nails in the car! I made sure to squeak out the last few days of summer with my pinks but now I’m moving on to fall neutrals. And HELLO? How about I finally got my nails back?! Just took some patience…and about four coats of polish. 😉
Current Blessing:
I know I’ve gotten pretty gag-worthy sappy on you guys dozens of times already, but I just have to say that Jason is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Not only the way I feel when I’m around him, but how he makes me feel about myself. And how I can make a complete ass of myself and HE’S the one who does the apologizing.
Current Outfit:
In an effort to whip some motivation into my lazy ass, I got on a few days ago and went wild in the workout leggings section. I ended up ordering five pair of some pretty crazy patterns. Three of them fit. While wearing this pair to the gym last night, I struck up a conversation with a girl who is going to buy the other two from me! Score!
Current Excitement:
Everyone, I’d like you to meet Tom…Tom the Toolshed. Jason and I adopted him on Friday of last week and the stork delivery man will be arriving with him tomorrow night! His arrival only precedes more good news, but well, you’ll just have to wait to hear more on that…we only have space for ONE excitement per month. 😉
Current Link:
My new comforter set! <- What do you guys think?
Current Mood:
Are you riding the pumpkin palooza train with me? What goodies have you found?
Anyone want to come over and fix my computer? I’ll pay in food!

It’s Wednesday.
I think?
Yes it is.
Your post got me all excited but alas, I must accept the truth.
But your cute bedspread gave me happy thoughts, so I’ll give up on my half-way to Friday hopes.
Ermagurd! Yep, that’s what I get for staying up WAY too late typing up a post! Sorry girlie!
Apple is annoying. Lindsay is the jam. I still love that ring. Miss your face. The end.
You speak so many truths. Your mama must be so proud. Miss you, doll!
wait? salted caramel is the new thing? Ugh, i can’t keep up. and new iOS sucks. WAHHH!!!
As for you, i love you so. Like ooodles! And i miss you. So do my balls.. err bites?
Bahahaha! Well well well, do I feel like a lucky lady! I miss you too, love!
Definitely joining you on the pumpkin train! I just made Skinnytaste’s pumpkin butter today. Check that recipe OUT! It’s so easy and a delicious result.
I’m always crushing on Lindsay – she is so awesome! 🙂
Those tights are fab – I’m currently wearing black boring ones and getting so sick of them! Haha!
Please eat all the pumpkin things for me, we don’t have anything pumpkin flavoured over here, it’s seen as a savoury only thing, same in the UK! So there’s a reason to eat even more! 😉
I’ve always wondered how that never caught on over there. As rampant as the pumpkin plague is over here, you’d have thought there would have been a pandemic by now. Lol. I’ll do my best to eat for two!
I feel awful for always reading yet never commenting. The blog post made me smile from ear to ear but also has given be a hankering for both nachos & new work out clothes!
Well I’m happy to share in that smile! Love hearing from those lurking around my corner of the internet. Thanks so much for taking the time to comment, Alice! Hope you get you a good dose of cheesy goodness soon…perhaps while you’re out clothes shopping? 😉
Missing you! Hope you blog soon.