Welcome to Kiss My Broccoli
My name is Heather! I'm a southern gal with a passion for food, fitness, and photography...and alliteration if you didn't notice! Here you'll find a mix of random musings, delicious recipes, and hopefully a chuckle or two! Check out my "About' tab to learn more!
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Tag Archives: muffins
National Peanut Butter Day?
So I just found out from Julie of Peanut Butter Fingers that today is National Peanut Butter day! Heck yeah! What’s funny is that I didn’t even have a clue when I had my breakfast this morning! My very first … Continue reading
Posted in Breakfast, Snacks
Tagged apples, hummus, leftovers, muffins, oats, overnight oats, soup
A Touch of Green
How is everyone’s First Weekend of the New Year going? Don’t know about the rest of you, but this past week felt like it was TWO WEEKS long! I was so excited to wake up this morning on my own … Continue reading